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The scariest man in the world. Photo of the scariest person

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The scariest man in the world. Photo of the scariest person
The scariest man in the world. Photo of the scariest person

Video: Scary People Filmed in Real Life 2024, June

Video: Scary People Filmed in Real Life 2024, June

Everyone has their own concept of beauty. How often behind an external imperfection lies a beautiful internal essence … And yet, most people first of all evaluate a person according to external criteria, classifying him as beautiful, pretty or ugly. On earth, there really are individuals with an exceptional appearance. We will get acquainted with the most terrible and cruel people on the planet. So, the scariest person in the world - who is he?

TOP 10 most terrible people on earth


1. The first place in this unusual list belongs to Denis Anver. The people call him “Hunting cat”. It was he who became the winner of the competition "The most terrible people on earth." And all thanks to fancy body painting. Denis's body is decorated with numerous modifications from tattoos. The general "picture of ugliness" is complemented by pointed teeth, piercings, sharp nails, a forked upper lip and a tiger tail. Anver's non-standard animal appearance surprises everyone without exception.

2. Eric Sprage takes the second place in the nomination "10 most terrible people." This is a “lizard man” with a forked tongue, sharpened teeth and a green tattooed body.

3. Kale Kawai also looks non-standard: a cut tongue, silicone implants, horns, a bunch of piercings and tattoos.

4. Elaine Davidson - Brazilian with 2, 500 tattoos and a plentiful piercing.

5. Julia Gnuse - a woman-picture. The ugly appearance of Julia is due to a terrible disease - porphyria. Her body is covered in numerous scars, which she hides with a tattoo.

Second five

6. Rick Genest, nicknamed Skeleton. The tattoos on his body exactly repeat the human anatomy.

7. Etienne Dumont is an extravagant literary critic whose body is covered with complex tattoo designs. The "luxurious" look is complemented by 5-centimeter rings in the ears and horns on the head.

8. The body of 67-year-old Tome Leppard is also covered in tattoos by as much as 99%. The non-standard appearance of a man is in perfect harmony with his extravagant behavior.

9. Jason Shechterli. After a terrible car accident, doctors removed his face. When the photo of Jason was released, Weekly World News put him on the list of “The most terrible people on earth.”

10. Tenth place belongs to tattooed Pauly Unstoppable.

The scariest woman


Among people who differ in non-standard appearance, there are both men and women. Many of them specifically disfigure their bodies in order to stand out from the crowd. Some suffer from mental disorders, which is why they radically change their appearance. But there are people suffering from serious illnesses that completely distort their appearance. The scariest man in the world is the 25-year-old Lizi Velazquez. Since childhood, she suffers from a rare ailment, because of which she has terrible external data. Lizi's disease is associated with a lack of subcutaneous fat, which is why the girl is very thin. She hardly moves and is forced to eat high-calorie foods as much as 60 times a day.

The most ugly man by the will of fate

There is a man in the world who is different from all of the above “celebrities”. This is a retired police officer, Jason Schechterley. He received serious burns while on duty, leaving his face disfigured. A few years after the incident, Weekly World News published photos of Jason and included him in the group of the ugliest people on the planet. But Shechterli was not at a loss, but immediately sued the newspaper. He won the lawsuit, and now the aforementioned print publication pays a pretty impressive amount to the fund of victims of burns. Despite the terrible scars, “loss of face” and public ridicule, the wife of the former police officer did not abandon her spouse. She supported him after a serious accident and continues to love no matter what.

The most scary celebrities

Some stars have a terrible appearance. However, this does not prevent them from engaging in creative activities and remain famous.

  1. It turns out that the first place in the list of "TOP scariest people among celebrities" belongs to Michael Jackson. He made himself a non-handsome with his own hands, striving to be like a white man. In the last years of his life, he did plastic surgery so often that he became like an alien alien.

  2. The English writer and comedian Marty Feldman suffered from a base disease and had abnormalities in the thyroid gland. As a result, his face became terrible: very thin, with bulging eyes.

  3. Marilyn Manson himself came up with a terrible image. As a child, he experimented with white make-up, a black collar, and bloody lips. This "hobby" smoothly passed into adulthood.

  4. Jocelyn Wildenstein. Her unusual appearance is a consequence of her passion for plastic surgery. The Swiss socialite even got the nickname "Wildenstein's Bride." However, Jocelyn's husband does not pay attention to the rumors and continues to sponsor his wife's unusual hobbies.


  5. Michael Barryman. An actor from Los Angeles suffers from a rare disease that robs people of hair, teeth, sweat glands, nails. But Michael is not discouraged, but continues to capitalize on his extraordinary appearance by playing in the films of monsters, villains and mutants.

  6. Donatella Versace is talented, famous, rich, but so ugly.

  7. Kelly Osbourne This is a poorly educated girl who annoys others not only with her manners, but also with her appearance. Her ever-changing weight, terrible makeup and hairstyle make her truly scary.

The worst diseases that mutilate a person

In the world there are many dangerous ailments that turn the patient into a freak and a cripple. The worst human diseases are presented below.

  1. Acromegaly. The disease occurs when the pituitary gland begins to produce excess growth hormone. As a result, a person has high growth, a large gap between the teeth and a convex forehead. The most famous representative is Andre Giant.

  2. Leprosy. This is the worst disease that is only known to medicine. Under the influence of bacteria, the destruction of the skin begins. As a result, a person begins to rot limbs. The disease also destroys part of the face, which makes it terrible.


