
She used to live on city streets and eat up leftovers, but today she has over 400 thousand followers on Instagram: the story of a stray dog

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She used to live on city streets and eat up leftovers, but today she has over 400 thousand followers on Instagram: the story of a stray dog
She used to live on city streets and eat up leftovers, but today she has over 400 thousand followers on Instagram: the story of a stray dog

The modern world is literally obsessed with social networks. And everyone can become an expert in the chosen field. People recommend each other hotels, restaurants, hotels, places of rest, educational institutions, specific dishes and drinks, clothes, cosmetics, methods of raising children and not only. Blogging and promoting yourself on Instagram has gained immense popularity. Not only people can become famous, but also … animals! For example, Popeye is a famous dog that collects a lot of likes and subscriptions on Insta daily. He recommends the best restaurants in the world.


Los Angeles Cruelty

A dog is a friend of man. And sometimes a real mentor. Our hero was not always a famous puppy. Once he was thrown out into the street. The dog ran around Los Angeles and ate scraps.


Once the animal was picked up by Ivy Deep, the current mistress. The girl took home a skinny, terribly dirty and very scary dog. So Popeye got into the house, where he was washed and well fed.

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Fatal meeting

After Ivy picked up a stray dog, the animal's life changed dramatically. Previously, he had to survive, and now - to eat all the charms of a rich life.


They started to drive around the restaurants and feed quality food. They made a real gourmet out of a homeless four-legged.


Ivy always cares about the nutrition of his pet. Before filming it, the hostess works out the smallest details in the frame. The shooting process looks very nice, it often attracts the views of others.

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