
"Crystal Boy" Sasha Pushkarev: biography. Adoption history

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"Crystal Boy" Sasha Pushkarev: biography. Adoption history
"Crystal Boy" Sasha Pushkarev: biography. Adoption history

It turns out that you can learn to love life. Even without paying any attention to the fact that a person suddenly for some unknown reason came to be disabled. And trying not to worry about the fact that his parents absolutely do not need him. This opinion can be confirmed by the “crystal boy” Sasha Pushkaryov, whose biography has incorporated pain, disappointment, hope for the best and fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

The beginning of life

Little Sasha was born with a very serious disease that could not be cured. The child had the so-called crystal disease, that is, increased fragility of bones. Doctors define it as osteogenesis imperfecta. Each bone in his body was so fragile that it could break due to the slightest tension or load.


“Crystal Boy” Sasha Pushkaryov, whose biography is an amazing example of love of life, was born into a dysfunctional family. His parents drank constantly, could often diverge and converge again. This continued until their divorce.

"I'm not like others"

Almost the only entertainment of the child was sitting at the window waiting for mom. Once he was very scared for her, when one of the drinking companions, periodically coming to their house, nearly killed her with a lamp. Then he regretted that he was so weak and could not protect his mother. So lived in childhood a little Sasha Pushkaryov, a “crystal boy”. The biography of his early years is not distinguished by any happy, pleasant impressions or memories. But he realized very early that between him and the rest of the yard children lies a huge chasm.


Mom and dad of the boy were deprived of parental rights for drunkenness. They didn’t care whether their son was hungry or well-fed, warmly dressed or not, sick or healthy.

Outdoor games

Sometimes Sasha was brought to the sandbox so that he could chat with other kids. But this almost never happened: the kids pretty quickly scattered who where. They were scared of a strange boy who was so unlike them, because Sasha was much lower than each of the guys (his height stopped at about 50 centimeters), he could not walk - he was only crawling. They were bored with him, because it’s impossible to play a game, neither hide and seek, nor football.

Hospital sketches

Sasha Pushkarev, whose biography in the first years of his life was not very happy, spent a lot of time in his childhood as a “crystal boy” in the hospital. He practically lived there, because there were many cases when the baby “broke”. Sasha was so fragile that he only had to inaccurately put on a T-shirt or shirt or pull on his socks abruptly - and that’s all: his arm or leg could be injured.


One day, a boy sitting at home on a windowsill in a snowy winter, watched the children making a snowman in the yard. Mother returned home drunk. She pushed the child away, wanting to pull him from the window. She did it so rudely that her son fell onto the bed, bounced on it like an inflatable ball, and hit the floor. Even after many years, recalling this incident, the guy smiles, despite the fact that this story from childhood is still quite sad.

“Serve the Crystal Boy!”

But there were days brighter in childhood, when sober parents took their son with them for a walk to the local church. Most parishioners vied with each other to give alms to the sad-eyed boy.


Thanks to an incomprehensible accident, a huge soul settled in a fragile body. Sasha Pushkaryov tried at that moment not to think about the fact that his beloved parents use him as a means to collect money for a sober bum. True, sometimes they remembered their son, buying him a portion of ice cream. And only when Sasha was 10 years old, they were finally deprived of parental rights. The father died in 2007. At this time, the boy was transported to the nearest boarding house for children with disabilities, which was located in Nizhny Lomov. There he spent the next five years of his life.

New lessons in Sasha’s life

There was one simple rule in this boarding school, which educators teach all newly arrived children. According to him, a newcomer will now live. It is quite simple, but very useful: the stronger should always help the weak.


“Crystal Boy” Sasha Pushkaryov, whose biography from that moment began to gradually change for the better, at first I felt a little fright, seeing so many sick children in one room. He absolutely did not know how to behave. But then everything was settled. Soon, a sociable, kind and quick-witted boy made many friends. He read the gospel to them and sang prayers. This was his several years ago, when he lived with his parents, taught his father Michael from the Trinity Church.

Screen star

Sasha had already celebrated his fourteen years when Channel One decided to shoot a documentary about the Nizhnelomovsky boarding school. The authors called the tape: “Crystal Boy” - in honor of the main character Sasha. It was shown on the air almost 10 years ago - in December 12, 2006. The film, very touching and kind, could not leave indifferent Valentina Dvoinishnikova, who lives with her family in the village of Polazna, which is located 45 kilometers from Perm. Only the first frames of the documentary appeared on the screen, and the woman realized that this courageous guy would become her son. Yes, yes, it was all the same fragile Sasha who did not break. The story of the “crystal boy” shocked all viewers to the core.

Valentina immediately felt that this was her child. She sympathized with him so much that at such a young age he had already suffered so much. The woman understood: if she did not take him to her family in the near future, at 18, the boy would be sent to a nursing home. At first, Valentina's husband and her children - 24-year-old son Oleg and 18-year-old daughter Vika - did not even want to think about it. But she was sure that as soon as they met Sasha, they would immediately change their minds.


Very quickly she managed to find a boarding phone number. Valentina talked with the director, who said that the boy has Ellis-van-Creveld syndrome, the child is very sick. She suggested that the potential mother think well before making such a radical decision. Valentina did not give up and asked to invite the boy to the phone. Mom Sasha began to call Valentine, when they spoke only the second time. She easily managed to convince her husband to go with her to Nizhny Lomov. At the first meeting, Anatoly immediately agreed with the decision of his wife. And then, endless journeys began in the offices of various officials.