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Russian names in Japanese and their meanings. Alexander - Mamoru. Konstantin - Eizoku

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Russian names in Japanese and their meanings. Alexander - Mamoru. Konstantin - Eizoku
Russian names in Japanese and their meanings. Alexander - Mamoru. Konstantin - Eizoku

And in modern times, the Japanese for the most part do not deviate from tradition, preferring to give children ancient names that have a deep meaning, so to speak, proven on their ancestors. Of course, today, in fairness, it is worth noting the fact that not so small part of the population in the pursuit of fashion calls their newborn children the names of anime characters. We are interested in the fact that Japanese names have their analogues in Russian names. In the article we will consider some popular men's.

Russian names in Japanese and their meanings

Basically, the formation of names in Japanese can be divided into several groups:

  • Names that are associated with natural phenomena, such as seasons, elements, cardinal points, natural materials, etc. Among them: Kohaku, which means "amber", Kita, which means "north" and others like that.
  • names reflecting and bearing a collective image of male character traits. Such designations are intended to give the child the appropriate qualities and ensure a happy life. For example, Nibori is "famous."
  • Names that contain a component -ro, which translates as "son." For example, Itiro.
  • Names with a component - a gi that has an interpretation of greatness.

Characteristics of the name Konstantin and its analogue


In Japan, the Russian boy Kostya would be called Eizoku, the phonemic sound of this name is similar to the Russian counterpart, as well as the meaning itself.

Among the Russian names in Japanese and their meanings, there are such names, which are distinguished by a special "constancy". Probably, it is known to everyone who is more or less familiar with Latin, that in translation this is Konstantin. But a certain duality is hidden in this constant. How is this balance and the invariance of character and attitudes towards the world achieved? Inside the personality itself there is always a certain potential for the struggle for a balance of power.

Thus, on the one hand, this is a person who is single-handedly ready to cope with all life's difficulties, and to appear or to be actually unwavering of someone else's opinion or look, absolutely independent in his judgments and sober in assessing his capabilities. He is always the master of his fate and is also responsible for all his actions, not having the habit of hoping for outside help.

You rarely see Konstantin, who would not be ready to offer his help to others, sometimes even to the detriment of his personal interests. He is happy to provide assistance and just advice in a confusing situation, and money, if it is really necessary. Konstantin simply cannot stand the imbalance and lack of harmony, which can be called the state of a person who has lost a fulcrum and needs help.

The features described above are especially pronounced, as a rule, at a later age, when a person became stronger as a person and his life principles were established.

The reverse side of the balance


The characterization of the name Konstantin or Eizoku is always considered from the point of view of his constancy. But in fairness, we note that time always imprints on a person. And in modern times, almost any person should be able to adapt and be flexible, especially in the era of transition. Therefore, even Konstantin can change his constancy with enviable regularity, relying on the course of current events and being in search of a better place in life. His values ​​and priorities may vary.

Thus, stability can be maintained in his character and views only for a certain time. The problem here is that such a person will suffer from the inside.

What does "protector" mean?


The name Alexander is the meaning of the name and fate bears the seal of strength and courage. He is a fearless warrior and an invincible knight, in whose veins the blood of a great ancestor flows. This man - equally developed physically and spiritually - is endowed with a sense of justice and will not accept deception, unless he was undertaken to save someone's life.

His energy is truly strong: next to him you feel safe and reliable, such a person will not betray, he simply is not capable of it. Also, Alexander will not forgive the betrayal - this will put an end to the relationship immediately.

A person named Mamoru in Japan is a purposeful person with an increased sense of duty, in which the protection of the rights of not only his own, but also of the humiliated and offended, is in the first place. It is not easy for him in life because of his direct and hard nature, he is rarely inclined to compromise. But this is justified by the benefits he is trying to bring to society.

As for ordinary life, Mamoru first of all needs to provide himself and his family with everything necessary, create material comfort and be a getter. His woman, in turn, should be economic and maintain comfort in the house. The frivolous, sloppy person is obviously not a couple to him.

Watching someone to protect


In the context of modern education and traditions, a significant difference between the meaning of the name and the fate of the name Alexander and Mamoru can be noted in the very approach of "nurturing" men in different countries. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the Defender acts in his, one might say, direct role, and his ambition and lust for power will be directed more to the external plane - for the good of society. While in Russia, the tendency of the name is inclined to take care of its interests in the first place.

Russian names in Japanese and their meanings have a common root, but the fruits on the tree bloom depending on the proposed conditions: how bright the sun shines, how often it rains, and whether the winds are strong.

Who is revealed gradually


A person named Higashi is one who never plays in public and prefers to remain in the shadows. He is very hardworking and is able, thanks to his perseverance, to achieve a lot in life. He may not have big ambitions, but he clearly defines the goals in his life and goes towards them slowly, but surely.

Higashi is a balanced, calm person, not inclined to show violent emotions. He likes to do something with his own hands and his life is often associated with manual skill. So they can devote more time to their thoughts.

Their inner world, having accumulated a lot of experience and skills over the years, is revealed gradually and only before the one whom he will choose as his life partner. For the rest, he will probably remain just a quiet guy.

But if his deeds speak for a person, then people may wonder at one time how much he achieved, while "doing nothing." Higashi is constantly conducting internal work on his thoughts, he does not take empty steps, but only those that have creation as their basis.

It can turn out as a good builder or writer.

Based on the description of the name, one can understand why the Japanese Higashi or Russian Anatoly is “sunrise” in translation: like this natural phenomenon, a person gains internal strength of thought and action and only then reveals the fruits of his achievements over many years.

Who can wait


We see how Russian names in Japanese and their meanings are closely intertwined due to their common sound and mood. All the features in one way or another inherent in Anatolia, we will find in Higashi. The difference will lie in the country in which certain qualities are more welcome from the point of view of their perception by society. In the Land of the Rising Sun, Anatoly or Higashi will rather be understood thanks to the ability to wait, embedded in the culture. Everything has its time and its fruits. While in Russia, they will simply not notice him, if only at least sometimes he will not "go out into the world."