
Better not to meet them: the most dangerous fish in the world

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Better not to meet them: the most dangerous fish in the world
Better not to meet them: the most dangerous fish in the world

Video: What If You Swallowed the Most Vicious Piranha Ever? 2024, July

Video: What If You Swallowed the Most Vicious Piranha Ever? 2024, July

The great white shark or cannibal shark has an ominous reputation due to its attacks on humans. This creature is considered the most dangerous in the vastness of the ocean. But in fact there are other underwater inhabitants that are no less dangerous than this predatory fish. Meet the ten most dangerous fish in the world!


Common catfish is a large freshwater fish that lives in Central and Eastern Europe. Fish can reach a length of up to 5 meters and weigh more than 150 kg. They live in warm lakes and rivers throughout continental Europe.


Soms are very aggressive predators. Their mouths are filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth. They mainly feed on fish, frogs and waterfowl. Often they attack people. Their large size and sharp teeth pose a serious threat to onlookers.

Electric Stingray

Electric stingray is the most common electric animal in the world. They live in temperate climatic zones. There are different types of electric ramps. The range of electric discharge also varies between species. The impact of a marble electric ramp can reach 220 volts.


Electric stingrays have two highly efficient kidney-shaped electrical organs. They can produce and store electricity through muscle contractions. Electric ramps strike with electricity to protect them from larger predators and to catch prey.


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Usually electric ramps live on the bottom of the ocean, buried in mud or sand. The dark brown color of the electric ramps merges with the bottom of the ocean. This disguise helps them hide from potential predators.

Lion fish

Poisonous lion fish first appeared in the Indo-Pacific region. They are distinguished by outstanding pectoral fins and poisonous spikes. Thanks to such uniforms, they will not have many opponents - not every predator dares to go against a dangerous enemy. The poison of a lion fish can also pose a threat to humans: it can cause shortness of breath and even nausea.

And although their homeland is the Indo-Pacific region, now they are found everywhere in the vast Atlantic Ocean. And even here, lion fish scare away potential predators with their awesome appearance. Their presence in the waters of the Atlantic can affect fish populations in these places.

Electric eel

Extremely dangerous electric eels live in the streams and ponds of the Amazon and the Orinoco River. This predatory fish is known for its huge electrical discharge. Her body contains more than 6, 000 cells of a special type called electrocytes. These elements can together produce a current shock of 600 volts. The collision of a person with electric eel can lead to heart failure. A powerful electric discharge allows them to protect themselves from predators and stun their prey.



Piranhas are known for their carnivores and razor-sharp triangular teeth. They live in the rivers of South America. A bite of a piranha can be 20-25 times more than its own weight. Thus, this dangerous creature can turn even a large animal into mince in just a few minutes.


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Piranhas mainly feed on carrion, fish, crustaceans and seeds. But, being suitable, they will rush for everything. They hunt in groups - so they manage to catch larger prey. Avoiding a group piranha attack is virtually impossible. Attacks of these fish on humans are not so rare - many attacks have been recorded in the Amazon.

Bull Shark or Bull Shark

They are one of the most dangerous sharks that live in warm seas around the world. This fish got its name because of a short blunt snout. Unlike other species of sharks, a blunt shark, as you know, can travel in fresh waters: it has kidneys specially adapted for survival in fresh water. This feature makes blunt sharks much more dangerous than other types of sharks - people are attacked in rivers and lakes. There are currently 121 registered attacks on humans.


Bull sharks are very fast and aggressive predators. They mainly feed on turtles, shellfish, birds, crustaceans and dolphins. But at the same time, they do not shun attacks both on other sharks and on humans.

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Great White Shark

A great white shark has a terrible reputation as a killer. They live in temperate coastal waters around the world. Since 1580, 403 reports of white shark attacks on humans have been recorded, 65 of which have been fatal.


However, white sharks are not as dangerous as they are shown in films. In fact, they simply “try” the meat of the victim they come across. Great white sharks are not enthusiastic about human meat - they prefer something fatter, for example, a seal or a sea lion. But their powerful bite usually leads to sad consequences - an unsuccessful victim simply dies, without becoming a dinner of predatory fish.

White sharks are the largest predatory fish in the world. They reach a length of 20 feet and weigh between 700 and 2268 kg. This large predatory fish has more than 300 sharp teeth, arranged in several rows along the perimeter of the mouth. Great white sharks are also distinguished by their exceptional sense of smell and a special organ that helps them capture the electromagnetic field created by other animals.

Stone fish

Stone fish are some of the deadliest fish in the world. They live in the tropical sea waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Stone fish have 13 sharp spikes on their backs that contain extremely dangerous poison. Cutting with such spikes causes edema, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea and paralysis. Stonefish poison can also be fatal if the person has not been provided with proper treatment on time.


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The brown color of the fish-stone is an excellent camouflage in the vast expanses of the ocean. They are really easy to confuse with stones at the bottom. Therefore, swimmers and scuba divers should be extremely careful in the habitats of the stone fish population.

Pufferfish or puffer fish

Pufferfish is the second most dangerous poisonous vertebrate in the world. There are 120 different types of puffer fish in the world. They live in the tropical and subtropical waters of the ocean around the world. Most puffer fish species contain tetrodotoxin, which is 1, 200 times more toxic than cyanide.

Fatal poison tetrodotoxin was found in the liver, kidneys, eyes, spikes, and ovaries of puffer fish. Faced with threats, they inflate their body to a round shape. This trick helps pufferfish to cover their bodies with poisonous spikes in times of danger.


The poison of pufferfish is one of the deadliest poisons known to mankind. Strong poison can kill an adult in just a few minutes.

Unfortunately, no antidotes have yet been invented. However, puffer fish meat is considered a specialty in Japan, Korea, and China. In Japan, a dish of pufferfish is simply called puffer. Such a meal is simply fabulous money. Only qualified chefs have the right to cook puffer in Japanese restaurants.