
Nikolay Kaklimov: there are never many records!

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Nikolay Kaklimov: there are never many records!
Nikolay Kaklimov: there are never many records!

Video: Klimov Nikolay | BEST SOLO CHOREOGRAPHY 11.10.2014 | NEW YORK DANCE STUDIO 2024, July

Video: Klimov Nikolay | BEST SOLO CHOREOGRAPHY 11.10.2014 | NEW YORK DANCE STUDIO 2024, July

Age is not a hindrance to sporting achievements. This phrase is one of the life mottos of Nikolai Kaklimov. A pensioner from Krasnoyarsk after the end of his professional career began to devote more attention and time to sports training. Thanks to his healthy hobby, Nikolai Kaklimov was noted in the Russian Book of Records and the Guinness Book of Records.

Who is he, the modern Krasnoyarsk hero?


The most athletic pensioner of Krasnoyarsk spent his entire conscious life in motion. Even in childhood and adolescence, he was fond of skiing. After serving in the army, Nikolai Kaklimov began to seriously engage in polyathlon. The athlete regularly participated in city and regional competitions. At the age of thirty, he became a master of sports in his chosen discipline. What is curious, despite the outstanding achievements, physical education has always been only a hobby for Nikolai. The record holder worked at one of the city's factories for about 17 years. After which he retired and began to devote even more time to the physical development of his own body. According to the athlete himself, work allowed him to engage only in a day. Having become a pensioner, he began to train daily, gradually increasing the time and complexity of training.

The world record for the number of pull-ups in 12 hours


Nikolay Kaklimov regularly takes part in various city and regional sports events and competitions. This athlete has many victories and achievements. Nikolai set his first world record in 2015. A single pull-up marathon on the crossbar was held in the gym of one of the most ordinary Krasnoyarsk schools. The exercise was supervised by a panel of judges. The entire marathon was recorded on video using several cameras, one of which was installed directly on the horizontal bar. The athlete began to perform pull-ups at 13:30. The marathon ended at 01:30. In total, a resident of Krasnoyarsk Nikolay Kaklimov was able to catch up in 12 hours 4989 times. This achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a new world record in its category. The athlete performed pull-ups with rest breaks. The first 6 hours, Nikolai did approaches of 10 repetitions of the exercise. Then the load was reduced to 5 pull-ups at a time. Setting a world record has become a real test of endurance of an athlete. By the time the marathon ended, Nikolai’s hands had been erased to bloody blisters. The previous record holder in the number of pull-ups for 12 hours was a Czech resident Jan Kares, who performed the exercise 4654 times. What is noteworthy, at the time of setting the record, Nikolai Kaklimov was 54 years old.

Faster, taller and stronger!


Kaklimov had planned and dreamed of getting into the Guinness Book of Records for a long time. The athlete from Siberia did not even think about stopping at what had been achieved. After just a year, Nikolai Kaklimov decided to improve the record set in 2015. The athlete chose the usual format of a twelve-hour marathon. During this time, he was able to pull himself up on the horizontal bar 5825 times. What is the secret of the record holder from Krasnoyarsk? Nikolai himself in his interviews openly talks about how to get into the Guinness Book of Records he helped an individual training program, organization and daily work. The athlete leads a healthy lifestyle and trains daily. He spent several years drawing up a schedule of classes suitable for himself, which he does not regret today. After all, the result is worth it!