
Psychotherapist Alexander Danilin Gennadevich: biography, activities and reviews

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Psychotherapist Alexander Danilin Gennadevich: biography, activities and reviews
Psychotherapist Alexander Danilin Gennadevich: biography, activities and reviews

Danilin Alexander Gennadievich - a recognized specialist in the field of psychotherapy and narcology. For more than thirty years, he has been studying the problems of self-assertion of the personality, issues of dependence and ways to get rid of it. Alexander Danilin often discusses his ideas and the concept of treatment on radio and television. For several years he has been a member of the International Psychoanalytic Society.



The famous narcologist was born on March 12, 1960. He began his career as a psychotherapist with studies at the Moscow Dental Institute. Semashko, at the end of which he entered an internship in the specialty "Psychiatry and Addiction". Alexander Danilin quickly grew up through the ranks, in 1984 he came to work at the famous Narcological Hospital in Moscow, and after three years he became the head of the department of medical and social adaptation.

Since 1998, he has become a leading specialist in the clinic, and the range of his professional interests is expanding significantly. Now the psychotherapist Alexander Danilin not only deals with the treatment of sick people, but also actively teaches at several prestigious universities in the capital, prints books and actively speaks on the radio.

Teaching practice

Danilin always sought to share his knowledge, he often organized seminars in drug treatment clinics in various cities of Russia, participated in personal growth courses, where he shared his thoughts and achievements with colleagues. He also taught at the Moscow State Medical University for several years; more than one generation of students was brought up at his lectures.

At the Russian Pedagogical State University, Alexander Danilin taught a course on valeology, a special area in psychotherapy, around which disputes have not ceased for many years, and it has been criticized by many representatives of academic science and the church.


Features of the doctrine of valeology

This idea includes questions about the need to build a general theory of health, to educate a person in a harmonious combination of moral, physical and spiritual principles. Some books by Alexander Danilin contain a theoretical justification for this theory; today in Russia it is one of the prominent representatives of this trend.

Valeology seeks to develop its own worldview, different from religious and scientific. Danilin is one of the few professional scientists in Russia who supports such an integrated approach to human self-knowledge.

"Silver threads"

Alexander Danilin gained wide fame thanks to the broadcasts of the Silver Threads radio broadcast on Radio of Russia. The psychotherapist is the author of the idea of ​​this project and its permanent leader, the program went on the air for thirteen years, in 2016 Alexander Gennadievich announced the termination of broadcasts.

The creator of the project himself explained to his listeners that silver threads are special connections between unfamiliar, completely different, but equally lonely souls. Danilin set himself the goal of teaching people to build bridges of understanding, together looking for “pills” for depression and dissatisfaction with life. The program was built on direct communication with the audience, they shared their problems, and the therapist tried to bring them to the realization of the sources of their failures.


Topics covered

In his program, Alexander Danilin touched on a wide range of problems, ranging from personal dissatisfaction to problems with drug addiction. In one of the latest issues, the therapist talked with his audience on topics affecting the awareness of the strongest human vices.

Thus, the idea of ​​betrayal at different times in the history of all mankind radically changed depending on the angle of perception, a change in power or a change in the vector of moral behavior in society.

Manner of communication

In his program “Silver Threads”, Danilin A. G. takes a rather extraordinary approach to the discussion of a particular problem. Sometimes a certain event, the statement of a politician, actor, film script or social phenomenon is taken as the basis of the conversation, and through analysis of a private scientist comes to the formulation of the general principle of a psychological statement.

The program “Silver Threads” became very popular among the listeners of Radio Russia and soon the project went beyond broadcasting. Since 2004, Alexander Danilin has been pursuing a personal growth course at the Silver Thread Club. After the broadcast closes, the therapist continues to lecture and answer questions from viewers on his own Youtube channel and VKontakte group.


Talk about bans

In his interviews, Danilin Alexander Gennadievich is not limited only to speculative conclusions. His speeches and books demonstrate a tough social position, especially on those issues that affect the problems of addiction and ways to deal with them. Having thirty years of experience in dealing with alcoholics and drug addicts, Danilin repeatedly called on the government to reconsider its attitude to narcotic substances and their distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation.

So, in one of the video addresses, Alexey Gennadievich very radically approached the issue of adopting a new law to stop selling “laughing” gas on the territory of the Russian Federation. Danilin notes that any ban should have its own counterweight, that is, by banning laughing gas, the government should provide youth with another source of pastime.

In other words, before speaking a taboo, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance. The scientist emphasizes that “laughing” gas is a medical preparation, it is allowed only in relevant institutions. And the fact that it is sold in clubs and eateries is already a problem of the powerlessness of the authorities, which cannot stop the illegal distribution of narcotic substances.

Theory of LSD

The first printed publication with his own reasoning and practical examples Danilin released in 2001, the book was called “LSD. Hallucinogens, psychedelia and the phenomenon of addiction. ” This treatise caused mixed reviews among academic scientists and ordinary citizens. Experts of psychology had many questions about the author’s appeal to all kinds of mystical and even magical sources, which supposedly explain the addiction of drug addicts almost in the womb. Many found the study unscientific, showing Danilin’s narrow-mindedness as a person and a specialist.

In general, through the stages of humanity's passage of a particular addiction, the psychotherapist tried to explain rather global events. So, he argued that society must first survive the period of “narcotic trance, ” and only then look for other sources of understanding of the beyond. According to Danilin, America already experienced this “psychedelic revolution” in the 60s, Russia immediately went the other way, that is, the Russian consciousness took drugs not as a stage of development, but as a process that actually corrupted society.



Other books by A. Danilin turned out to be no less shocking both in the choice of topics and in the way of expressing thoughts. The names themselves suggest a certain sensation or desire to distinguish labor from others.

  1. “A Breakthrough into Genius”, 2008, the book offers a series of practical exercises that allow a person to find genius similar to Leonardo da Vinci or N. Tesla. In general, this work is a treatise on personal growth through self-knowledge.

  2. His other book, Dependent Man, 2009, became a kind of bestseller, published not only in Russia, but also abroad. Here, the author discusses the causes of addiction, gives practical advice on how to detect and prevent this feeling in a child. For some time the publication was banned.

  3. One of the most controversial works of a well-known psychotherapist is the book “Pill from Death”, 2010. Here, Alexander Danilin set himself the goal of teaching his patients nothing more than “working with focused imagination”, that is, a practical guide was given to manage your own feelings and fears. According to the author, the book is intended for those who are undergoing drug treatment, or those who help them with this.

Recent publications have provided answers to common questions, as well as a description of new methods of treatment and prevention of both psychological and somatic diseases.



Opinions about the psychiatrist Alexander Danilin are surprisingly opposite. On the one hand, many politicians and public figures support his position on drugs and speak well of his Internet project, No Drugs. Others are not satisfied with his very extraordinary approach to the question of studying drug addiction and alcohol addiction, he is reproached for using pseudoscientific teachings, for example, valeology, turning to magic secrets, etc.

Although it is difficult to deny that there are quite a lot of fans and followers of Alexander Danilin, and not only in our country, but also abroad. Some fundamentally go for treatment, especially when traditional methods of getting rid of addiction do not work.

Reviews about Alexander Danilin as a psychotherapist are also mixed. On the Internet you can find a lot of comments of people who came to see a psychotherapist and, to put it mildly, who remained very dissatisfied with the results of the session. Some directly accuse the doctor of disregarding the patient’s feelings. Perhaps not everyone is satisfied with a non-standard approach to treatment, personal attitude to a person is of great importance. But mostly reviews are left by grateful people, those whom Danilin helped to look inside himself.
