
The role of the state in economic life (anarchism): The concept of the state and the economy in anarchism

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The role of the state in economic life (anarchism): The concept of the state and the economy in anarchism
The role of the state in economic life (anarchism): The concept of the state and the economy in anarchism

The role of the state in economic life and anarchism are concepts that are mutually exclusive. Currently, the role of the state in any economy is obvious. One of the basic principles of anarchism is the absence of coercion of power, the freedom of man from any kind of coercion, which contradicts the concept of the state. Today it participates in economic life everywhere, in addition, it uses various methods of regulation.


State, Economics and Anarchism

Anarchism denies the role of the state in economic life as a whole, as a concept. First of all, because from the point of view of this trend, any state is an exploiter and oppressor even more cruel and sophisticated than any capitalist. The state in its concept is not an abstract formation, but a hierarchy of officials and military personnel, observing, first of all, the will of those who govern them, but by no means an individual person.

Anarchism is negatively related to the market economy, which exists in the vast majority of countries. Does not recognize a planned economy (central planning). Economics, according to the anarchists, is the production of a product manufactured according to need, which takes into account the wishes of members of society, without outside interference.

Anarchism sees the role of the state as the actions of the most cruel exploiter. The state governs the society, relations within it, takes care of the security of the country, ideally should observe the interests of every citizen, which is not observed in life and, of course, control economic relations. For this, as mentioned above, various methods are used. Let's consider some of them.



Anarchism denies the state as an instrument of coercion of power, affirms the freedom of man from any kind of coercion. The absolute freedom of man, not bound by the norms of morality and law, is the main postulate of anarchism. The role of the state in economic life consists of creating a legal framework, which, according to anarchists, limits human freedom.

The main way to regulate the economy are laws that help to coordinate relations between participants in the market. The main role here is played by antitrust laws, which should restrain monopolists, laws in support of small and medium-sized businesses. All this makes the economy diverse. But, as we know, from the point of view of anarchism, the role of the state in economic life is nothing more than the exploitation of man, the limitation of his rights and freedoms. The same monopolists, through their representatives in the legislative bodies, lobby for any laws that are beneficial to them. Therefore, anarchism denies the state itself as a cruel exploiter.

Financial and economic methods

There are many ways in which the state is able to regulate economic life. Applying them, the state significantly affects both the economy of its country and other countries participating in the process. In the hands of the state, in addition to legal, there are financial and economic methods that anarchism denies in principle. These include:

  • Taxes. By reducing or increasing their size, the state can significantly affect the producer.

  • Monetary policy. This is, first of all, the ability of the state to manage the money supply and loans. Responsibility for its implementation lies with the central bank of the state. Its function is to regulate the interest rate.

  • Customs duties. By regulating the introduction of customs duties on goods, raising or lowering them, the state supports its own producer, making its goods more competitive.

  • Government investment. This is a kind of support for a project beneficial to the state.
