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The best special forces in the world: types, names, countries, classification, comparison, selection and rating of the best

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The best special forces in the world: types, names, countries, classification, comparison, selection and rating of the best
The best special forces in the world: types, names, countries, classification, comparison, selection and rating of the best

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Video: Military Comparison 2020 | military ranking of world countries (2020) | military size comparison 2024, July

Nowadays, the issue of combating terrorism is one of the most pressing. Ensure that at the proper level of protection civilians can only elite special forces, which are also called special forces. Similar structures exist in every state. In this regard, many are interested in what is the best special forces in the world?

The public has heard about the anti-terrorist activities of some elite groups, and has no idea about the existence of others. However, despite the lack of wide publicity, such units still exist and operate secretly. Information about which special forces are the best in the world, rating of the most effective special forces are presented in the article.


Special Forces is a unique type of force whose mission is to destroy terrorist groups, conduct special operations, and, having penetrated the enemy’s rear, carry out sabotage and other difficult combat missions. Since the place of activity of the personnel is extremely extreme conditions, and you have to work using specific force methods, high combat, fire, physical and psychological training is provided for the fighters. The question of which special forces are the best in the world, according to experts, is very sensitive, since the fighters of such units are already recognized as the best. In this regard, various competitions are held between the structures. The task of such events is to identify whose special forces are the best in the world.

About classification

According to experts, to determine the best special forces in the world is quite problematic. The difficulty lies in the fact that in each individual state the tasks of elite groups are different. Some units confront terrorists and rescue hostages, while others carry out reconnaissance and even attack. It is also difficult to identify the best special forces in the world for the reason that there are police special forces and elite groups in the countries that are in the department of both the special services and the defense ministry.

Compilers of tops and ratings often do not take into account the different activities of elite paramilitary structures, but mix everything up: Russian FSB special forces operating inside the country, American "fur seals" engaged in sabotage and reconnaissance in the enemy's rear, army SAS of Britain. According to one of the American versions laid out in Business Insider, the best special forces in the world are in the USA. However, according to experts, this point of view is biased. You can determine the best special forces in the world only by simulating a real battle between one or another group. In addition, such factors as the age of special forces, the foreign policy of the state and its internal stability are of great importance. For example, the Colombian Hunglas, constantly opposing local drug cartels, has more experience than special forces in prosperous Belgium. Also, the American units that have passed Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Russian ones - who have worked in the Caucasus for a long time, will be much more effective compared to the special forces of quiet Denmark. Below are the 10 best special forces in the world.

Pakistan SSG

In 1956, the Pakistan Army formed a special forces unit known as the Special Servies Group. The British SAS and American special forces, with which joint exercises were held during the Cold War, were taken as a model for the unit. Information on the number of personnel of the Pakistani special forces in the public domain is not available. The only thing known is that the recruitment of fighters in the SSG is very thorough. Each of them must perfectly master the methods of hand-to-hand combat. For this, applicants undergo nine-month training with grueling physical exercises. According to experts, out of ten people, only two fall into the group. The unit is trained to perform specific tasks in the mountains, desert, jungle and under water. The place to gain the first combat experience was Afghanistan. Pakistani specialists on the side of the Mujahideen opposed their colleagues from the Soviet Union. Over time, SSG fighters made sabotage attacks against the border guards of India. Today, the group conducts anti-terrorist activities within the country and is among the top best special forces in the world.


About Israeli Sayeret Matkal

This formation is in ninth position among the best special forces in the world. Sayeret Matkal has been operating since 1957. According to experts, candidates for this unit come after eighteen-month training courses. The list of disciplines includes infantry school, parachuting and reconnaissance. Since 1960, Sayeret Matkal took part in several of the largest anti-terrorist operations. Operation Israel's Lightning Strike brought fame to Israeli special forces. Then Palestinian terrorists captured the airliner with hostages. Many were released, but over a hundred people were still held by Palestinians at the airport. The soldiers of the special forces for the release of the hostages had to destroy the terrorists.


GIS Italy

In the 1970s, after several terrorist attacks, an elite squad was formed from among the carabinieri, which today is known as Gruppo di Speciale. Initially, the unit was created in response to the terrorist threat. Also, Italian specialists acted in Libya and the Persian Gulf together with NATO colleagues. There are 150 people in the group. Of these, several professional snipers. Candidates are taught shooting and various types of hand-to-hand combat, including Wushu and Thai boxing.


