
Prince Akisino: biography, photo

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Prince Akisino: biography, photo
Prince Akisino: biography, photo

Video: prince akishino family son video picture 2024, July

Video: prince akishino family son video picture 2024, July

The Japanese imperial dynasty is the oldest of the existing. The second son of the current Emperor is Prince Akisino. His story is noteworthy in that it looks like an old fairy tale. But this fairy tale happens in reality, these days.



The prince was born in a loving family on November 30, 1965. His father at one time married for great love. His chosen one was the girl Michiko, who had no blood ties with the imperial house and did not belong to the aristocracy at all.

Interestingly, at birth, the prince received the name Fumihito. Parents decided to move away from ancient traditions and raised their children themselves.

The boy graduated from school in Gakuyusin and entered the law faculty. But he was fascinated not only by law.

Science connoisseur

Biology has become a true passion of the young prince. He achieved good results in this field. Initially, the young man became interested in ichthyology, and later received a doctorate in ornithology. After graduation, he went to one of Oxford's colleges to study taxonomy.

The prince is fond of not only science. From his youth, he adores tennis, at the time of his student days he was one of the top best paired players in the district. And he always loved the work of the Beatles


Meeting a sweetheart

Studying was easy for the prince, he was seriously carried away. It is thanks to the love of new knowledge that the most significant event in the biography of Prince Akisino happened. He met the daughter of one of the teachers - Kiko Kawashima. The meeting took place in the first year of study in Gakuyusin.

His lover is very much like him. She is active, inquisitive, sociable, smart. Feelings flared up between the young people.

When love is stronger than tradition

But no matter how democratic the views of the Emperor may be, traditions in the Land of the Rising Sun are strong enough. The lovers had to hide the novel for quite some time. Only two years later, the public learned about the intentions of the young prince.

Oddly enough, but the mother did not support her son in love. She believed that he should marry a girl of his circle. It seems that the Empress has forgotten that her own love story also resembled the Cinderella fairy tale, because she herself was a commoner, who was accompanied by the crown monarch. But Michiko did not exert pressure on her son. She only urged him to what her mother’s heart considered right. After making sure that her son was serious, and having met Kiko, the Empress lost.

There was another barrier. The elder brother has not yet been married, and in many countries of the East, and in Japan, including, the youngest child in such cases is prescribed to postpone the marriage. However, both the crowned parents and the members of the Imperial Council, who had already agreed to marry Kiko, and Prince Naruhito himself decided to neglect this formality.

In the photo, Prince Akisino and Princess Kiko look happy. According to those who are familiar with spouses, this marriage is really successful. Active Kiko (or Kiki, as the Japanese affectionately call her) helps her husband in everything, supports his desire to do science. The people quickly fell in love with the young wife of their prince, and then she gave everyone an occasion to love her even more.
