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Proverbs about their native land, about their small homeland

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Proverbs about their native land, about their small homeland
Proverbs about their native land, about their small homeland

Video: Mahatma Gandhi Top 25 Quotes which will influence your life | Inspirational & Motivational Quotes 2024, June

Video: Mahatma Gandhi Top 25 Quotes which will influence your life | Inspirational & Motivational Quotes 2024, June

Everyone loves their small homeland, because so many bright memories are associated with it. The father's house, which smells of pastries, reigns in an atmosphere of goodness, comfort and love, always uplifting when you go there. But even if you haven’t been home for a long time, you still have the opportunity to walk along the familiar streets and visit friends. People have felt warm feelings for their home for a long time, so today there are many proverbs and winged expressions about the native land. We’ll talk about them today.

Why does the native land play such an important role in life?

In his hometown, a person grows, makes first friends, goes to kindergarten and school. All important events that are associated with the growth and formation of personality occur in the walls of your home or school. That is why a person has such an attachment to a small homeland. If a teenager, having graduated from school, enters an institute in another city and remains to live there after studies, this does not mean that a small homeland in his soul began to take up less space.


Often, people in pursuit of success, money and luxury change their small, cozy cities to megacities. This is not to say that this is bad, because it has always been so. Neither time nor distance can destroy a warm attachment to one's native place. People who, by the will of fate or of their own free will, cannot often visit their father’s home, live in the hope of a speedy date. Folklore is rich in proverbs about the native land. Which of them are most common?

The most popular proverbs about the native land

People unconsciously use idioms, sayings and proverbs in speech. Popular sayings about a small homeland can be heard often. Here are the top most popular proverbs about the native land:

  1. One person has a mother, one has his motherland.

  2. Homeland - paradise for the heart.

  3. There is no son without a fatherland.

  4. And the speck of dust of their native land is gold.

  5. In your home, walls help.

These proverbs were not taken out of the context of a work. Folk wisdom is collected in these phrases. In Russia, like nowhere else, a sense of love for the native land and for one’s own home is developed.


Indeed, many Europeans do not have their own apartments, they rent them, and if necessary, they can easily change. We have a different mentality. Our compatriots love the walls of their home incredibly, and leave them only in case of emergency.

Proverb: Homeland - Paradise for the Heart

In our country, any adult has an affection for his homeland. This trend has been going on for many centuries. Famous writers, poets and artists have always sought inspiration not in Russian nature as a whole, but in their native land. They say that here the sun shines brighter and the air is cleaner.

Homeland - paradise for the heart, this saying is memorized in childhood. We have already said a lot that a person has warm feelings for his homeland. But it may be due to the fact that in our language there are so many proverbs about the native land, people learn from childhood to respect this place. Indeed, the power of suggestion is a powerful thing. Especially if you start to impose this or that thought from infancy.


One way or another, our compatriots love their homeland, it is here that a person finds solitude and tranquility. Perhaps that is why the proverb uses the allegory of paradise.

Proverb: one person has a mother, one has one homeland

Since ancient times, parents have been revered in Russia. Mom was especially appreciated, because she gives birth, brings up, cares for children and always wishes them happiness. Replace this person is impossible by anyone. So it is with the homeland. If you were born not in a large city, but in a small village, she will accept you and will educate you. Nature will allow you to climb trees, will not mind that you could pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, catch fish in the river. A big city can give a child a lot of impressions of a different nature: museums, theaters, cinema - all this is part of his small homeland.


But no matter what the native land, a man will still have one, like his mother. Proverbs about the native land always warm the soul, evoke the best memories.

Proverb analogs in other languages

Our country values ​​the native land, but how are things in other countries? Well, actually, where how. There are peoples in whose language there are proverbs about the homeland and native land, and there are those in which there are not. Here, for example, in England and America about the motherland of the proverb you will rarely come across. And the Tatars in their folklore mention the motherland many times. Some of the most popular proverbs in free translation:

  1. Praise the stranger, live in your homeland.

  2. He who has a homeland has a language.

  3. Mother is alone, and Motherland is alone.

The same is the case in the Bashkir language. Here they love and honor their homeland. This is how these feelings found expression in folk art:

  1. The native side is the cradle, the alien side is the holey trough.

  2. You value the knowledge of the country - you lose your head, you do not value the knowledge of the land - you lose the future.