
Director Pavel Ruminov: biography, photo. Top movies

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Director Pavel Ruminov: biography, photo. Top movies
Director Pavel Ruminov: biography, photo. Top movies

Video: I'll Be Around. Russian Movie. Drama. English Subtitles. The Rock Films. StarMediaEN 2024, July

Video: I'll Be Around. Russian Movie. Drama. English Subtitles. The Rock Films. StarMediaEN 2024, July

Pavel Ruminov is a director who honestly admits that he does not like to work. However, this did not stop him from creating such famous films and TV shows as “Key Action”, “Dead Daughters”, “I Will Be Near”. Not all of his projects are successful, but the master is equally indifferent to criticism and compliments. What is known about his life, creative victories and failures?

Pavel Ruminov: biography of the star

The future director and screenwriter was born in Vladivostok, it happened in November 1974. Details about his own childhood, Pavel Ruminov does not like to state, preferring to talk with reporters about creativity, his own and others, about life. It is known that the boy studied at secondary school, in his teenage years he tried many different hobbies, for a long time he could not decide on his future career.


For some time, the future director was thinking about journalism, even became a student of the corresponding faculty of a local university. After studying for only a few months, Pavel Ruminov changed his mind about becoming a reporter. He was attracted by the capital, where he went, leaving the university, ignoring the protests of his parents.

First successes

In Moscow, a talented young man quickly acquired useful contacts. Pavel Ruminov is a lucky person who, even at the beginning of his career, did not have to “wash the dishes” (his words), earning his living. Stars like Nike Borzov and Dolphin quickly began to trust him to shoot their videos, and the young man also had the opportunity to work with the Underwood group.


Many fans of the master are surprised by the lack of higher education at his idol. Ruminov is convinced that a person can learn everything independently, neglecting such conventions as the need to attend educational institutions. For fundamental reasons, he missed even the opportunity to become a student at VGIK.

In the first years of his life in the capital, Paul sought himself in various fields. He tried on the role of an editor, participating in the filming of such films as “In Motion”, “Walk”, “Antikiller”. Working in the "clip" industry, Ruminov did not abandon the dream of creating his own cinema. Of course, she was finally implemented.

Star movie

Director Pavel Ruminov first made himself known by presenting the short film “Key Action” to the public. The master loves to remember how he dreamed of creating a film, at the same time pale and bright, different from all the others. He characterizes the “Key Action” as his personal story, despite the fact that nothing like this has ever happened to him.

The central character of the short film is a novice screenwriter, whom inspiration left overnight. The comedy-thriller considers such an urgent issue as the crisis, in which many creative people come today. The film was liked not only by the audience, but also by critics, and brought its creator a pile of various awards.

Victories and defeats

Not all projects that Pavel Ruminov undertook were successful. The biography of the star of domestic cinema indicates that there were defeats in his life. One of them was the picture "Dead Daughters", which the creator himself described as the first worthy horror film, released in Russia. Alas, critics and viewers strongly disagreed with this opinion. The story of the girls who die at the hands of their mother and then turn into bloodthirsty ghosts driven by a thirst for revenge, hopelessly failed at the box office.


Of course, the director did not despair, as a result of which the defeat was followed by a victory. His next brainchild, “I'll Be Near”, was originally conceived as a mini-series. However, Alexei Uchitel convinced his colleague to turn the project into a full-length film. As a result, the film about a woman learning about her deadly illness and trying to find a new loving family for her young child was a great success. The picture was awarded at the Kinotavr festival.

Documentary film

Pavel Ruminov, whose photo can be seen in the article, managed to present a documentary to the public. The tape, which saw the light in 2012, was called "It's just a disease." The focus is on the stories of people who are trying to defeat cancer, referring to their diagnosis only as a problem that needs a solution, and not as a sentence. The film turned out to be very life-affirming, it appealed to many viewers.

The documentary television project “Julia’s Life”, created by the director in 2014, failed to repeat the success of the previous picture.