
Screenwriter and playwright Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Screenwriter and playwright Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin: biography, activities and interesting facts
Screenwriter and playwright Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin: biography, activities and interesting facts

The life of creative people always causes keen interest in the public. The thing is that the life of such a person cannot be simple and boring. Something interesting happens in the fate of these people, which you want to write or read about. Pogodin Nikolay Fedorovich - screenwriter and playwright. According to his works and scripts, many interesting films were shot.

Pogodin Nikolai Fedorovich, biography: beginning


Pogodin is a literary pseudonym. The real name of this person is Stukalov.

He was born in 1900, on November 16, in the Gundorovo village (now Donetsk, Rostov Region). The boy was born into a peasant family, spent all his childhood with his mother. A woman made a living by sewing.

Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin began to work early to help his mother. He was engaged in plumbing and bookbinding. At 20, he began to write.

Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin: biography of the playwright


Pogodin created his first plays, traveling around the country. He visited factories, got acquainted with the workers and their labor. These trips were accessible to him due to the work as a correspondent-essayist at Molot and Pravda.

The playwright Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin drew information for his stories from the results of the revolution and a complete rearrangement in the structure of power. This was a new trend in the famous drama thanks to the peculiar style of writing and, of course, the situation in the country.

Other well-known playwrights of that time drew attention to the struggle between "friends" and "strangers", on the White Guards and the Red Army. Pogodin Nikolai Fedorovich tried to describe in his works as concrete as possible the "pathos of the development of new plants", the practice of socialist construction.

Heroes of Pogodin

The heroes of Pogodin's works are not representatives of power, not kings, not brave soldiers or traitors to the motherland, but ordinary people, such as you and me.

In The Ax Poem, the most ordinary workers, Anna and Stepan, became the heroes. This couple worked at the Zlatoust plant, which mined and processed stainless steel. The poem talks about the struggle for this expensive raw material.

At Tempe, Nikolai Fedorovich told the story of the construction of the Stalingrad tractor manufacturing plant.

The difficulties, problems and successes of the Soviet expedition were preserved in Snow, My Friend told how the newly-built factory was built and mastered, After the Ball - a story about ordinary collective farmers who tried to learn how to live in a new way.

The sensational work was the book "Aristocrats". In it, Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin described in detail how people were "reforged" at the construction of the Belomorsky Canal.

All works show victories and failures in the construction of a new country for ordinary citizens. It talks about how important socialism is for every person. It is dramatically painted how this same socialism enters not only into homes, but also into the souls of people. They believe in their work and do everything to achieve a result.


Advantages of Pogodin's plays

Each reader of the plays written by Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin undoubtedly noted a number of advantages of these works.

Here, there is not only a dramatic plot, which is the basis, but also the subtle humor of the playwright. He did not focus on the problems of life's difficulties and failures. He was able to show these incidents in such a way that a smile by itself appears on the face of even the most suspicious person.

In the works of Pogodin there is not a drop of fiction and exaggeration. He took everything from real situations and the present, and not the fictional life of people of that difficult time.

The negative sides of the works


In the early works, shortcomings can also be noted. This is primarily a careless, non-artistic language. Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin was afraid, and simply could not afford at least a drop of fiction.

Due to the fear of even a little imagination, the first works turned out to be purely newspaper and news. They are not so interesting to study for a simple person, because people do not need heavy thoughts, they just want to relax when reading another book.

Also in the works you can notice a number of events and moments that are not interconnected and do not bring benefit to the whole play.

Over time, Nikolai Fedorovich from an inept essayist became a real master. He began to introduce only the necessary information into his works, knew how to describe it beautifully and present it to the reader. No, he did not distort reality at all, he also did not invent anything, he was just able to describe all the actions in a special way.

Humor Pogodina in the works

The playwright Pogodin tried to make each of his work easier and more readable, not so dull. He sometimes diluted the sad events with humor.

This humor may seem rude and even “black” to many. But if you think about it, how else could a man joke in a revolution? When every wrong step or a simple mockery of an official could cause a link or worse.

In fact, the humor of Pogodin for those times was not rude. These were ordinary friendly taunts and pleasures, but we no longer understand this, we did not live at that time. People of those years would also not have understood our humor.

To understand Pogodin, one must understand the events of the early twentieth century, plunge into them, at least know a little history. After reading the first works of Pogodin, albeit a little clumsy work, you can appreciate his subsequent.

Pogodin as a screenwriter


Since the mid-thirties of the twentieth century, a new screenwriter has appeared in Soviet cinema - Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin. He has already become a sought-after playwright, and he is invited to write scripts.

His first work was written for the film "Prisoners". Not only the audience, but also the authorities appreciated the script. This picture was the first step in the work of a screenwriter.

Then there were several more scenarios for creating the films "The Man with the Gun", "Light over Russia", "Kuban Cossacks", "Three Meetings", "Dzhambul", "Hostile Whirlwinds" and others. There is hardly a person who has not watched at least one of these films.

Also Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin worked on plays for theatrical stage. He, being a screenwriter, did not forget about his dramatic beginning. Nikolai Fedorovich wrote as many as twelve works, ten scripts for films and many plays for theaters.

Awards and prizes


Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin wrote many plays about Lenin. They could send to Kolyma for such creativity, but Pogodin wrote about the merits of the leader. For this, he was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1941.

He received the same prize the same year for the script for Kuban Cossacks.

Then the war begins, but at the end of it and the post-war reconstruction, the playwright and screenwriter receives the title of Honored Artist.

Again, he received the Lenin Prize as a screenwriter. In 1959, authorities appreciated the first-tier scenario. The Lenin Order was twice received by Pogodin.