
Helping - do not fall into the hands of scammers

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Helping - do not fall into the hands of scammers
Helping - do not fall into the hands of scammers

Video: We Shutdown a Scam Call Centre in India! 2024, July

Video: We Shutdown a Scam Call Centre in India! 2024, July

As often happens, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Of course, this is just a phrase, but what does it mean in our time? Helping, you can "get involved" in very unpleasant situations. Let's talk about the most common cases when we cannot refuse to help strangers.

“Keep an eye on the bag”

So, you are sitting at the station, in the post office; go about your business on the street, or stand in line at the store. You are asked to look after the bag with the words: “Oh, I’ve taken it for five minutes - I’ve taken my stomach (there are many options: I forgot to take something, now I’ll come, etc.). The first reaction of a man brought up: "Yes, of course!" But here, not everything looks the way you thought at the first minute, believing a stranger / stranger. If you are lucky, then really a person will return, take a bag and thank you. And if this person is a con man? Here, this story can turn into this: a stranger returns, starts looking for something in his bag, and demonstratively, and supposedly “discovers” the loss of valuable things (wallet, laptop, smartphone, etc.). Of course, you say that you didn’t touch anything, but the stranger confidently accuses you, says that he will call the police, and at that moment “his friends” come up - witnesses who “saw everything” and condemn you. You are shocked, of course. You are offered to return the money or the equivalent of the loss.

What to do?

First, never help anyone in such a situation. You are not Nostradamus to know how the "granny", "the man / woman are decent in appearance, " who may ask to keep an eye on things, will behave. Secondly, if you are in a similar situation - call the police, call for help, attract attention. Know, you are innocent. Any video recording will show this, especially since fraudsters work in crowded places, where there are often surveillance cameras. Thirdly, do not give money in exchange for their requirements. See point two - call the police. Spend time, but don’t waste money on scammers. You can also photograph them and record the telephone numbers of the witnesses who were nearby. Just in case.

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"Crying baby"

Another common variation of fraud. So, on the street a child of 6-13 years old cries excitedly. You, as a well-mannered, kind, attentive person, etc., cannot leave a minor in this condition. What if suddenly lost? Now, you are already running to the child, asking what happened. And he, naturally, sobbing, explains that he got lost, but you can help if you give him a ride by taking him in a taxi (the child knows the address by heart, but for some reason the parent's phone number is not). You're good, remember? So, take the child in a taxi, which “accidentally” turned out to be nearby and at that moment the “parents” of this little man run up, shouting that you are a rapist, pedophile, and so on. Yes Yes. And there they begin to “rock you”: now we will call the police, we have a video (in fact, no, but if there is, then it is clear that you are not guilty). You are scared, because the scheme is thought out, and the scammers are excellent psychologists, you start to beg to let you go. And there they already begin to "unexpectedly" offer you to compensate the moral damage to the child and parents with money. Amounts vary: from 5, 000 to 100, 000 rubles. To whom as "lucky."

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What to do?

Firstly, if you saw a crying child - do not come immediately, it is better to call the police without leaving the child more than 10-20 meters. Or look for the nearest point of law enforcement. Secondly, if everything has already gone so far, call the police, call out loud for help, just don’t follow the criminals. The truth is on your side, more confidence and determination, and you can scare away scammers and prove your innocence in case of anything.


"Pull out the card, good man."

Standard situation: a person of age cannot withdraw money from a bank card while standing at an ATM. Grandmother, or grandfather, or middle-aged people can easily move away from the monetary device, "forgetting the card." You can shout a person, saying about the forgotten plastic, which you are asked to pull out and pass the card. You, without suspecting anything, take out the card from the ATM and give it to the owner. And here the whole performance can begin! Suddenly, this "owner" begins to make a complaint: "There was more money! I got SMS! Where are you doing them? You held her last, and there the transaction was not completed, and you withdrew all the money! ” And you? You, of course, are in shock. Suddenly, “witnesses” appear from nowhere, who supposedly saw everything. The owner calls the missing amount, and you are again in shock. Great pressure is being exerted on you, and you are ready to give everything, at least a lot, if only they would not write (supposedly) a statement to you.