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Good manners for women. Modern etiquette

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Good manners for women. Modern etiquette
Good manners for women. Modern etiquette

Video: The 15 Main Rules of Modern Etiquette 2024, July

Video: The 15 Main Rules of Modern Etiquette 2024, July

Parents make a lot of efforts to raise worthy daughters. Most of the rules of etiquette learned by ladies from an early age. You can’t speak loudly in a public place, slurp at the table, interrupt the elders in conversation.

But good manners for women include other bans.


Our clothes

Jeans are a fashionable and very comfortable thing. They can go to work (if the dress code allows), to visit or a movie. But if a lady is going to the theater, then she should not wear jeans. Although the fashion of our time dictates its own rules, the rules of good form for women are always appropriate to observe. Jeans in the theater look about the same as an evening dress, combined with home slippers.

Speaking of slippers: on the streets of large cities, especially in the warm season, you can see girls and women in skirts and sneakers. Maybe this is fashionable, but completely inappropriate by the rules of good form. Sneakers can only be worn with a skirt in one case: if it is jeans.

We invite you to visit

Modern etiquette is not very different from the classic, keeping a good tone is always in fashion. This also applies to visiting guests, as well as receiving guests. Let's remember the basic rules related to the organization of the holiday:

  1. Guests are invited in advance. If you notify about the admission one week before the planned date, this would be an ideal option. People will be able to prepare for the visit.
  2. Is there a divorced couple among those invited? Do not invite both of them without notifying the former “second half” of your intention. A ridiculous situation may arise when one of the spouses leaves, slamming the door, seeing the other.
  3. When guests bring refreshments to the festive table, do not hide it in the refrigerator. All sweets and drinks are put on the table, regardless of the number of dishes already present on it.
  4. Festive vanity is a nervous and troublesome occupation. By laying the table, you can get nervous and break loose on your own spouse or children. But at a party, put off the showdown. Extremely bad form - continue to curse at the table.
  5. If there are people in your friends circle who have health problems, and you know about it, check about the dishes that they are allowed. Often, diseases are associated with food restriction, so prepare separate meals for these guests.

Visiting Rules

The ability to greet properly is one of the elements of good behavior at a party. If you are invited to the company and appeared already when the bulk of the people gathered, going into the room, say hello first. Sometimes women, especially leaders, wait for greetings from those gathered. But according to the rules of good form, the first person to greet the first person, regardless of her status.

If you fast, then delicately tell the hostess about it in advance. But if you follow a diet, you will have to be content with what is on the holiday table. Diet is not a reason to demand a separate meal for yourself.

Grab something on the table. It can be a bottle of champagne or wine, fruits, sweets. Give it back to the hostess. She will independently decide when to put on the table a present.

Strictly monitor your alcohol intake. Good manners for women do not allow overdoing with strong drinks. Who wants to see a drunk person and listen to his conversations?

After the feast, offer your help to the hostess. It’s not so hard to remove from the table or wash the dishes. But if she refuses, do not persist.

It’s not worth staying up late, it’s better to leave earlier than the owners.


Behavior in a male company

The time has passed when a woman did not have the right to vote. Now the fair sex is building a career, they have some male skills and are quite capable of living independently, not counting on the opposite sex. But no one has canceled the rules of etiquette, and if a man hands you a coat, holds the door at the entrance, kisses his hand gallantly, then do not be indignant and declare your feminism.

As well as one should not expect too much from a man. For example, he doesn’t have to carry a woman’s bag at all, if it’s not a shopping bag full of groceries.

A bit about kisses

A new tradition has come to us from the West - to kiss at meetings. It is especially popular among young people. A welcome kiss on the cheek looks pretty sweet. But about kisses, by the rules of good manners for women, you need to know something. For example, when they are appropriate and in what form.

  1. If you have a colleague, a treating doctor, a child’s teacher and another person with whom business relationships, kisses look completely inappropriate. You can shake hands, say hello verbally, but not kiss.
  2. Lipstick kissing is not accepted, so as not to stain a person.
  3. Kisses on the lips are permissible only with the closest people and the second half.

Restaurant Behavior

When going to a restaurant or cafe with friends, you need to remember the rules of good form for women. This does not mean that male friends should pay for you, quite the opposite - everyone folds equally when they bring a common bill. Even if you ordered the simplest dishes, this is not a reason to declare publicly that you will not pay for delicious dishes, because you did not eat them. In order to avoid misunderstandings, you can ask the waiter to make different invoices for your orders.

If you go to a restaurant with a man, then pay attention to how he invited you. He declared that treats? So, the man will pay. Just suggested going to a restaurant? Then everyone pays for himself.

In public places it’s not customary to put the bag on your lap, the restaurant can be attributed here. Large bags are hung on the back of the chair or placed on a special stand, if any. A napkin is placed on his knees.


Talking on the phone in a public place.

In the era of mobile phones, loud conversation in transport, a cafe or on the street has become the absolute norm. But the rules of good manners for women say that such behavior is uncultured.

When you are at the workplace and a personal mobile phone rings, you will leave the office. Discussing their problems publicly is tactless towards colleagues. They are unlikely to be interested in everything that you tell your interlocutor. In addition, the conversation simply prevents people from working.

In public transport, it is undesirable to have a loud conversation. Speak quietly, and if possible, arrange a call back at a specific time.

If the call is found in a cafe or restaurant, you will leave in the lobby. A conversation at the table is a sign of poor parenting.


About self-development

Books for women that are worth reading in order to have a good speech supply.

First of all, this is classical literature. Even if you didn’t like it at school, at an older age, classical works are perceived differently. Start with Russian writers, gradually moving to foreign ones.

Books on the psychology of communication. Dale Carnegie is the foundation of the foundations in this area. It’s still good to read Robert Kiyosaki, you will discover a lot of new things. Although he does not give advice on how to communicate with others, the books of an enterprising Japanese reveal some secrets of earning.

This also includes the books of Donald trump. The image of the current US president is not very good. But the books are just wonderful, the stupid person could not, as they try to expose him, write such things.

The rules of etiquette, personal care - these are books for women that are worth reading up to 30 years.

In general, reading is necessary so that the brain does not “freeze”, but continues to work and move. Read every day, at least 10–20 pages. Start with the classics, gradually moving to more complex books.

About animals

It would seem, where does the rule of good form and beasts? It's simple - the principles of etiquette provide not only for decent behavior in society, but also alone with oneself. Therefore, going for a walk with the dog, do not forget to put bags for cleaning after it in your pocket.
