
Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Agafonova - biography, career and hobbies

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Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Agafonova - biography, career and hobbies
Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Agafonova - biography, career and hobbies

Ekaterina Agafonova is the host and producer of REN-TV, a Russian journalist, press secretary of the CSKA team, and editor-in-chief of the Russian newspaper Russky Vityaz for military personnel in Syria.


Agafonova Ekaterina Andreevna was born in Astrakhan on February 1, 1984. It is known that her grandfather, Agafonov Vladimir Afanasevich, was a honored military pilot of the USSR.


In 1998, as a schoolgirl, Catherine for the first time acted as a presenter. She led a youth program on local television. After graduating from school in 2001 with a gold medal, she entered the public relations department of the faculty of international journalism at MGIMO.


Ekaterina Agafonova, having graduated from the institute, got a job on the REN-TV channel, where for the first two years she was an international editor, producer and administrator.

In 2008, Catherine asked Aleksey Abakumov, the editor-in-chief of the TV channel, to act as a TV presenter.

Until 2016, she was a leading news program on REN-TV. She conducted economic news, press reviews, morning and afternoon broadcasts.

In the summer of 2014, Agafonova was part of the sanctions list of journalists who were prohibited from entering Ukraine.

In a year, Catherine was nominated for the TEFI Award in the category “Leading Information Program”. She was also chosen to host this ceremony and as one of the persons in the framework of the REN-TV channel rebranding.


Ekaterina Agafonova in 2016 left the television and became the press secretary of the CSKA team and the head of the public relations work. She also received the medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” for her work.

In 2017, Agafonova was sent to Syria. There she created and became the editor-in-chief of the Russian Vityaz newspaper, which began to appear for Russian military personnel. This full-color weekly publication was entertaining and educational in nature, so needed by the military, who do not always have access to the Internet.

Also in early 2017, Catherine was mentioned by the media as the head of the public relations directorate of the Unarmia (All-Russian military-patriotic movement). At the end of the same year as a media adviser to the GU for working with personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

From November 1 to December 17, 2018, Ekaterina Agafonova worked as Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Astrakhan Region. She was responsible for media relations and the news agenda. Then Agafonova returned to Moscow, resigning of her own free will.