
Selby Mark, an English professional snooker player: biography, personal life, tournament victories

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Selby Mark, an English professional snooker player: biography, personal life, tournament victories
Selby Mark, an English professional snooker player: biography, personal life, tournament victories

Video: Emotional Mark Selby Interview With BBC 2024, June

Video: Emotional Mark Selby Interview With BBC 2024, June

Snooker has long attracted many players and spectators. In many countries, besides the UK, millions of people today are addicted to this game.

Snooker is a popular variation of the game of billiards.

Interesting rules of the game, the absence of any age restrictions, the philosophy of the game - all this makes snooker more and more popular.

Tournaments are held regularly. Among them, more and less significant. More significant are the so-called rating tournaments. Less important are unrated. But from the status of the meeting, it does not become less interesting.


Well-known snooker players are replaced by new, younger players, as, for example, what happened at the 2016 tournaments.

The rise of a new star

So, in the non-rated tournament Gdynia Open was defeated by many beloved snooker player from Leicester Selby Mark. In the ranking tournaments of Paul Hunter Classic and the International Championship of the same year, Mark also became the winner. In addition, Selby won a number of ranking tournaments - China Open, UK Championship, Shanghai Masters, Welsh Open.


The triumph of his victories was the title of world champion in 2016, which was already the second for Sebl.

Two-time world champion in snooker, Mark Selby fascinates with his game many fans, and he, like all celebrities, has his own fans. To watch the game of their favorite, loyal fans travel around the world buying tickets for snooker tournaments.

Biography of Mark Selby

Who is Mark Selby? The biography of this outstanding snooker deserves detailed consideration. From early childhood, Mark began his difficult journey into a big snooker.

June 19, 1983 in the English city of Leicester was born Mark Anthony Selby (Mark Selby).


In his hometown there were several sports clubs in which there were snooker tables. Mark Selby fell in love with snooker in early childhood. He began to train regularly at the age of 7-8, visiting one of the social clubs. However, Mark immediately began to show extraordinary abilities, which even caused the anger of regulars in snooker halls. As Mark Selby later recalled, after a year of training, he was forbidden to appear at the club, as many of his members did not want to lose to the child anymore. Officially, this ban was explained by the effect of the law on alcohol consumption. Later, he was still allowed to attend training, for several hours on weekends. But soon they deprived of this, as he again began to beat the club members.

When, after ten years, Mark won his first tournament, the club's organizers invited him to host a show match. Not forgetting the childish resentment, Selby refused …

A significant event in Mark's life and future career was a meeting with the brother of the famous professional snooker player Willy Thorne - with Malcolm Thorne. Seeing certain abilities in the young man, Thorne incurred the financial costs of training and the tournament nuances of Selby's life.

Mark did not particularly stand out until almost 19 years old, not counting the won English championship among players under the age of fifteen. He reached the semi-finals of the ranking tournament - China Open - in 2002. And at the age of 19 he even went to the finals of the Scottish Open (Regal Scottish) tournament in 2003, but, unfortunately, could not defeat David Gray and lost with a score of 9: 7.

The Beginning of Mark Selby's Success

In qualifications for the world championships of 2002, 2003, 2004, he also reached the finals, but could not achieve victory. Until 2006, Mark Selby did not get into the top 32, which did not at all portend a stellar career.

The first World Championships that Sebley qualified for was the 2005 tournament. But on it, Mark lost 5:10 to John Higgins. However, the 2006 World Cup was marked by Mark Selby's win against John Higgins with a score of 10: 4 in the first round. Although after this, fortune again turned away from him, allowing Mark Williams to win the next round with a score of 13: 9. Despite this, Mark for the first time so loudly declared himself as a player capable of withstanding the most famous snooker giants. Finally, Mark got into the top 32 of 2005/2006, taking 28th place in the ranking.

The big disadvantage of Mark for a long time was the lack of a stable game. During the 2006/2007 season, he went to the decisive stages of many rating tournaments, earning points, but most importantly - strengthening his authority in the snooker world. 23-year-old Mark Selby made it to the 2007 World Cup and again lost to John Higgins in the toughest finals. As a result, he took 11th place in the ranking, beating at the same time such formidable players as Stephen Lee, Peter Ebdon, Alistair Carter and Sean Murphy. But the Terminator - John Higgins - could not get around.

Almost all famous snooker players eventually have game nicknames. Someone invents them himself, someone begins to call fans. So, Higgins was nicknamed the Terminator for his invincibility and fighting character. Mark has the nickname "Merry Leicester", which Bier Richard gave him. It is said that the roots of this nickname come from Mark's second hobby - darts. Selby sometimes performs in competitions in this sport.


In its importance, after the World Cup is the UK Championship. On it at the beginning of the 2007/2008 season, Mark easily defeated Harold and Hamilton. And again, Selby's lack of experience in top-level performances affected. Ronnie O'Sullivan turned out to be too difficult an opponent, and Mark lost with a score of 8: 9.

At Masters in 2008, Selby was finally able to win. In February of that year, Selby Mark won the Welsh Open and defeated Ronnie O`Sullivan 9: 8. As a result of the 2007/2008 season, Mark already occupied the 4th line of the rating.

The next season again brought unpleasant surprises, losses in the “Masters” and the Premier League, and again Ronnie O`Sullivan. By the end of the year, Selby was already on the 7th line of the rating.

The beginning of the ascent of the future leader of the top 32

The 2009/2010 season is marked by the appearance of the first maximum break in Selby’s career at 147 points at the Jiangsu Classic tournament. And in the final of the Masters 2010 competition, Mark was able to beat Ronnie O'Sullivan 9: 8. Despite a number of victories, in the overall ranking for the year, Selby went down even lower, to 9th place.

The 2010/2011 season was the most productive for Mark and brought him to the 3rd line of the world ranking, replenished his personal luggage with 54 hundred series and a record for the number of centimeters for the season.


The victory at Shanghai Masters 2011 was Selby’s second significant career achievement, and Mark took first place in the ranking. Soon, the famous snooker player Judd Trump removed Mark from first positions, but after Selby won the UK Championship 2012, he again regained his leadership in the world ranking.

New World Snooker Champion

The 2014 season brought Mark Selby the first world title after a landslide victory over Ronnie O'Sullivan. In addition, another victory in the first round of “Masters” was able to win Mark Selby. Ricky Walden was defeated with a score of 6: 0, and Mark again met with Ronnie O'Sullivan. This time, Selby lost to him in the quarter finals of the Welsh Open.

2016 was the year of two-time Selby champion after beating Dean Junhu. In addition to this impressive title, Mark entered the most elite snooker multi-champion club.