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Attempt on the holy? Beethoven's tenth symphony will be added by artificial intelligence

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Attempt on the holy? Beethoven's tenth symphony will be added by artificial intelligence
Attempt on the holy? Beethoven's tenth symphony will be added by artificial intelligence

Video: Ludwig, the Holy Blade's theme extended with Artificial Intelligence 2024, June

Video: Ludwig, the Holy Blade's theme extended with Artificial Intelligence 2024, June

Ludwig van Beethoven received special fame for his nine symphonies. The latter is the Ode to Joy and ends on a high note. But in parallel with its creation, the composer worked on the following work. However, death made adjustments to the plans of the creator.

Pianist's reasoning

In 1969, the film "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" was released. Its main character delighted the audience with an amazing piano playing. I especially remember his performance of the second part of the sonata in the key in C minor (Cm).

In the film "Play Again", released in 1971, the same character performs other classic works. This way he makes a living. And he calls the game of beautiful music art.

The famous musicologist Schroeder van Beethoven strongly disagrees with this position. He considers art to be written by legendary composers. They are priceless and indispensable.

Completion dilemma

Schroeder has been specializing in Beethoven’s works all his life and can play any of them except the mysterious tenth symphony. This is not his fault, just the work is incomplete.

The last full symphony (ninth), according to Schroeder, was to put an end to all symphonies. And it ends with a profuse movement and a high note. But it turns out that this was not the climax.

In 1827, the great composer passed away and did not have time to complete the new symphony.


But fragments of sheet music and drafts were discovered. Based on this material, it is possible to complete Symphony No. 10.

The dilemma is different: who dares to take such a decisive step, and are there geniuses today comparable to Beethoven? A solution was found by scientists who decided to put such a burden on artificial intelligence. He will continue the creation from the place where the composer stopped.