
Old age - how many years? Features of the elderly

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Old age - how many years? Features of the elderly
Old age - how many years? Features of the elderly

Video: Age & Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36 2024, June

Video: Age & Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36 2024, June

When does a person begin to be called elderly? Everyone has their own point of view on this subject. Someone will say, with retirement or with the advent of grandchildren. However, there are special medical standards by which a person’s life is divided into several time periods. One of them is called old age, which is characterized by a number of features and changes in the human body: well-being, mood, character. So, old age - how many years does it start?

When does old age begin?

Age is a relative concept. If one hundred - two hundred years ago, fifty years old were considered old people, today these frameworks and standards are shifting significantly. People begin to live longer, later marry and have children, retire. And after seventy, many lead a surprisingly active lifestyle: play sports, travel. Therefore, there is a dispute about old age - how many years does it start?


In order not to get confused, you can use the classification developed by the World Health Organization. According to the latter, youth lasts from 25 to 44 years, maturity lasts from 45 to 60, and old age lasts from 60 to 75. Then comes old age (up to 90). Those over 90 are considered long-livers. The elderly woman begins a little earlier - at 55 years old. And it lasts, as for men, up to 75. In this case, one should not confuse old age with retirement age. It differs significantly in different countries.

So, having determined how many years old age is considered, one can consider its main features and manifestations.

Aging process

As you know, a person goes through many stages of his life, moving from one boundary to another. One of them inevitably becomes aging. And no matter how much one wants to stay young longer, with age, changes in the body accompany this process. However, they relate not only to physiology.

These changes are also a psychological and social phenomenon. Indeed, on the way from youth to old age, the character of a person and his role in life are changing. All this together and accompanies the onset of old age.


Physiological changes

The first thing that old age bears in itself, from how many years it may be considered, is the inevitable changes in well-being and appearance. The structure of the skin and hair worsens, wrinkles appear. In men, baldness begins. Many have the problem of being overweight or, conversely, losing it. This is due to changes in metabolism and a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Persons of advanced and senile age are more susceptible to various diseases. This is due, first of all, to a decrease in immunity, as well as the insufficient efficiency of the organs and systems of the body, and hence its vulnerability. First of all, the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, lungs and brain suffer. Therefore, in old age, diseases such as angina pectoris, hypertension, and chronic pyelonephritis begin to occur.

Change of social roles

The onset of old age is associated with significant changes in various areas of life. One of them is a family. Children grow up and start their relationship, so over the years their parents become grandparents.

The situation in society is changing. And both men and women get used to it with difficulty. The age of an elderly person in Russia coincides with the retirement age, which means that another social role is changing. Leaving work is becoming a factor that entails important social consequences. First of all, the circle of communication is changing.


If at first a person maintains previous contacts with colleagues, then gradually they weaken and are replaced by relations within the family and with other pensioners. In addition, a narrowing of the circle of interests is often observed. A person gradually loses touch with the previous type of activity. And over time, interests come down to everyday and medical topics.

Retirement also carries the danger that a person may feel unnecessary, worthless, which can lead to self-isolation. It is good if relatives and friends support the pensioner at this difficult moment. They should convince the person that he is needed and loved.


Psychological state

There are also specific psychological features of the elderly. In many ways, they are associated with the physiological and social problems described above. A person begins to feel less strong, vigorous, mobile, memory and attention are reduced. Well-being is deteriorating, and this cannot but affect mood and psychology.

In addition, as psychologists note, with age, a person's ability to control his reactions weakens. Therefore, existing negative character traits become more noticeable: irritability, stubbornness, self-centeredness.


Old age benefits

On the other hand, old age, no matter how many years it starts, brings with it positive changes. A person becomes more wise, tolerant. The attitude towards the world and oneself is noticeably changing. Judgment and calm come, the value of life increases. A person begins to pay less attention to his appearance, and more to his internal state and well-being.

They are more likely to listen to older people, because an elderly person is one who has “lived”, which means he has gained intelligence and experience. Therefore, old age has not only problems, but also advantages. It is only important to learn how to notice them.
