
Reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway: plans, main objects, results

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Reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway: plans, main objects, results
Reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway: plans, main objects, results

Video: MUF2018/ Redevelopment of Industrial Zones. The Needs of the City and the Wants of the Developer 2024, July

Video: MUF2018/ Redevelopment of Industrial Zones. The Needs of the City and the Wants of the Developer 2024, July

The Enthusiasts Highway is one of the main routes that connects the capital with the settlements near Moscow, in particular Balashikha and Noginsk. Based on the old name (Vladimirsky Tract), we see that this is the road to Vladimir, which further stretches to Siberia - the modern federal highway M-7 "Volga". In 2016, a large-scale reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway was launched. We will get acquainted with the work already done in more detail.

Reconstruction Goals

Two main tasks were outlined: reducing the overall congestion of the road and creating comfortable conditions for public transport. Especially enthusiastically, the news was received about the imminent reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway in Balashikha, because this is the most convenient road connecting the city near Moscow with the capital.


Designers and builders decided to achieve the goal in two main ways:

  • Expansion of the motorway to four-lane in each direction.

  • Creation of side driveways along the road.

The main objects of work

The main achievements of the highway reconstruction of Enthusiasts are as follows:

  • Roundabout at the intersection of Svobodny Prospect, Enthusiasts highway and B. Kupavensky passage.

  • Expansion of the main carriageway (its total length is 8.1 km) to 8 lanes in both directions.

  • Creation of lateral driveways on a 4680 m highway section.

  • Installation of noise protection shields from Andronyevskaya Square to Stalevarov Street (10.2 km of track). In addition, such protective structures contribute to increased safety of movement.

  • The construction of three underground pedestrian crossings and five aboveground.

  • Reconstruction of a number of installed traffic lights in connection with the new features of the highway.


During the reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway, more attention was paid to the arrangement of side passages leading to the territories adjacent to the road. They allow car owners to move around the area without going to the main highway.

Many changes during the reconstruction of the Enthusiasts highway were made for public transport. In particular, 18 check-in pockets (sections taken out of the main highway so that the vehicles braking here would not impede the general auto flow) for minibuses, trolleybuses, and buses. Such stops also ensure the safety of passengers - they can expect their route, being at a decent distance from the busy highway.