
Novosibirsk industry: list of enterprises, level of development, prospects

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Novosibirsk industry: list of enterprises, level of development, prospects
Novosibirsk industry: list of enterprises, level of development, prospects

Video: Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region up to 2030 2024, July

Video: Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region up to 2030 2024, July

Since the region occupies a rather advantageous geographical position, the economy here is quite well developed, and the industry of Novosibirsk is closely connected with neighboring industrial centers - the Omsk Region and the Kemerovo Region. Here are the most important transport routes that have long been connecting the European and eastern regions of Russia. The Novosibirsk industry is also well influenced by the exceptionally highly developed scientific and technical base, which is represented in particular by Akademgorodok. The region is attractive for investments, therefore, with the beginning of perestroika and conversion, the Novosibirsk industry did not suffer as much damage as many neighboring regions.



The social and economic development of Novosibirsk is determined by sectors of the economy, specific information about which will be presented below. First of all, Novosibirsk differs from other cities of Siberia by defense enterprises, civil engineering, agro-industrial complex with a high scientific and educational approach, transport infrastructure, both interregional and national significance - this is what characterizes local industry. Novosibirsk (region) forms more than twenty percent of the regional gross product with its help. The leading industries here are metalworking with the production of electrical and metallurgical equipment, instrument making, mechanical engineering, electric power, non-ferrous, chemical, petrochemical, ferrous metallurgy, food processing and construction materials. The industry of the city of Novosibirsk is steadily developing and growing. Many positions show higher rates of socio-economic development than the national average. For example, in 2009, the industrial production index was 88.5% in Russia and 95% in Novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk supplies products to the markets, including export, to the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, as well as metals and metal products. At present, the Novosibirsk industry maintains extensive foreign economic relations with partners from ninety-seven countries of the world. These are Kazakhstan, Germany, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, China, the USA, Slovenia, South Korea, France and others. The industry of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region has very significant manufacturing sectors, and the largest share among them is the production of food products - about thirty-six percent, and the production of optical, electronic and electrical equipment - more than thirteen percent also dominate. They are followed by metallurgy with almost ten percent and production.



One of the leading industries in the Novosibirsk region is engineering, the share of the engineering industry in the economy of Novosibirsk is huge - more than twenty-six percent. This is mainly electrical engineering - turbines and generators, steelmaking furnaces, instrument making and aircraft manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, as well as the production of agricultural machinery and equipment. High-tech products that are manufactured in Novosibirsk are always in demand on the sales markets: seventy-five percent of all tools for diagnosing diseases that are produced in Russia, sixty percent of all x-ray machines, ninety percent of hosting virtualization software, ninety percent of devices sold in Russia, for liquid chromatography. And this is only medical equipment.

First of all, we need to talk about the largest in Russia specialized engineering company Sibelektroterm OJSC, which produces heavy electrothermal equipment: industrial furnaces that meet the most modern technical level. Deliveries are carried out both domestically, and in the CIS, and in foreign countries. Created back in 1945, the plant grew out of the Sibpromelektropech design and installation company and became one of the best manufacturers in the world of electric arc furnaces, electric arc processing units for steel (ladle furnaces), ore smelting, ore reduction and ferroalloy electric furnaces, induction plants and furnaces. It also produces household goods. The second most important plant is the one where machine tools and presses are manufactured - JSC Tyazhstankogidropress imeni Efremova, which opened before the Second World War. The main products are machine tools and presses, pumps and pumping stations, aluminum profiles, castings and forgings, refractory materials, technological equipment for the coal mining and coking industry.


Instrumentation and tools

What industry in Novosibirsk meets all the requirements of world standards? Of course, this is the products of the tool factory - OJSC "NIZ" - the largest enterprise where fitter-and-assembled, clamping, and chauffeur-made tools are made of chrome, tool, chrome-vanadium steel with special heat treatment to increase hardness and strength. These products have a modern design plus the most advanced technologies. The main products are all kinds of wrenches, drill chucks, locksmith tools and their kits, as well as chauffeur tool kits, power tools with insulated handle grips and much more.

And among the country's machine-building enterprises, the oldest is Stankosib OJSC, adjacent to the Trans-Siberian Railway, having its own freight station and a railway dead end. There are very significant production facilities and developed infrastructure. This plant began in 1931 as a cast-iron-copper-foundry, and became "Stankosib" in 1991. Now its products have the widest range of applications. This and woodworking, and metalworking equipment, and even plastic products. The nineties of the twentieth century became destructive for the whole country, and for Novosibirsk enterprises they could not pass without a trace. Almost all plants gave their premises to tenants, even leading ones - for secondary production, for offices, for warehouses. Dependence on state orders has put many enterprises on the brink of extinction: factories have been idle, and people have been weary of unemployment. Like other industry enterprises throughout the country, Stankosib also had a hard time.


Instrument-Making Plant

The FSUE PA "NPZ" - Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant also survived in difficult years, since no one had begun to engage in optical and optoelectronic instrument engineering before it. It is even older - the plant was built in Riga in 1905 as optical workshops, and was evacuated to Siberia during World War II. Almost all sighting and observation equipment available in the equipment of the Russian troops is made here. Since the beginning of the seventies, a scientific research institute dealing with optical systems has been operating at the plant - SNIIOS.

