
Shakhri Amirkhanova: biography, personal life, career

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Shakhri Amirkhanova: biography, personal life, career
Shakhri Amirkhanova: biography, personal life, career

Video: Shakira | From 1 To 40 Years Old 2024, June

Video: Shakira | From 1 To 40 Years Old 2024, June

Shakhri Khizrievna Amirkhanova is one of the four granddaughters of the Soviet poet Rasul Gamzatov. She became famous thanks to painstaking work, and not family ties. Despite the exotic Dagestan name and surname, Shakhri was born and raised in Moscow.

The first attempts to gain independence were made by a girl at 13 years old. By the way, at that time her grandmother was engaged in the beauty of Shakhri, it was she who took the girl to plastic surgeons, where she had rhinoplasty. But in the profession, the girl first became an assistant to the famous media tycoon Derk Sauer. She worked for The Moscow Times.

A year later, when career growth began to take shape, Shakhri realized that it was time to conquer new peaks and decided to move to the United States. There she continued to study and tried to finish school, then to stay permanently and receive further education. But abroad, the girl was never able to establish a way of life, make friends and social status. That is why, a year later, Shahri returned to her homeland. This decision may not have been easy for her, but it was she who became decisive in her professional development. At that moment, the girl was firmly determined with her career, ambitions and development in the fashion industry.


Attempt number 1

In Moscow, Shakhri Amirkhanova entered Moscow State University, where she chose the specialty "Foreign Languages". In parallel with her studies, the girl gets a job in the fashion department of Cosmopolitan magazine. Constant contact with the fashion industry attracts the girl, and she decides to develop in this direction. To fulfill his dream, Shakhri leaves Russia again and enters London College of Fashion. For Russian projects and fashion magazines, such an education was new, but the granddaughter of Rasul Gamzatov was not used to being, like everyone else, and giving up halfway.

Achievements of goals

The heyday of a career comes at 21. It was then that all the same Derk Sauer and the Independent Media House, which had already gained popularity, again invited the girl to work. But now Shakhri Amirkhanova takes a new prestigious position as editor of the glossy publication Harper's Bazaar. In Europe and America, the magazine was very famous, so many fashionistas had the question of how a fragile girl in 21 years with virtually no experience will cope with such a turn. Envious people prophesied the failure of the first issues under the leadership of Shahri.

But everything happened exactly the opposite: the magazine began to gain popularity, and sales and circulation grew with each issue. In particular, this was facilitated by an interesting decision by Shakhri: she came up with the "Diaries" section, where the girl described her life and the events taking place in it. Something like this move resembles today's blogs, but then such a solution was extraordinary and was new to readers.


Harper's bazaar and Tatler editors officially recognized her talent and steel grip in 2005 at an event among recognized businessmen and entrepreneurs. There, Shakhri Amirkhanova received the Olympia women's award.

Cardinal change of course

All the more unexpected for everyone seemed her sudden departure from the editorial chair in 2006. But in fact, everything is simple: this position has ceased to interest her. Shakhri Amirkhanova believes that one should approach with interest and invest a part of oneself in one's activities and work. At some point, social life, the decorated rich wives of the oligarchs were so bored with the girl that she simply stopped going to work.

The editors did not really want to follow Shahri's lead, and typesetting magazines without inspiration was also not a way out of the situation. Therefore, by a mutual decision, the girl was removed from her post and finally was able to devote more attention to herself. She had long wanted to slow down at a frantic pace and just enjoy nature, solitude and tranquility. There was no friendly support from colleagues or acquaintances, and as a result, Shakhri became isolated and ceased to be liked even by herself. Creative vulnerable nature is not reconciled with the ambitious business plans of managers.


Other priorities

Now Shakhri Amirkhanova, whose biography has changed dramatically, has also revised her views on life. She has long abandoned elaborate designer outfits and high heels. The girl believes that materialism has long gone out of fashion, and its unique wardrobe is simply giving away to friends or transporting to the country. Looking good is a simple concept for a girl; it consists in an organic and light image.

home and family

Although, even in her youth, Shakhri understood that she did not want to engage in fashion business and keep a glossy magazine at the age of forty. That is why the new environment of creative people who are in no hurry to pull a blanket over themselves, to buy yachts, cars, houses, attracted the girl so much. Her new friends are people free from the opinions of those around her, said Shakhri Amirkhanova. The girl’s personal life was in the best possible way with the lead singer of the Pompeya group, Sasha Lipsky, who is seven years younger than her. The girl is happy in marriage and brings up little Alice.


Shakhri copes well with the role of the mother, because she is completely dedicated to raising a child and maintaining home comfort, this brings her sincere pleasure. The girl believes that now her main goal is to be a good mom and wife, to make her family happy.

Activities for everyone

Of course, the girl does not stop writing, she always liked it. But now she is doing this exclusively for her fans. Shahri has a live journal. In it, she talks about travels, plans, dreams and what is happening in life. Although she does this infrequently, still in the articles there are deep sayings, conclusions, and they are also written very sincerely and without unnecessary pathos. But in the articles of Vogue magazine, Shahri reveals the secrets of beauty and youth. She is also well versed in this, because fashion houses have repeatedly admired her oriental beauty. And in her Instagram account, the girl simply shares cute photos with subscribers.
