
Tatyana Artemyeva - the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin

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Tatyana Artemyeva - the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin
Tatyana Artemyeva - the first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin

Tatyana Artemyeva - the wife of rock musician Vladimir Kuzmin, the very first, though already the former. She co-authored with him such golden hit songs as “My Love”, “Yesterday”, “Do not Leave”, “Voice”, “Walls”, “My Fault”, “When You Call Me”, “Fire”, Golden Carousel, etc.

Tatyana Artemyeva is the author of a book that touches on the esoteric theme “Last Rome”, as well as the composer of four musical cycles “Longing for Olympus”, “Esoterics”, “Lyrics”, “China”, and in 2008 she released a collection of poems “Over the Morning” early."

The couple have been married for about 9 years. They had children - Elizabeth, Stepan and Sophia. During this marriage, Tatyana Artemyeva gave birth to Nikita from another man, to whom Kuzmin became a guardian.


A meeting

Tatyana Artemyeva was born in the capital on Big Yakimanka. After graduation, she entered the Historical and Archival Institute.

Despite the fact that her life with Kuzin did not work out, as she herself admitted, she never regretted that fate brought her to such a person.

According to Tatyana, they met in 1973. At that time she was a brunette, and once she was sitting on a bench located next to the Bolshoi Theater. Kuzmin, who became interested in her, approached her and began his acquaintance with a phrase like: "Girl, do not worry, I have no sexual complaints against you." Tatyana at that time already met with a guy nicknamed Saboteur, he was her first man, but at that time there was a split between them. Then Kuzmin invited the girl to take her home, and she willingly agreed. After this first date, the mysterious gentleman disappeared for a whole year.


But then fate brought them together again. They met in the Moskovskoye cafe, where Tatyana came with her friend, where he ended up with her friends and Kuzmin. As a result, Kuzmin asked for a phone from her and began to call her almost every day. But Tatyana was not up to him, all her thoughts were occupied only by the Saboteur. However, Kuzmin with his perseverance still subdued the girl. He remained to spend the night in her porch, froze, and even, possibly pretending, once began to cough very loudly. As a result, the girl felt sorry for him and let him into her house. Parents were not at home, and they became close.

Once in bed they were caught by their mother, who very strictly asked: “Young man, what does this mean?” A romantic couple - Volodya and Tatyana - decided to run away from home. Having talked over at their friends' different apartments for two weeks, they decided to return. Mom Tanya insisted on the wedding. The bride bought a new beautiful guipure dress, Volodya - a new jacket, given the fact that at that time he dressed badly. After all, they didn’t live richly, and therefore there were only meager salads and wine on the wedding table.


Tatyana’s mother didn’t represent these events and therefore, having declared that she was very ashamed of her daughter, retired from the event. But Tatyana Artemyeva herself even now believes that Kuzmin was her fate if it were not for the red-headed female warrior Alla Pugacheva, as she herself called her. She accuses the pop diva of the fact that she destroyed their family and so influenced Kuzmin that he abruptly pulled away from the children. Tatyana believes that the children were very homesick and worried, and that is why they later suffered such tragedies in their destinies.


Lisa and Stepan

In December 2002, Tatiana’s eldest daughter, 25-year-old Liza Kuzmina (1977-2002), was found dead in her apartment in Moscow, she was tied to a bed, inflicted 16 stab wounds and her throat cutter from Nizhny Novgorod cut her throat. The strong stress after the death of his sister was received by his brother Stepan Kuzmin (1983-2009), who was very attached to his sister and even wanted to commit suicide. Kuzmin, in order to save his son, called for the help of specialist doctors and psychologists. Then Stepan was treated at the Psychiatric Hospital. Kashchenko, where he got because he took a large dose of sleeping pills. He was found in the apartment by a housekeeper, who called an ambulance.

He tried to listen to psychologists and agreed with everything that they told him, but as soon as they left the young man, he again took up the “cant” and bad thoughts entered his head again.

He struggled with drug addiction and periodically tied, but the willpower was still not enough. He even created a band and started playing grunge. In general, he was very fond of music, played the piano and guitar, composed, but in February there was a fire in his house, and he, trying to go along the ledge to the neighboring balcony, fell from the 18th floor. It was a stupid and ridiculous case. Stepan seemed to have a presentiment, entangled in his problems. The inexplicable began to happen to him, he became tense and reserved, it seemed to him that someone was watching him and wanted to kill him.


Sonya and Nikita

Sonya Kuzmina (1985) participated in the “Star Factory-3” project, but the girl never reached the final. She even wanted to be produced by Max Fadeev, but he refused, like her father, who explained his refusal with a dislike for pop music. Today she is a singer, whose producer was Kuzmin’s brother.


Nikita Kuzmin (1988) - the adoptive son of Kuzmin - in 2013 became a defendant in one unprecedented sensational major scam, the damage from which amounted to 50 million US dollars. In the company of computer geniuses from Latvia and Romania, he participated in computer fraud, money laundering and illegal financial fraud. The maximum term under the article under which the investigation was conducted was 97 years in prison. As a result, he received 3 years in prison, and he was released right in the courtroom, since while the investigation was underway, he had already served his term.
