
How many km are from Moscow to Samara? What is the track like?

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How many km are from Moscow to Samara? What is the track like?
How many km are from Moscow to Samara? What is the track like?

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The article answers the question: how many kilometers are from Moscow to Samara. A description of the track and its main features is also provided.

How many km are from Moscow to Samara?

The Moscow-Samara highway is one of the most popular in Russia. Moscow belongs to the Central Federal District, and Samara to the Volga Region. Users often ask the question: how many kilometers are from Moscow to Samara? The distance between these cities is 856 km, and if you go along the highway, then 1054 km. It is clear that the answer to the question: how many kilometers from Samara to Moscow will be the same. It will take about 15 hours to overcome this distance along the existing highway, at a speed typical for a Russian car. The direction of movement from Moscow to Samara is mainly to the southeast (with a slope to the east). While driving from Moscow to Samara, a car passes Ryazan and Penza, which are intermediate points.


Track history

The Moscow-Samara highway is part of the Ural federal highway (code name: M-5). The Moscow-Ryazan section is one of the oldest in the country; it used to be used for horseback riding. Under the automobile movement was adapted in the early 30s of the XX century, when the first cars only appeared. Prior to Samara, the highway was completed in the 40s of the last century, and in the 60s - extended to Chelyabinsk.


Features of the highway Moscow - Samara

The federal highway extends from Moscow to Samara (how many kilometers have already been specified) and to the east. Up to 240 kilometers from Moscow (the village of Dobry Sot in the Ryazan Region) there are 2 or more lanes in both directions, after which it narrows and then has mainly one lane in each direction. The exception is the site on the Penza detour and more sites in some areas.

Track geography

The route passes through the Central and Volga Federal Districts. The terrain is flat, sometimes elevated. In the direction of Samara, the continental climate grows, it becomes drier, and in winter and more severe. Summer in Samara, on the contrary, is hotter than in Moscow. Landscapes in the northwestern half of the path (from Moscow) are forested, and in the southeastern half (from the side of Samara) - steppe and forest-steppe.


Route route

The highway begins at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Volgogradsky Prospekt, after which the road follows in a southeastern direction through the territory of the Moscow Region, through the city of Lyubertsy and the city of Lukhovtsy. Within the Moscow region, the road crosses 2 large rivers: Moscow and Oka (all this in the Kolomna region).

The next area on the way of the motorist is Ryazan. The direction of movement is east-southeast. Here the track runs near Rybnoye, Shilov and Sasov. Ryazan bypasses bypass, crosses the city of Shatsk. The main crossed rivers of the Ryazan region are the Pronya and Tsna, as well as many small rivers.

More recently, crossing the railway lines in the Ryazan region was a land one, which often led to the appearance of huge traffic jams. Now overpasses have been created for this purpose.

After the Ryazan region follows Mordovia. At 458 km, it passes near the city of Saransk.

The next region is the Penza region. The direction of movement remains the same: east and south-east. The highway here passes through Spassk, the outskirts of the city of Nizhny Lomov, as well as along the northern outskirts of the city of Penza, further, not far from the cities of Zarechny and Kuznetsk.


The last in front of Samara is the Ulyanovsk region. It belongs to the Volga Federal District. Here the track is oriented in the direction of west-east.

On the territory of the Samara region, the car will also follow to the east. The road here goes along the outskirts of Syzran, not far from Oktyabrsk, then along the banks of the Saratov reservoir. Then go north through Zhigulevsk and Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power stations, through the city of Tolyatti, then east and southeast to the outskirts of the city of Samara.

The last point of this route is the intersection near Novosmeykino, from where you can turn into Samara, or move on towards the Urals.