
The Russian flag at the Salisbury Cathedral as a manifestation of “co-truth”

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The Russian flag at the Salisbury Cathedral as a manifestation of “co-truth”
The Russian flag at the Salisbury Cathedral as a manifestation of “co-truth”

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In fact, it is not so important who hung the Russian tricolor at the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Salisbury. Many, judging by the reaction on social networks, believe that this is just the trick of some idiot. Others, recalling the events a year ago and what followed them, hint that these are new "tricks" of the Russian special services. Still others, based on the same story with the Skripals poisoning, are sure that the incident with the Russian flag hanging is a continuation of the anti-Russian campaign of the British authorities. All this, beyond a serious evidence base, is just idle thought. But the scandalous demonstration of the Russian flag at precisely such a time in such a place is significant in itself, without reference to the initiators and performers of the action.

Skripal case


Recall that it was from Salisbury in March last year that a message came that a former GRU officer, Colonel Sergei Skripal, and his daughter, Julia, were poisoned there. Skripal was arrested in Russia at the end of 2004 on charges of collaborating with British intelligence. He pleaded guilty and went to cooperate with the investigation. This was taken into account as a mitigating circumstance, but Skripal received his thirteen years in a strict regime colony. But in 2010, by decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, he was pardoned. After that, the ex-GRU employee settled in the UK, in Salisbury, in a house for 350 thousand pounds. He lectured for employees of various special services, in which he acquainted students with the methods of work of Russian military intelligence.


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After poisoning


In Britain, very quickly after the incident they qualified him as an attempted murder, and one of the representatives of the local special services said that the poisoning was carried out using a nerve agent. It was later stated that it was a “Novichok” type of military substance, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, informed the public that it was the work of Moscow. As she elegantly put it, most likely, Moscow bears responsibility. She claimed that the substance "Novichok" was developed and produced in the USSR. The British side could not produce any evidence. Not only that, even experts from the laboratory at Porton Down, a British military technology park near Salisbury, were unable to identify the country in which the substance used in the Skripals incident was produced.

Diplomatic war


In Moscow, naturally, they rejected all the charges, demanding access to the case file or clear evidence, stating, inter alia, that no research and development of substances under the name Novichok was ever conducted in Russia. However, the British side continued to insist on its own, still ignoring the need to present at least some evidence, while stubbornly repeating phrases about Russia's involvement. The case began to acquire the frank features of a political campaign. In the end, it came to the point that Britain expelled twenty-three Russian diplomats from the country and froze high-level contacts with Moscow. In response, Russia went to mirror measures, sending the same number of British diplomats, refusing to open a British consulate in St. Petersburg and stopping the work of the British Council in Russia. And now - the Russian flag at the cathedral, which appeared there on the night of February 16-17, and was quickly removed in the morning.

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And here postmodernism


In general, the Salisbury story with the poisoning of Skripals is a situation showing global changes in applied politics, which began, by and large, with the victorious march of postmodern philosophical discourse. Without going into details, we simply recall that postmodernism, considering the human world as a statement, a text that does not closely correlate with extrahuman reality, but at the same time rigidly defines the algorithms of social behavior, suggests the possibility of deconstruction and free interpretation, the creation of a new human reality from fragments-signs of deconstructed text. This, in its extreme manifestations, leads to a complete breakdown, the dissimilarity of artificially created worlds to the world outside of interpretations, splits it into sets that themselves are constantly exposed to new deconstruction. As a result, a person simply loses the possibility of meaningful behavior. Yes, all this seems to be a theory divorced from life. And this would not be anything threatening if experts from the sphere of practical politics and social process management did not pay attention to it.

Post Truth Policy


Post-truth politics is a term that is currently being heard. Sometimes they even talk about the advent of the post-truth era. In general terms, this phenomenon is described as a conscious appeal to the convictions of representatives of a particular section of society, determined in advance with the help of special studies, to emotions. Moreover, the conversation is extremely generalized, setting a certain general direction of thoughts and actions outside of a specific context. The main thing is the constant pronouncing of one’s own argument, which is only partially related to the socio-political reality, but corresponding to the irrational ideas of the target audience. An example of such a policy has recently been the election campaign of Donald Trump, when he not only said what the voter wanted to hear from him, but also in the language that this voter used. At the same time, not disdaining conspiracy theology. If a voter believes in conspiracy theories, then why not say that Obama was born outside the United States or that he is a Muslim. However, perhaps more revealing is the example of Republican Mitt Romney, who also fought with Obama, but during the 2012 campaign, claiming that he would curtail his rival’s policy of curtailing defense spending, while Obama’s defense funding has grown.


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The reality of “the truth”


However, the case with Romney is already a slightly different version of the manipulation of public opinion. There is no longer any connection with reality. She is simply ignored. And instead, that same new, artificial reality is being built that indulges the superstitions of the masses. The current level and cynicism of political technologies makes it possible to ignore the rational needs of society, finally transforming power from an instrument of social development into a value in itself, allowing its holder to build his worlds, like a child building castles from cubes for his own fun. And this is a general trend in the development of political technologies. What is in the USA, what is in Russia, where political process management experts have learned to set the discourse of social thought in months, and even years in advance, defining the boundaries of the current context and cutting off what does not fit into it. Not so long ago, one of the journalists suggested switching from the use of the term "post-truth" to the term "co-truth", as a more relevant current state of affairs.

Captive Truth and the Salisbury Political Event


The story of the poisoning of the Skripals, in the context of all of the above, is a typical case of using a "post-truth policy." It seems that the main goal of the campaign that followed the incident was to format public opinion in such a way that the word "Russia" gave rise to an indispensable association with the terms "dictatorship" and "criminal regime", and even better evoked well-established associations with a bear, balalaika and aggression. In part, this, despite the obvious mistakes in carrying out the campaign, was possible for the alleged initiators. In the case of hanging the Russian flag at the Cathedral of Virgin Mary (we repeat, regardless of who did it), we are most likely dealing with “truth” and a political event, an event designed to actualize the agenda that has left the mass consciousness, already completely isolated from the search for truth in a matter of a year ago. The main thing is to recall the alleged role of Russia in it, and so as to translate in the philistine view its involvement in poisoning from the category of mere assumptions into the category of the most probable.