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The safe could not be opened since 1977: a visitor to the museum managed to do what the locksmiths could not do for more than 40 years

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The safe could not be opened since 1977: a visitor to the museum managed to do what the locksmiths could not do for more than 40 years
The safe could not be opened since 1977: a visitor to the museum managed to do what the locksmiths could not do for more than 40 years

Video: Wolfgang Back Interview for Scene World Magazine (English version) 2024, June

Video: Wolfgang Back Interview for Scene World Magazine (English version) 2024, June

For about forty years, the Canadian Museum had a safe. The locksmiths working at Vermilion Heritage all these years have tried to open a mysterious vault, but all their attempts have been futile. The safe was removed from an old hotel in Brunswick. It was closed back in 1977. The lucky one who was able to solve the mystery of the castle that did not open was Stephen Mills, who decided to visit the museum with his family.

Where did the safe come from

In the mid-80s of the last century, hotel workers gave the museum a safe. The fact is that none of the employees could remember what was put in this vault and what combination was installed on the lock. The deadbolt technology uses a three-digit code. The museum hired specialists to open safes and locksmiths to solve the riddle of the hotel vault. But, surprisingly, none of them could open the castle and reveal the contents to the world.


According to a museum employee, Tom Kibblewaite, who has been working there for a long time, they even arranged a telephone conference, experts stood around the safe and tried to figure out how to open it. Motivated by curiosity and interest, experts tried all the combinations that are possible. But this did not bring any result.

It was decided that the lock stood for so long in a closed form that the mechanisms weakened, and even when they entered the correct code, they simply did not work.

How to open the safe

Over time, the museum began to offer its visitors to try their luck. What if someone comes out to find out what kind of mysterious contents this store has from an old, closed hotel.


But not a single person was able to find the right code until Mills decided to visit this museum with his family. According to him, a fairly simple code “20-40-60” approached the castle. He turned the castle three times to the left and once to the right. What was the surprise of the visitor and all the workers of the museum when it worked.