
Does a tree grow in winter: features of plant development

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Does a tree grow in winter: features of plant development
Does a tree grow in winter: features of plant development

Video: How do Trees Survive Winter? 2024, June

Video: How do Trees Survive Winter? 2024, June

Trees under the snow seem lifeless, but this is not entirely true. Even in severe frosts, plants are alive. In the winter, they rest, accumulating energy, with the advent of warm days they bloom again, which delight the world around them. Many people wonder if a tree grows in winter. Their growth has some features in this period.

What affects plant growth?

In the autumn, trees can begin to rest. Preparation lasts gradually. In the autumn, the leaves begin to fall, and when the cold comes, they are not at all. The warm autumn season with slight cold allows you to survive the harsh period. Usually the preparation lasts at 0-5 degrees. If this period lasts several weeks, then the plant will be easier to tolerate frost. It will be easier for him to survive even severe frosts.


Trees can withstand up to -50 degrees. The seedlings that appear in the plant are adapted to the local climate. There will be no problems with them regarding adaptation. Because of this, you will not need to spend a lot of time on care.

Winter season

What happens to trees in winter? They are at rest. Metabolism is inhibited in the trunks, and visible growth stops. But life processes occur in the same way as in another period.


Does a tree grow in winter? During this period, mutual transformations of substances are carried out, but this is not carried out as intensively as in the summer. How to understand if a tree grows in winter? There is plant growth in winter, but by external signs it is not visible at all. During the cold period, educational tissue appears, from which new cells form. Hardwood will have the buds of leaf buds.

Without these processes, the plant cannot prepare for spring. In winter, trees come to rest, this is considered a necessary condition for normal growth. This ability was obtained during a long evolution, which became necessary in adapting to negative conditions. This is the condition of trees in winter is considered normal. Similar phenomena occur in the summer. For example, with severe drought, plants discard foliage and barely grow.

Winter peace

The transition to a winter state is evidenced by a reduction in long daylight hours. This is due to leaves and buds. When the day becomes short, the ratio between the components that are necessary for metabolic and growth processes changes in plants. By such processes it is clear whether a tree grows in winter? Plants are preparing to slow down many processes.

The state of rest lasts until the end of winter. But at the same time, preparation for awakening occurs. If at the end of February, cut a twig of birch and put it in water in a warm room, then after some time there will be swelling of the kidneys, and then shoots will appear. But if you do this with the onset of winter, then the plant will not bloom, as it is ready for rest.

How trees grow in winter depends on its type. Each plant has its own duration of the winter period. In lilac this period is short, it ends by November. Poplar and birch winter until January. Maple, linden, pine, spruce rest for about 4-6 months. After this, the vital processes of trees and shrubs are restored, and then their growth occurs intensively. But the roots of trees grow in winter, which is laid by nature.

Winter landing

In winter, plants are often planted. Large trees and large shrubs are better suited for this. Then you can create a beautiful landscape on the site, and you do not need to wait for the growth of trees.


What is the peculiarity of winter plant transplantation? Trees can be replanted, and this will not harm them. Winter plantings are considered indispensable if the plant is an adult. And the planting of young trees begins in the spring, as this is the most favorable time for them.