
Search for the national idea of ​​Russia. New national idea of ​​Russia

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Search for the national idea of ​​Russia. New national idea of ​​Russia
Search for the national idea of ​​Russia. New national idea of ​​Russia

Video: Generation Putin | DW Documentary 2024, June

Video: Generation Putin | DW Documentary 2024, June

From time to time, philosophical conversations and throwings begin in our country. People are trying to decide on a national idea. Surely you heard about it. Only first you need to understand, and what is the national idea of ​​Russia? This is such an important and voluminous concept as the territory of a country. And for her survival she is simply necessary. After all, the unprincipled people lose their ability to resist. Togo and look, the conquerors will flood. And we can’t resist, we’ll lie down under the next Hitler. And now it is not so simple.

A bit of history

In fact, the national idea of ​​Russia has always been the focus of attention of philosophers and statesmen.


They made efforts to formulate it and prove the necessity of existence. For example, Vladimir Solovyov, a famous Russian philosopher, said back in the nineteenth century: "The national idea of ​​Russia is not what people think of themselves, but how the Lord perceives it." At that time, many tried to realize what kind of power unites such different nations. On the one hand, it was surprising. After all, there are not so many countries in the world that can boast of the normal coexistence of so many nations on their territory. And they, if you look at the statistical reports, as many as one hundred and ninety-two. On the other hand, the enemies of Russia are also thinking about how such different people live together. Is there that same gap that will help split the people. And after all they tried, but it didn’t work out.

Back to the story

Knowledgeable people say that all these “philosophical studies” on the “national idea of ​​Russia” were just a way to justify the behavior of the leadership. For example, Count Uvarov’s formula sounded like this: "autocracy, Orthodoxy, nationality." But was this triad "taken for life" only all the citizens of a great country? We will not begin to talk about the moral qualities of her parent, who had a non-traditional orientation. It cannot be said that the search for the national idea of ​​Russia began only in the nineteenth century. The first known formula was: "Moscow is the third Rome." That is, they tried to appoint Russia the leader of the entire planet.


Only the people were not inspired by this idea. Why die in the wars conceived by the rulers in order to prove their greatness, if you can live peacefully on your land? And the idea, not picked up by the people, national cannot be a priori.

Why is it needed?

A question that worries many. Specialists "spears break", trying to formulate the very idea that can penetrate into every heart. But you should start with goal setting. To find a formula, you need to understand why it is needed. This, so to speak, is a scientific approach. For example, if you read the security doctrine, it will immediately become clear that the national idea of ​​modern Russia is simply necessary. In this document, adopted at the highest level, so many threats are considered that they can be dealt with only "by the whole world." And it should be created. That is, it is necessary to consolidate, unite the people. Again we come to the national idea. By the way, many of those who tried to formulate it talked about this. The national idea of ​​Russia consists in collegiality and cooperation. This, by the way, became clear to ordinary people during the time of Minin and Pozharsky. Then people were able to drive out the enemy, uniting, forgetting about estate and material differences. What is not your national idea? Indeed, in history there have been many episodes proving that the unification, joint activity of people helps Russia to survive (and not only).


Once again about security

There is such a well-known fact. Only five percent of the world's population lives in Russia. And they own a tenth of all explored natural resources. You need to look really at what is happening. Many do not like it. At the UN and at other sites, an opinion is expressed about the injustice of this state of affairs. Like, the Russians can’t do anything. Why is it they got so much wealth? Need to redo it. Do you think such talk is a threat to the existence of the state? Of course! Therefore, the new national idea of ​​Russia should contain such thoughts that it will allow people to calmly and boldly look into the eyes of "sharks" who want to "redistribute" wealth. The people must understand why they own such a beautiful territory and want to protect it.

National idea and state

Specialists who deeply study the topic say that it is very ambiguous. The fact is that with the help of this idea, artificially created, by the way, the rulers tried to enslave their people. That is, it is needed in order to persuade and guide people, without taking into account their own interests. Maybe it is. Only not Russian.


Everyone knows a joke in which the conquerors ask who this Motherland is. Indeed, at critical moments, Russians are not fighting for the state. They take up arms and kill for birches and fields, for forests and rivers. For what is called the Fatherland, our country. Perhaps that is why liberal ideas have not taken root in these open spaces. It is said that the Russian genetic code prevented this.

Liberalism and the National Idea

When the USSR rested in the depths of history, attempts were made to introduce into society thoughts about the primacy of its own material well-being. This is not to say that no one responded to them. After all, people want to live well, eat sweet, buy beautiful things and so on. Just did not become liberal ideas dominant in society. We could not overcome the "genetic code". This became clear during the Ukrainian crisis. No matter how many people try to convince them that their power is not good, it makes the wrong decisions, but “things are still there.” The president’s rating does not decrease, despite the sanctions and rising prices. The idea of ​​a "sense of the elbow" is in the blood of the people. We are strong when together. No one has understood where to stick liberalism here.


President and national idea of ​​Russia

Putin V.V., as a true leader, also touched on this topic in his speeches. Let's be honest: he knows much better what threatens the people. He just gets more information. At a meeting of the Valdai Club, he did not just talk about the national idea. He called on all thinking, caring people to take part in its formation. At the same time, he is unequivocally confident that it is impossible to “turn back the clock”, that is, to revive the monarchist or Soviet ideology. They have already outlived their own. The president also emphasized the inferiority of ultra-liberalism to the Russian society. He does not take root with us, no matter how this someone would like. He spoke about the same in Crimea. We must already forget the old feuds between the “white” and “red”. The world is changing, it is time for Russia to take its place in it, not only politically, but also spiritually.


Crimea is ours!

For many, the events associated with the peninsula have become a kind of "reference point". Experts began to start talking that the national idea of ​​Russia (2014) was found. It was formulated briefly: “We don’t leave our own.” Russian people live in Crimea. They found themselves in a threatening situation. They needed to be saved. For Russians, as they say, there can be no two answers to such a situation. Since people are threatened, therefore, they must be protected. Only the thought of “do not abandon our own people” cannot be a complete national idea. This is just a piece of it. Although the idea is very true, received evidence of its viability in historical retrospective.