
The most beautiful girls in the world - who are they?

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The most beautiful girls in the world - who are they?
The most beautiful girls in the world - who are they?

Video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Girls In The World (2020) 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Girls In The World (2020) 2024, July

The most beautiful girl in the world - who is she? The unequivocal answer to this question is not so easy to find. But according to research, professional assessments and ratings of well-known publications, they identified the top 10 most beautiful girls in the world.

Egyptian Queen

If you choose from all the representatives of the weaker sex for the entire time of the existence of mankind, Nifertiti takes its place of honor in the ten most beautiful girls in the world. Her appearance became a key factor in her future fate.

The girl was brought to Egypt as one of the concubines for the pharaoh Amenhotep IV. But her amazing beauty did not go unnoticed by him. Soon Nifertiti became the wife of the ruler. The Egyptians, admiring her facial features and figure, gave her a name that meant "beauty came."


The queen had neat facial features. A small nose and large green eyes conquered the pharaoh at first sight. The ruler admired her perfect figure and fair skin (a rarity for those times).

Even in those days, Nifertiti knew how to take care of herself. She never appeared among people without makeup and hairstyles. For care, I used the means available in those days - milk, essential oils and other improvised means.

For example, to clean the heels, a shell of nuts was used instead of pumice. Lemon bleached the skin of hands and nails. According to studies, it was Nifertiti who invented the first composition for depilation. She mixed honey, resins, various herbs and applied to the skin. After a while, the crust was sharply torn off, along with the extra hairs.

In addition to beauty, Nifertiti possessed a sharp mind and oratory talent. She often made responsible decisions to lead the state instead of her husband.

Spy and conqueror of male hearts all rolled into one

Mata Hari left behind a double impression in history. The girl was born in the Netherlands. Even as a child, she conquered everyone with her pretty face. By fate, she finds herself in the province of Leiden, where the first intimate scandal erupts in her life. Mata Hari was accused of flirting with the director of the school where she was.

At the age of 18, the girl had to get married. But family life did not work out. Mata Hari escapes with another man to Indonesia. At this time, she begins to get involved in studying the culture of this country.

But with the new chosen one, happiness did not work. Due to financial difficulties, Mata Hari goes to Paris. She gets a job as an oriental dancer in a circus. At the beginning of the 19th century, this direction in art was very popular.


One of the most beautiful girls in the world (pictured above) after a while becomes a celebrity. Her popularity was still associated with unusual dances at that time. The woman performed almost naked. The lady starts one novel after another. Famous European rulers fall into her network. In special circles, she is called a courtesan and a prostitute.

Mata Hari has also become famous for her espionage activities. During the First World War, she was able to recruit immediately in Germany and France, for which she subsequently paid. Mata Hari was shot in 1917. She accepted her death with dignity with her head raised.

Many men still admire her beauty and cunning. Even in the photographs, she was able to charm the stronger sex.

Princess Monaco

What is the most beautiful girl in the world? Princess of Monaco is ideally suited for this image. Grace Kelly began her modeling career with small roles in commercials. From childhood, she was distinguished by proportional facial features. Her appearance was noticed by famous cinematographs, and the girl was invited to appear.

Soon, she won an Oscar for her role in the movie Mogamobo. The actress is becoming popular not only in her country. She had hundreds of fans, but she made her choice in favor of the Prince of Monaco. They met at one of the shootings, and before that they corresponded for a long time.


Soon a gorgeous wedding was played. Grace Kelly has become the standard of beauty of the whole state. She had a great taste. The princess independently selected outfits for any exit. She skillfully emphasized her perfect figure.

Becoming the wife of the prince, the girl somewhat changed her style. Grace made her choice more towards elegant pastel-colored clothes. Her highlight was wearing wide-brimmed hats. From her image, the heroines of many films were created.

Princess forever

Who immediately associates the female name Diana? Of course, with the princess of Great Britain. This person has forever remained in the hearts of not only the inhabitants of this country, but of the whole world. What is the most beautiful girl in the world? What is behind this concept?

Princess Diana was the standard of beauty. Her wedding with Prince Charles is still the most expensive in the history of the kingdom. The girl had aristocratic features. Lady Dee (a gentle name invented by the inhabitants of the country) was distinguished by an impeccable figure and excellent manners. She in any situation remained restrained and intelligent.

Princess Diana had her own style of dress, which remains popular until now. She lived an unhappy family life. The woman for a long time endured the betrayal of her husband and the open hostility of Queen Elizabeth.


In 1996, the couple divorced. Lady Dee, despite all the sad memories of family life, honestly kept the secrets of the royal family. She never spoke negatively about her ex-husband or the queen.

The princess in recent years has completely devoted herself to charity. She helped many hospitals from different countries to acquire valuable equipment and medicines.

The woman finally met her love. She felt free with Dodi Al-Fayed (heir to the billionaire from Egypt and film producer). But in 1997, in Paris, a beautiful woman died with a loved one in a car accident. The death of Princess Diana is still shrouded in mystery. The rating of the most beautiful girls in the world could not do without the darling of millions of people. And the memory of her is kept in the hearts of many until now.


