
Weather in Gulyaypole, Zaporizhzhya region: air temperature, rainfall, adverse climatic events

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Weather in Gulyaypole, Zaporizhzhya region: air temperature, rainfall, adverse climatic events
Weather in Gulyaypole, Zaporizhzhya region: air temperature, rainfall, adverse climatic events

Almost everyone associates the city of Gulyaypole of the Zaporizhzhya region with the name of the famous rebel and anarchist Nestor Makhno. In this article we will talk about the geographical position of this small town, as well as its main weather and climatic conditions.

Gulyaypole, Zaporizhzhya region: general information about the village

The city of Gulyaypole is located in Ukraine, in the north-eastern part of the Zaporizhzhya region, about a hundred kilometers from Zaporozhye. Today, about 14 thousand people live in it, several enterprises of machine-building and food industries function. In addition, in the vicinity of Gulyaypol there is the richest Kusungur iron ore deposit, the development of which, however, is not being conducted today.

The history of Gulyaypole of Zaporizhzhya region has been going on since the end of the 18th century. In 1770, an outpost was established here to protect the Russian Empire from the raids of the Crimean Tatars from the south. The first inhabitants of the town were mainly engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture, trade was actively developing.

The most famous native of Gulyaypol, without a doubt, is Nestor Ivanovich Makhno. It was here that in 1917-1921 was the "heart" of his revolutionary rebel army. In those rebellious years, he fought against everyone: the “Reds, ” “Whites, ” etc., while managing to control vast territories in southeastern Ukraine. By the beginning of 1919, the number of his "free" army reached about 50 thousand people.


In addition to Nestor Makhno, the following prominent personalities were born in Gulyaypol, Zaporizhzhya region:

  • Yuri Plyasovitsa - architect and publicist, in Soviet times, held the position of chief architect of the city of Rybnitsa of the Moldavian SSR.
  • Mikhail Tardov is a Soviet writer, screenwriter and playwright.
  • Leonid Yukhvid is a Soviet playwright, author of the script for the feature film “Wedding in Robin”.

Weather and climatic features of Gulyaypol

The climate in the city and its immediate surroundings is moderately continental and very arid. Summer here is quite hot and dry, and winters are light snowy and cold. The average temperature in July ranges from +22 to +24 degrees, in January - from 4 to 5 degrees below zero.


The average annual rainfall is approximately 350-400 millimeters. Most of them fall in the summer in the form of torrential rains. The number of sunny days in a year is 220-230. In late spring, Gulyaypole often suffers from dry winds and dust storms.

Monthly weather in Gulyaypole

In Gulyaypole, Zaporizhzhya region, the weather is largely determined by the presence of certain air masses. So, in January-February, northeast winds bring here cooling and severe frosts from Siberia and the Arctic region. In turn, winter thaws are associated with moist and warm air masses penetrating from the Atlantic. In summer, dry and hot weather, which is determined by air flows from Central and South-West Asia, is often set over Gulyaypol.

The exact weather forecast for Gulyaypol Zaporizhzhya region (for one day, three days, a week or a month) can be viewed at this link:

January in Gulyaypole is the coldest month of the year. Short periods of thaws (no more than 3-4 days) alternate with frosty days. February is slightly warmer than January, but the weather pattern this month is not much different from the previous one. Spring in Gulyaypole comes in March, however, stable plus temperatures are set only in the twenties of this month. April and May are quite dry and sunny. Thunderstorms are not uncommon in the last ten days of spring.


July is the hottest month of summer in Gulyaipol, and June is the rainiest. In summer, the air temperature often rises from +30 to +35 degrees, and sometimes even higher. Sometimes hot weather lasts until mid-September. In the second half of October, prolonged rains and fogs are frequent, the number of sunny days is significantly reduced. November is the most gloomy month of the year, at which time the first night frosts occur. In the second half of December in Gulyaypole, as a rule, a full winter comes.