
Fires in Buryatia. Extinguishing a fire. Effects

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Fires in Buryatia. Extinguishing a fire. Effects
Fires in Buryatia. Extinguishing a fire. Effects

Video: Russian: Military aircraft take off from Krasnoyarsk to fight Siberia forest fires 2024, July

Video: Russian: Military aircraft take off from Krasnoyarsk to fight Siberia forest fires 2024, July

For several centuries now, man has considered himself the master of nature. But the planet with every cataclysm assures arrogant people that their forces are still unequal. One of the events where the equipment turned out to be powerless is the fires in Buryatia.

Land of cold and wind

In the center of Asia is one of the most beautiful republics of the Russian Federation. The distance from the center of the region, Ulan-Ude, to the capital is more than 5500 km. Most of Buryatia is covered with mountain ranges. The climate is sharply continental. Winter is dry and characterized by severe frosts. Most snow falls in November and December. The following months are poor in precipitation.


Spring is moderate. Strong northwest winds are inherent in this season. At this time, rains in this area are rare. Moisture almost evaporates from the ground, and the soil becomes dry. This was one of the reasons why the fires in Buryatia acquired such proportions.

In summer, the air temperature rises to 24 degrees. The nights are cool. Precipitation falls at the end of July-August.

The region is rich in forests. They make up 83% of the territory of the republic. Timber removal from the taiga each year brings enormous amounts to the country.

Land of danger

Siberia is one of the regions of Russia that constantly suffers from natural disasters. In 2013, the Kemerovo region was severely affected by the earthquake. In 2014, people escaped from flooding. The spring of 2015 will be remembered by a terrible flame and clouds of smoke.

But if it is difficult to predict an earthquake, then fire and water are seasonal phenomena, and it is possible to prepare for such a disaster. But power was powerless in the whirlwind of these events.

Forest fires in Buryatia are an annual phenomenon. Moreover, official statistics show that every season nature suffers from 10 to 40, 000 ignitions. The fire area can be up to 3 million hectares. Losses are measured in colossal amounts.

On the eve of the tragedy, Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov, as always, warned that burning dry grass could lead to fire. Experts also found that the cause of the annual "red cocks" is most often the human factor.


Step to trouble

Peasants burn dry stubble so that young grass grows better. But often the flame gets out of the control of man. The situation is critical and the wind that carries the "orange dragon" to other areas. The fires in Buryatia, according to the official version, arose due to the negligence of the district residents.

The tragedy started in the Republic of Khakassia. Small fire sections on the night of April 12-13 turned into hell. The wind carried the misfortune. The next day, Transbaikalia was already burning. Minor fires in the territory of this district were recorded in March. But such a fire was not a threat.

On April 13, the situation escalated. Overnight, the phenomenon became critical. On the eve of the territory of the burning sectors was about 3 hectares. And only in one day, with the assistance of the weather, the fire occupied a new area. For three days, the "red rooster" dominated a stretch of 100, 000 hectares wide.

April 15, forest fires began in Buryatia. Misfortune required the intervention of neighboring republics.


Opinion of power

Then the head of the region Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn announced the alarm of the highest level. But along with the order to eliminate the fire, he also added that today the main task is to prevent the setting fire to the new territory. Among the causes of fire considered deliberate action.

But the head of the Ministry of Emergencies accused local authorities and ordinary firefighters of a large-scale tragedy. He stated that the management ignored the first outbursts because it was preparing for a vacation or was already on vacation at that time. Frivolous attitude led to the fact that a slight fire spread to the woods.

The area of ​​fires in Buryatia on April 16 reached 1.4 thousand hectares. Contributed to the deterioration of the situation and environmental conditions. Arid and hot summers without rains, but with thunder and lightning lit up more and more new zones.

Emergency mode

In June, an emergency regime was introduced in the region. Thus, the authorities said they did not have enough strength to deal with the disaster. Residents of the region were strictly forbidden to enter the forest. The unstoppable fire burned everything in its path for several months.

About a thousand people were sent to extinguish fires in Buryatia. Fighting with dashing and rescue paratroopers. Worked in the region and modern technology in the amount of 200 units.

Immediately found the culprits of the tragedy. 10 criminal cases were instituted against residents of the republic on the basis of negligence and negligence. Many executives were fired for negligence.

Nevertheless, local residents say they were waiting for hard work from the rescuers. Most of the villages that reached the fire burned to the ground due to the fact that the Ministry of Emergency Situations was inactive. Cars were empty, and workers were non-initiative.


Uneven victory

Some areas of fires in Buryatia for a long time were ignored by the leadership. The residents had the impression that the authorities were waiting for the fire itself to die down.

Every day somewhere burned to the ground at home. The victims were evacuated to schools. There they were waiting for food, sleeping places and first financial aid.

Items that rescuers defended also suffered from disaster. Smoke fog lay on the ground, flooded the streets of cities. It became hard for people to breathe. Twilight found on the city. Authorities handed out masks for free. But thin tissue did not save much from poisonous smog.

The trees were burnt, the roots ceased to hold the soil. Sandstorms began. It is impossible to hide from dust. Experts say that it takes at least ten years for the earth to strengthen again.

On September 11, the Ministry of Emergency Situations testified that one large area of ​​flame and about ten localized parts were recorded in the region.

They removed the emergency mode only in September. Then significant fires in Buryatia were extinguished, and the flame raged only in certain parts of the forest.

Now homeless people are waiting for recovery. The new houses were promised to them by the state in the near future. In addition, victims of fire are constantly paid compensation.
