
Political Dictionary of Ukraine: who are the Maidanites?

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Political Dictionary of Ukraine: who are the Maidanites?
Political Dictionary of Ukraine: who are the Maidanites?

Video: Hal Lindsey ❖ Dispensationalism Part 3 2024, June

Video: Hal Lindsey ❖ Dispensationalism Part 3 2024, June

Who are Maidanites? Who is called this new word? How do they differ from the people or existing political forces? Let's get it right.

What's happened

To begin to understand who Maidanites are, it is necessary to study events. What did people want? Why did you come to the Maidan? And the following happened. Power firmly


They promised the people to adhere to the course on European integration. Naturally, the advantages of this direction were painted in the most rainbow colors. Then it suddenly became clear that this course is not so beneficial to Ukraine. The authorities decided to make a rapid turn one hundred eighty degrees in the direction of Russia. This people did not like. He began to be drawn to the place that historically secured the role of a "shelter of peaceful protests" - Independence Square. There was only one requirement - to return to the previous course. By the landmark date - November 30 - it became clear that the authorities were not going to listen to the voice of the people: the agreement was not signed. The meaning of the protests was lost, about a hundred young people remained on the square. And then there was an unexpected turn. This small group of peaceful guys decided to roughly "clean up". An armed attack on defenseless people produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The protests took on a different meaning.

What do the Maidan people want


The dispersal of the people was just in time to breathe new meanings into the protesters. But rather, he proved to them that there is no longer any strength to endure the current authorities. All those who hate corruption, lawlessness and arrogance of the old regime began to gather on the Maidan. And there were a lot of reasons for the reign of Yanukovych. And the unsolved problems of local government, and squeezing people out of business, and an implacable attitude to dissent. All this was implicitly accumulating among the people. An armed attack on a handful of students served as a wick, sparking a riot. The Maydanovites, who began their speeches quite peacefully, demanding European integration, gradually formulated other goals. It became obvious that people are not satisfied not only with the external, but with any policy of the current government. The participants began to put forward clear demands for a change in the country's leadership: early presidential elections, the resignation of the government.

Composition of protesters

I must say that the uniformity of the Maydanians was observed only at the very beginning of the speeches. Over time, separate streams and groups began to separate from the total mass. So, who are Maidanites? Who is going to the square? The largest group is considered to be youth. These are people who grew up in Independence, absorbed its ideals. He inspired the course towards Europe from the cradle. They don’t see their life differently. This is a progressive, patriotic youth, mainly from the western and central regions. These people are not on the Maidan for money - for the idea. The next group is representatives of the older generation. They came to protest for the second time. The disappointment with the results of the “orange” revolution, the armed dispersal of peaceful protests caused righteous indignation in this category of citizens. They came to defend their freedom. Another thing is nationalists. This is the ideological basis of the Maidan. They inspire and customize everyone else. Their position: if not me, then who? Such Maidanites joined the ranks of the Right Sector, preventing the protests from fading once again, when the authorities complied with all their requirements.
