
Rodion Nakhapetov: biography, personal life, children, photos

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Rodion Nakhapetov: biography, personal life, children, photos
Rodion Nakhapetov: biography, personal life, children, photos

Video: Bright memory, Vera Vitalievna Will Amaze You 2024, June

Video: Bright memory, Vera Vitalievna Will Amaze You 2024, June

He played in such famous films as “Slave of Love”, “Tenderness”, “Such a Guy Lives”, “Lovers” and others. Rodion Nakhapetov, about a biography whose personal life you can read in this article, was called the most romantic hero cinema in the USSR. Without anyone's support, without influential relatives and friends, he was able to succeed, and popular fame and love, and the recognition of the audience, and incredible popularity. He was married to a beautiful blonde, actress Vera Glagoleva, married to which was born two wonderful daughters. However, in 1988 a lot of changes was in the biography of Rodion Nakhapetov, he left his family in the USSR, and he went to the USA to fulfill his big American dream, and here he found his second love. And in Russia he is still loved and appreciated.


Rodion Nakhapetov: biography, personal life

The future actor and director was born in the winter of 1944 in the city of Pyatikhatki, which was located on the Ukrainian land, exhausted by fascist invaders. An amazing story is connected with the birth of Rodion, as well as with the choice of his name. Rodion's parents Rafail Nakhapetov and Galina Prokopenko met in a partisan detachment and a spark broke out between them, despite the fact that Rafail had a family in Armenia. However, the war disconnected them, at some point they lost each other. The pregnant woman continued to serve as a liaison in the underground detachment "Homeland" and performed very complex and responsible tasks.


Birth story

Once she was captured by the Germans and after much torture she was sentenced to death. However, having seen the position of the woman, they replaced the execution with a concentration camp. On the way to the concentration camp, the woman managed to escape. Then she fell under the bombing and ended up in the basement of the destroyed house, where she gave birth to a son. The boy miraculously survived. After the mother and her child were rescued from the ruins, she wrote it down under the name Homeland, so her underground organization was called. The father never found out about the birth of his son, and Rodion thought that his father died at the front. Later it turned out that Rafail Tatevosovich remained alive and after the war ended he returned to his homeland, to his family.

Difficult childhood

Rodion Nakhapetov, about a biography whose personal life is narrated in this article, after the war ended, he and his mother settled with their grandmother in Krivorozhye. Then Galina and her son went to Dnepropetrovsk, where she got a job as a pioneer leader, and then a teacher of Russian language and literature at school. She was allocated a corner with a bed, where she and her son lived for about a year, until Galina became close with her colleague, a mathematics teacher, and married him. When the boy was 7 years old, a woman was diagnosed with tuberculosis and was hospitalized in a specialized hospital. The stepfather left the family immediately after that, and the boy was assigned to the orphanage until his mother was cured of a serious illness. There he spent 3 years of his childhood. After discharge from the dispensary, the woman took her son from the orphanage, but they didn’t take her to school anymore, and then they got a job as a teacher in a political prison camp. A compassionate woman helped prisoners to transfer letters to freedom, but for this she and her son fell “behind the fence” of the camp.


Punishment for kindness

In 1962, Galina wrote a letter to N. Khrushchev, but the reaction to this was unexpected: she was sent for treatment to a mental hospital. The boy climbed through life as best he could, and after some time he was able to rescue his mother from the hospital, already suffering from cancer. Having become a director, he made the film “Psychohouse”, the prototype of the heroine of which was his mother. It is unbelievable how many difficult stories the biography of Rodion Nakhapetov includes. His mother’s personal life and fate are so hard that it’s hard to believe how so much trouble could befall this unhappy woman, a real heroine. It is also difficult to believe that the boy who went through such trials could get out and find a worthy place in life.


Rodion's temper was tempered as a result of incredible difficulties in life: being in an orphanage, constant material need, illness of his mother. He set himself the goal of breaking the chains of poverty that bound him at all costs. However, his idea of ​​fixation was to become famous and recognizable by all people. Friends of his adolescence and youth say that he was not sociable, ugly, docile, walked with friends, preferred playing chess, liked to read books, especially science fiction literature. He also attended a ship-making club, drew, studied music, but the difficult state of his family did not allow him to delve into one of these hobbies. There was a time when he decided to go to sailors and enter the Nakhimov school, but he soon became interested in theater and began to take an active part in the drama club of the school, where he had a friend, Zhenya Bezrukavy, who was a future actor.

The path to the profession

Once in Dnepropetrovsk a meeting was organized with such famous actors as Sergey Bondarchuk, Marina Ladynina, Boris Andreev. After that, the young man became infected with a dream about the theater, about the profession of a theater actor. After leaving school, friends Rodion and Zhenya decided to enter the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School together. After that, the yard guys began to call Rodion a “acture”. In 1960, he did not finish school, went to the capital of the USSR. Here, from the first attempt, he entered the acting faculty of VGIK, in the class of Julius Raizman. After graduating from this faculty, he decided to continue his studies this time at the directing faculty of the same university. Since 1978, he became an actor and director of the famous Mosfilm film studio. By this time, serious changes had already occurred in the biography of Rodion Nakhapetov - personal life, children, family concerns …


Change of name

If you remember, at birth, the mother named her son the Motherland. Of course, a strange name for a boy. That is what the employee of the passport office thought when issuing him a passport and reduced his name by one letter. Thus, at 16, the future actor from Nakhapetov’s homeland turned into the homeland, and Rodion, although unofficially, he became after the release of the first film with his participation, which was called “First Snow”. It seemed to the outgoing editor that there was a typo in the credits, and she redirected the name of the actor to a more familiar one. Since then, the actor began to be called Rodion Nakhapetov. This name brought him recognition!


Rodion Nakhapetov: biography, personal life, children, photos

During the filming of the picture “To the End of the World”, directed by our hero, he met his future wife. She starred in this film. Vera Glagoleva and Nakhapetov immediately began to sympathize with each other, and then something more arose between them, which led them to the Wedding Palace. They got married in 1974. The actress for 14 years was a muse for Nakhapetov. In the marriage, the couple had two wonderful daughters - Maria and Anna.
