
St. Petersburg: population and employment

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St. Petersburg: population and employment
St. Petersburg: population and employment

Video: Build a Career in St. Petersburg at ArtiKen 2024, June

Video: Build a Career in St. Petersburg at ArtiKen 2024, June

St. Petersburg is the second capital of Russia. Every year, the number of residents living in it increases due to visitors. The city is full of prospects, which is a decisive factor for those who move to St. Petersburg. In this regard, the question arises: in what areas is the population living in St. Petersburg occupied?


The number of citizens

St. Petersburg takes the second place in the Russian Federation in terms of population. It is home to 5, 281, 579 residents.


Despite the fact that the city was founded in 1703, control over the population of St. Petersburg began only in 1764. The first city reports recorded 150, 000 Petersburgers.

As the city flourished, the number of residents increased rapidly. The first million citizens were marked in 1891.

By 1917, this number exceeded 2, 400, 000. However, further events - the revolutionary coup, the First World War, and after a while the Great Patriotic War - significantly affected the population of St. Petersburg. If by 1941 there were 3, 000, 000 citizens, then by 1945 - only 927 people.

A gradual return to peaceful life led to the return of the evacuated Petersburgers, and a large number of people reached the city from the destroyed villages, villages and cities. And already in 1950 in St. Petersburg again lived 3 million inhabitants. In the future, this number increased due to visitors, as well as due to an increase in the demographic situation. And so, for 2017, the city unites 5, 281, 579 people.


St. Petersburg, like Moscow, is a place where people from other cities and towns continuously flock. The main reason is to find a good job. It’s not in vain that they say: “Big city - great opportunities.”


The employment of the population of St. Petersburg is diverse. The northern capital is one of the economic centers of Russia. Huge enterprises for the production of various products function in it, travel companies and services are expanding. The cultural side of the city is also flourishing. Therefore, "find your place" within the metropolis is quite possible.

The unemployment rate in St. Petersburg does not exceed 1.5%. The city always has a large number of open vacancies that do not require education and special skills. But the indigenous people refuse such work, but for many visitors it is a great way to earn money.

National diversity

One of the largest cities in Russia is a place of residence for a large number of different nationalities.

According to the latest All-Russian population census (2010), the ethnic composition of the city is as follows:

  • 92% are Russians;

  • 1.5% are Ukrainians;

  • 0.9% - Belarusians;

  • 0.73% - Tatars;

  • 0.57% are Jews;

  • 0.48% - Uzbeks;

  • 0.47% are Armenians;

  • 0.42% are Azerbaijanis;

  • 0.29% - Tajiks;

  • 0.20% are Georgians.

This is not a complete list. In addition to these peoples, about 40 different nationalities live in St. Petersburg. But the amount of each does not exceed 0.1%.

Demographic situation

Fertility in the city exceeds mortality. In the next 1.5 years, the birth of 67-69 thousand people is expected. Also today, the influx of migrants has increased significantly.

Mortality has declined over the past three years. According to health data, the main causes of human deaths in St. Petersburg are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology;

  • accidents;

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;

  • other reasons.

The deaths from murders and suicides in St. Petersburg are approximately two times less than throughout Russia.

In general, the demographic situation in the northern capital is considered positive and stable. Fertility rates increased by 5.2%, while mortality rates fell by 5.1%.