
A spring located in the village of Yar (Tyumen, Tobolsk tract): come for health!

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A spring located in the village of Yar (Tyumen, Tobolsk tract): come for health!
A spring located in the village of Yar (Tyumen, Tobolsk tract): come for health!

When thinking about healing mineral springs, we immediately imagine some Baden-Baden, sung in many literary works. Often right there this is followed by our financial mentor, which reminds us that we cannot afford to travel abroad. However, do not despair, because this is a great reason to look in the direction of domestic resorts.

Visit the whole family located in Yar

Tyumen is known for its health resorts to all residents of the Urals and Eastern Siberia. Many of them have long regretted that the Czech Republic with its resorts is difficult to access. Thousands of fans of hot baths come here from Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk every year.

Located in the village of Yar hot spring. Tyumen is only two kilometers from it. This is ideal if you are undemanding to the service and are not looking for compliance according to European standards, but want to simply improve your health without compromising the budget.


The village can rightfully be proud not only of the source itself, but also of its size. The healing water pool covers an area of ​​25 by 35 meters. This is the largest source in the region. Water containing many minerals, such as boron, iodine, bromine, methane and other biological components, lies at a depth of 2.5 km and warms up to 42 degrees. Service workers who come to the source claim that it can also be taken orally.

For those who find the water in the main pool too hot, an additional tank is provided where the temperature is several divisions lower.

After taking a healing bath - doctors advise no more than a 20-minute session - you can rinse in a cool shower. Warm dressing rooms are equipped with infrared heaters, as many people come to the spring (Tyumen) located in the village of Yar in the winter. Especially in demand during the Epiphany holidays. Religious people from many regions of Russia flock here.


Medical indicators for using thermal springs

Scientists have long proved that hot springs have a healing effect on the body as a whole. Thermal baths accelerate cell metabolism and improve metabolism. They are also especially indicated for diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and the musculoskeletal system. Water and people with high blood pressure also help. Caution should be taken in those procedures for those who suffer from cancer and tuberculosis or have blood problems. However, in any case, you should consult a doctor before visiting a source located in the village of Yar. Tyumen invites all those who benefit from healing water to be healthy.

Easy to get to

The whole family can go for at least one day to Yar (hot spring). Tyumen is a large city; transport services are very well developed here. Even if you do not arrive by your own car, you can get to the place from the city center by bus or minibus.

Take a book with you to pass the time if you plan to visit a hot spring (Yar, Tyumen). Reviews from those who have visited here indicate that no entertainment or cultural programs are provided. However, there is a very decent cafe where both residents and guests can have a bite to eat.