USA. "Seals"

Special Forces has been operating since 1962. The unit gained worldwide fame after 2011, when American specialists in Abbottabad eliminated Islamist leader Osama bin Laden. Only the best applicants with high physical and intellectual data fall into the squad. Candidate training lasts for a year. Many of those who wish are eliminated, because the standards are too high. Physical tests include swimming, running, squats and push ups. Having passed them, the young man is sent for further training, after which he is assigned a qualification. Only after this, specialized courses are available to the candidate. As a result, the unit's fighter is fully prepared to perform the most difficult tasks anywhere in the world.

About Canadian JTF 2

In sixth position among the best special forces in the world, the elite unit of Canada JTF 2. The paramilitary structure was created in 1993. After the terrorist attack in September 2001, the personnel of the special forces expanded and included several hundred people. The backbone of the special forces was the Canadian Armed Forces. The range of activities is not limited only to the fight against terrorism and the implementation of specific tasks in the country. Fighters of the Canadian elite formation are attracted to escort VIP-persons. In 2010, at the Olympic Winter Games, special forces ensured the safety of this sporting event. In addition, Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia became places for the covert activities of the fighters, where Canadian specialists were tracking down professional snipers from Serbia. According to experts, the level of secrecy is so high that even the Canadian Prime Minister is not aware of the tasks performed by JTF 2 employees.


USA. Delta Force

This formation is the first special operations detachment. In everyday life it is called "Delta". In addition to counter-terrorism operations and rescue hostages, fighters carry out reconnaissance and attacks. A unit was formed from US special forces, Green Berets and rangers in 1977 in response to the growing terrorist threat at that time.

In the "Delta" recruit people no older than 21 years old with high physical data. In addition, applicants must be psychologically stable. Thanks to grueling physical and mental tests, the weak are eliminated immediately. Thus, out of 10 candidates, testing successfully adds up only one. After young people expect intensive 6-month training courses. Despite the fact that all the activities of Delta are classified, experts say, you can be sure that Delta Force is at the head of every operation for which America is responsible.

About French GIGN

This formation is the intervention group of the National Gendarmerie and occupies the 4th position in the top 10 of the world's best special forces. As with most European special forces, the impetus for the creation of GIGN was a terrorist act. It was committed in 1972 at the Olympic Games in Munich. Before this event, a riot broke out in a French prison with hostage taking. As a result, civilians were killed, and the whole of France was shocked. It became clear that the country needed such a force that could provide protection for its citizens.

The number of GIGN special forces is 400 people. The formation works in two directions: it saves hostages and counteracts terrorism. Since its founding, French special forces have carried out many successful operations. The most notorious cases were the rescue of several dozens of schoolchildren in Djibouti, the capture of Bosnian war criminals, the neutralization of terrorists and the rescue of civilians in Marseille in 1994 aboard 8969 Air France. In addition, GIGN successfully confronts Somali pirates.


About German GSG 9

This formation takes 3rd place among the best special forces in the world. It has been functioning since 1973. The unit was created in response to the Olympic attack in Munich. Fighters of the German special forces counter terrorism, free hostages, and protect VIPs and strategically important facilities in the country. Special forces personnel - 300 people. By 2003, GSG 9 fighters successfully completed more than 1, 500 operations.

About British SAS

According to experts, this formation has surpassed the American "fur seals" in efficiency. SAS was created in 1941. The task of the group is to carry out sabotage activities in the rear of the enemy. SAS opposed German and Italian forces and supported the local Resistance movement. Recruitment in special forces is very strict. Candidates must be physically very advanced and be able to make a 40-mile throw march. To overcome this distance is given no more than 20 hours. In addition, applicants must sail two miles in 120 minutes and run another four miles in half an hour. In the jungle, where they then throw young people, they learn to survive in difficult conditions. At the end of the test, candidates have good navigational skills. The test ends with a 40-hour session, during which the instructors break their will. After successfully completing all stages, the young man goes to specialized courses. They are conducted in MI 5 and MI 6. There, cadets are taught the intricacies of intelligence and counterintelligence.