The structure also includes foundry, optical, precision steel casting, injection molding, rubber goods, injection molding machines, electroplating and much more. It produces weapons and special products, night and day optics, sights, optical-mechanical devices and telescopes. Second-generation and third-generation image intensifiers are being developed here, programmable microcomputers, thermal imaging and television equipment, the information of which is processed using optoelectronic systems. This enterprise has long and closely cooperated with the largest enterprises of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

History of Novosibirsk industry

In the region, the reserves of mineral and raw materials are quite limited - no more than twenty species, most of which are not subject to industrial development. However, the mining industry in Novosibirsk is mainly concerned with building materials - gravel, stone, sand, marble, limestone, clay, slates. The north of the region is richer, not only peat is extracted there, but also oil, gas, coal, including valuable anthracite. Gold deposits are insignificant. Minerals were lucky with the neighboring regions, which Novosibirsk supplied with processing machines, furnaces, mining equipment and all kinds of tools.

Leading enterprises: JSC NAPO named after Chkalov, where Su-34 bombers are manufactured, FSUE NMZ Iskra, which manufacture modern non-electric blasting systems, JSC NPO Sibselmash with its precision seeder Sib-Don, DB harrows -10B and BDT 7A, FSUE PA "Sever", where automobiles are manufactured, are also the main enterprises of the region Corporation Corporation NZ "Electrosignal", from where speed sensors are supplied to VAZ, as well as small-sized radio stations, digital and analogue communications equipment for other enterprises; JSC "Berdsky electro mechanical plant ", which produces parts and components of equipment for the mining industry and mines, as well as electromechanical power steering for VAZ. These are not all industrial enterprises of all-Russian significance located in Novosibirsk and the region. The entire city and regional economy rests on machine-building, car-building, aircraft manufacturing.

But there are various industries that do not sound so weighty, but they bring huge benefits. Is it possible to compare Westfalika and the NCCP with all its Siberian shoes and nuclear fuel? And the food industry of Novosibirsk is worthy of a separate weighty word. But not all industry can be presented in rainbow colors.


Power industry

First of all, it is worth mentioning JSC "Novosibirskenergo", an enterprise that provides energy to the entire region, despite the fact that this system is scarce in power, and its lack is overlapped by the overflow from intersystem connections of the Siberian integrated energy system. There are only five thermal power plants and one hydroelectric power station. Power plants operate on coal and produce most of the heat and electricity.

Petrochemical and chemical industry

In Novosibirsk, this industry is represented by:

  • Sibtekhgaz named after Kim, JSC, where gaseous and liquid technical, as well as medical oxygen, argon, nitrogen, gas mixtures are produced.

  • Sibiar JSC, which produces aerosol cans, perfumes and cosmetics.

  • Khimplast JSC, producing films, pipes and PVC tapes, plastic compounds, fluoroplastic rods.

  • Rare Metals Plant CJSC, which produces various high-purity compounds - cesium, lithium, rubidium, indium, gallium, bismuth and other rare-earth elements, as well as a number of metals.

  • The company "Novosibirskagropromkhimiya" produce fertilizers and plant protection products.

  • Sigma-Sibir LLC supplies raw materials to the country's chemical, cosmetic and pharmacological industries, and the food industry of Novosibirsk also uses citric and ascorbic acid.

  • Polymer Technologies LLC produces plastic films and bags.

OJSC Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant does not occupy fame: it is the largest Russian enterprise producing nuclear fuel for research and energy reactors, producing lithium and its compounds. This plant was opened in September 1948 and began to produce, in addition to nuclear fuel, uranium powders, fuel pellets, metallic uranium and other uranium products. Then it was mastered the production of disinfectants, industrial hydrogen, a complex tool for tooling and molds, high-precision springs of various sizes and much more.

More than two hundred enterprises of our country and foreign partners consume the products of the NHCP. A feature of the city is Akademgorodok, which is the scientific center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dozens of institutes of which are developing technological routes for the development of a larger number of Novosibirsk enterprises.


Food industry

Novosibirsk food industry enterprises are almost entirely based on local raw materials. The leaders here are Novosibkhleb JSC, Voskhod Bread Factory JSC, Novosibirsk Meat Canned Plant JSC, Novosibirskrybhoz FSUE, Albumin JSC and Siberian Milk JSC (Wimm-Bill-Dann branch). The first company on the list is a modern bakery association that uses long-term fermentation technologies and practices multi-shift operation.

A quarter of all bakery and confectionery products are delivered to the city and the region from this enterprise, and these products are included in the list of “One Hundred Best Goods of Russia”. The Voskhod bakery has been baking for over eighty years, and therefore the technologies have been developed and are not departing from them. In Novosibirsk, the share of sales of its products exceeds thirty percent. Bread today is prepared according to classical national recipes in accordance with GOST, the assortment of muffins and bakery products is wide: wheat, pan, rustic, hearth, rye, rye-wheat, grain and cereal, baguettes, loaves. Muffin is especially famous.


OJSC "Novosibirsk meat-packing factory" is the largest and oldest enterprise in Siberia engaged in meat processing. This is a huge holding, which includes a raw material factory, two meat processing plants, biological product factories and a cannery, its own trading network is a branded, highly branched, and also many branches engaged in procurement in the Novosibirsk region.

Also, the plant has well-functioning social, economic, technical services with their own infrastructure. Here the most complete production cycle is carried out - from the face to the manufacture and sale of finished products. Local semi-finished products and traditionally prepared hematogen are also famous. A wide range of deli meats is available.
