the culture

Proverbs about the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter

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Proverbs about the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter
Proverbs about the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter

Video: Why we call the Seasons Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring 2024, July

Video: Why we call the Seasons Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring 2024, July

Proverbs about the seasons are an integral part of Russian folklore. This is due to the fact that our ancestors loved to observe the changes that came with the change of seasons. And the knowledge gained in this process, they sought to pass on to their descendants.

Thanks to this, many works of folklore have reached us. In particular, and proverbs related to the seasons and months. Unfortunately, it is impossible to put them all together, as this will require spending a lifetime. However, the most interesting and beautiful is still worth mentioning.

The coming of spring

In our ancestors, spring was considered the beginning of the year, since it was during this period that all nature came to life again after a winter sleep. That is why our proverbs and sayings about the seasons begin with such a beautiful season.


  • In March, the frost is still creaking, but not so hot.

  • March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

  • Spring is a new day red.

  • Spring has the keys to world water.

  • Rook on a tree, spring in business.

  • You will miss the spring day - you will make up for the year.

  • In the spring of the night he turns the tree into a tree.

  • Rain in the midst of May raises bread to the sky.

  • Sometimes it may boast of frost.

  • Mother Spring will give everyone warmth.

  • Quick spring - wait for the flood.

  • Spring has come - the peasants have no time for sleep.

  • If May is cold, then the year will be fertile.

  • In the spring of three fine days - a rarity.

Grace of summer

What could be better than heat and sunlight? Perhaps that is why the Slavs so often mentioned summer in their creations. At the same time, they not only praised the hot season, but also observed how nature behaves in a given period. Let's look at those proverbs about the seasons that most accurately describe the summer.


  • There are no summers twice a year.

  • If the grass has bloomed, then it's time to call the mowers.

  • A summer day will be able to feed the year.

  • If a thunderstorm often strikes, the hay will be to the top.

  • Nobody has bored living in the summer yet.

  • A summer day is like a winter week.

  • For the peasant, the summer is replacing the father and mother.

  • In the summer, any bush can become a home.

  • It’s not glanders that feed the man, but summer work.

  • Only those fields are happy that summer rains are seen.

  • Every summer day has its own worries.

  • Whatever you collect in the field in summer, you will put it on the table in winter.

It's time for velvet and gold

There are various proverbs about the seasons, but the most colorful are those that describe autumn. After all, it was during this period that nature changed its usual outfit to a golden robe. And such beauty could not be missed, and therefore it was immortalized in the creations of folklore.


  • In September, fire is in the field and in the hut.

  • Spring is beautiful with flowers, and autumn with crimson leaves.

  • Autumn rain sows finely, but for a long time spreads.

  • Autumn feast at a sparrow family.

  • Autumn has come - now there are eight changes every day.

  • September smells like apples, and October fresh cabbage.

  • Wet September, well fed.

  • If the gray morning, then wait for the red day.

  • In October, the strongest leaf for the tree will not hold.

  • In September, the last berry, and that mountain ash.

  • In November, you can’t drive a cart or a sled.