The list of 10 most beautiful girls in the world could not help but enter charming Marilyn Monroe (she can be seen on the main photo of the article). The girl had a difficult fate, but she was able to achieve great heights in cinematography.

Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles in 1926. Her mother could not raise her, so the girl was taken away by a foster family. Then she was returned to the orphanage several times and given to different people for upbringing.

At 15, Marilyn Monroe got married. The girl was noticed by one of the photographers when she worked at the factory, and invited her to work as a model. Marilyn Monroe was short, but had a good figure and expressive facial features.

In the first motion picture, she had a very small role, but she brought her success. Already in 1952, all of America and not only spoke of Marilyn Monroe. The woman had many admirers and love affairs.

She was credited with a relationship with US President Kennedy. But so far this fact has not been confirmed. Postcards with her image were stored in almost every house. She has been a symbol of sexuality and beauty for many years, remains to this day.

The death of the actress became as much a mystery as her whole life. She was found on her own bed, surrounded by empty medicine bottles. It is still unclear whether it was suicide or "retribution" for loving relationships with powerful men.

Audrey Hepburn

This representative of the weaker sex can safely be attributed to the category "The most beautiful girl in the world without makeup" (pictured below). She had perfect facial features. Gorgeous thick hair was always put in order, and the appearance was impeccable.


The girl had great acting talent and strong character. Her "puppet" appearance made the hearts of thousands of men tremble. Audrey Hepburn gained fame after her role in the movie Roman Vacations. For her, the actress was awarded the Oscar. The job was not easy for the girl. She suffered all the difficulties of the war as a child, and her health was undermined. But Audrey always found time to put herself in order, she was considered the standard of femininity and beauty. A miniature woman with a perfect appearance has become the dream of many wealthy men.

After acting, one of the most beautiful girls in the world became an ambassador to UNICEF. She has traveled to over 20 countries with charitable missions. The woman spared no money and effort to help unfortunate children from poor countries. The personal life of the actress for a long time did not add up. She married her husband several times. The only happiness for her was the children. At only 50, Audrey found her true love - Robert Walders. With him she lived in a civil marriage until her death.

The ugly duckling or a world star?

Brigitte Bardot is rightfully included in the category "The most beautiful girls in the world" (photo below). But in childhood, the actress was not distinguished by regular facial features and special attractiveness. She wore large glasses and staples to correct her bite. The nose stood out noticeably on the face and was one of the reasons for the girl's complexes. Bridget could only boast of her figure at that time. She was always perfect. The girl was sent to study at the ballet school.

After a few years, she was unrecognizable. She blossomed like a beautiful flower. Not a single man could resist her beauty and charm. Bridget began her modeling career. Then the roles in the movie rained down on her. She had a strong character and a "sharp tongue." More than once because of her statements, huge scandals arose. In the political circles of France, she was seriously disliked.


One of the 10 most beautiful girls in the world had several failed marriages. She could not be faithful for a long time and constantly made all kinds of intrigues with different men. And also her participation in various scandals did not like the chosen ones. The bardos were often accused of inciting hostility between nations due to rude statements in one direction or another.

Now Bridget Bardot can not boast of preserved beauty. But, despite her respectful age, she leads an active lifestyle and often appears on television screens.

The most beautiful big girl in the world

Ideal body parameters are not the way to success. The main thing is to have charisma, relaxedness and innate talent. So says one of the most beautiful girls in the world without makeup (pictured) - Tess Holliday, a model weighing 155 kg and with 58 clothing sizes.


Can a girl with such parameters dream of a career on the catwalk? Of course yes. Tess Holliday at the age of 30 is considered the most complete model in the world and is proud of this fact.

She has a very expressive face and the right features. Her luxurious hair is the reason to “get” many famous thin women in the modeling business.

Tess Holliday in childhood was very shy of her figure. A flurry of negative comments from classmates always fell upon her. Because of this, the girl dropped out at 17 and decided to prove that she could succeed in the modeling business.

Tess's personal life is quite stormy. She has already managed to get married a second time, her two sons are growing up. The model claims that children are the main thing in her life, and work and career are a way to earn good money.

Indian beauty

Aishwarya Rai rightfully occupies one of the places in the category "The most beautiful girls of the world of the 21st century and in all history". An Indian actress and model from childhood stood out for her stunning appearance.

Thousands of fans are ready to drown in her big eyes. The girl achieved success in her acting career not only in her country, but also abroad. And this is very rare for Indian models.


Aishwarya Rai has the title of Miss World 1994. Despite her beauty and popularity, the actress adheres to strict morals. She lived with her parents until the last day before the wedding.

Aishwarya married in 2007 and honestly remains faithful to her chosen one. The actress continues to act so far and is actively involved in charity work.

Aishwarya Rai, like Indian girls, knows how to dance and sing beautifully. In films, she repeatedly used her talents. The actress ideally knows English, so it was not difficult for her to achieve fame in Hollywood.

In 2011, Aishwarya gave birth to a daughter. Already after a short time, she regained her former shape parameters, although during pregnancy she recovered greatly. A woman understands that her success is largely connected with her beauty and grooming.