
Stormy weather ashore near Liverpool the remains of a “picnic” 40 years ago (photo)

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Stormy weather ashore near Liverpool the remains of a “picnic” 40 years ago (photo)
Stormy weather ashore near Liverpool the remains of a “picnic” 40 years ago (photo)

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Stormy weather washed ashore near Liverpool the remnants of a “picnic” 40 years ago. This unpleasant find once again raises the burning problem of plastic waste and urges humanity to think about the future of our planet. We will tell you more about this unpleasant story.


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Strong winds contributed to the picnic from about the 1980s on Formby Beach in Merseyside. Among the debris found were chips wrappers, Coca-Cola cans and a loaf of 1983 bread.


The discovery was made by local 49-year-old photographer Colin Lane, who was walking his Monti terrier. The man said: “It seems that the storms shifted the sands and laid bare this packet, which must have been under the sands for decades. The storms had a devastating effect on many miles along the coast. The sand dunes have completely disappeared. ”

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Twitter users tried to determine exactly how many years the garbage from this beach picnic lay. It is curious, but many speculate that some of the products could be several years older than bread, on the packaging of which it was written: “Since January 1983”.
