
Public declaration of love from a mantis. Video of warm hugs from Sobchak

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Public declaration of love from a mantis. Video of warm hugs from Sobchak
Public declaration of love from a mantis. Video of warm hugs from Sobchak

It happened! Earlier, Sobchak, Vitorgan and Bogomolov did not give any comments regarding the current situation in their personal lives. Curious people composed their stories based on modest facts or without any reason whatsoever. The most convincing argument in favor of the love triangle was the fight between Maxim and Konstantin in the courtyard of the capital's coffee shop.

Male ex-presidential candidate

Several weeks have passed since Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan announced the dissolution of their marriage. The fact that there are certain problems in the well-known couple, others began to guess back in the fall of last year. Then Ksenia was repeatedly observed, accompanied by the director Konstantin Bogomolov. By that time, he had just divorced his own wife - actress Daria Moroz.

Ksenia, Maxim and Konstantin did not cover what was happening in the press. The ubiquitous journalists simply speculated, but did not dare to declare the betrayal directly. However, the famous fight of Vitorgan and Bogomolov stirred up the masses.