  3. Smallpox. With this disease, the human body is covered with painful acne. The disease is very dangerous: often the victims die. If a person manages to survive, huge scars remain on his body forever.

  4. Porphyria disease. This is a genetic disease leading to the accumulation of porphyrins. It affects the whole body and even the human psyche. It is said that the existence of this ailment gave rise to legends about werewolves, vampires. Therefore, often the most terrible people in the world are those suffering from porphyria disease.

  5. Elephantiasis. It occurs as a result of the ingestion of parasitic worms. The legs of the victim begin to deform: they swell, grow stout, and the skin tightens. The disease is common in the African tropics. To cope with the disease, special antibiotics are prescribed.

The scariest (cruel) people in history

  1. Marie Dolphin Lalori Despite her pretty appearance, this woman was a brutal killer. Her house looked like a torture chamber. When Marie’s mansion caught fire - and this happened in 1834 - the rescuers saw there 2 slaves tied to the stove, and dozens of mutilated mutilated people. The hostess chained her victims to the walls, floor. A photo of the scariest man in history is presented below.


  2. Ilsa Koch. She is popularly called the "Buchenwald Witch." It was no accident that Ilse got the terrible nickname: she treated the prisoners very cruelly. Being the wife of the Nazi, she outdid him by inhumanity. Koch walked around the prison naked, holding a whip in her hands. And the one who dared to look at her, immediately received a bullet in his forehead.

  3. Shiro Ishii. During World War II, the lieutenant general commanded the Japanese imperial army. But before that, in 1932, he conducted secret experiments on Japanese soldiers.

  4. Ivan IV the Terrible. It is no coincidence that the Grand Duke of Moscow was included in the list “The Most Terrible People in History”. In 1570 he went on a campaign, suspecting the betrayal of the Novgorod nobility. According to preserved historical sources, during the campaign, the tsar staged mass killings and robberies in small villages and towns of Novgorod land.

  5. Jiang Qing. She was the wife of Chinese dictator Mao Zedong. It is said that it was Jiang that was the driving force behind the Chinese revolution. During her husband’s reign, many paintings, artifacts, antiques, books were destroyed in the country; about 3 million people died.

The scariest people of our time

  1. John Gacy is the scariest man in the world. Known as the "killer clown." As a child, he suffered from his father's aggressiveness and alcoholism. In adulthood, he became a real killer. The first crime was committed in 1968 - he raped a teenager. After serving in prison and having been released, he began to earn extra money at entertainment events in a clown costume. During his work, 33 people were strangled. All his murders took place according to a single plan. In the evening he got into the car, looked for a sexy guy, brought him home. Then torture and violence began, accompanied by reading biblical passages. John buried the victims in the basement of the house and in the neighboring river. In 1994, the "clown" was executed.


  2. Jeffrey Lionel Damer is the most brutal serial killer. For 13 years, this maniac killed 17 teenagers and young men. He raped his victims, and then strangled them and dismembered the bodies. In 1994, while serving a sentence, he was killed by a cellmate.

  3. The serial killer from America is Theodore Robert Bundy. This is a real gentleman with good manners and perfect looks. But behind the charisma of Theodore was a real "beast." From 1974 to 1978, he brutally killed 30 girls. In addition, Theodore was a collector: he took as a "souvenir" the heads of the killed victims. Executed in 1989.

  4. Gary Leon Ridgway - The Green River Killer. For 10 years he managed to strangle 71 women. Many of his victims were prostitutes. Sentenced in 2003 to 48 life sentences.

  5. Ed Gaine. On the account of this maniac only 2 murders. But the cruelty with which they were committed shocked the whole of America. For several years, the killer dug up the graves of the dead and brought the corpses of women home. In 1984, Gein died in a mental hospital.

Cruel “heroes” of our time: continued …

  1. Henry Lee Lucas is a serial killer from America who has 11 proven crimes. He began his brutal “activity” with the murder of his own mother. In 2001, he died in prison.

  2. Eileen Wornos - the only woman killer on earth, included in the list of "The most terrible people on the planet." At first she was a prostitute and led an erratic sex life. And in 1989, she began to commit crimes. In 1 year in Florida, Eileen killed seven men. In 2002, her heart stopped due to a lethal injection.

  3. Richard Trenton Chase earned the nickname "Vampire from Sacramento." This is truly the scariest person in the world. He became famous for killing people, drinking their blood and washing it, and copulating with corpses. Richard's actions, of course, were not justified, despite the fact that he suffered from schizophrenia and painful visions. In 1980, he committed suicide.

  4. Andrey Chikatilo. This cruel maniac (to call him a man does not turn his tongue) knows the whole world. The serial killer of the USSR, nicknamed "Satan", "Furious Beast" committed 53 murders, each of which was proved by the police. The victims of Chikatilo were children, girls and boys. He did not kill them for sexual reasons. Chikatilo was a real emotional sadist who for a long time managed to escape from the investigation. Many say that the maniac has a dozen more unproven crimes. In 1994, he was shot by judicial sentence. A photo of the worst man-killer of our time is presented below.


  5. Dennis Lynn Raider, nicknamed VTK-killer, killed his victims according to a certain pattern: to tie, torture, and then kill. This is how the abbreviation VTK is deciphered. For 7 years, he brutally killed 10 people. Since 2005, has been in Kansas for life.