
Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Snezhana Babkina: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Snezhana Babkina is a young actress, as well as the wife of the famous Ukrainian musician Sergei Babkin. He is known as a member of the 5'nizza group. Thanks to what roles in the cinema and theater did the girl become famous? How long ago did I meet Sergey Snezhan Babkin? And how old is the girl? We will try to tell about these and other interesting facts from the life of a young actress in our article.

Snezhana Babkina: biography

Vartanyan is the maiden name of the wife of Sergei, she was born on July 8, 1985 in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine). At the moment, Snezhana Babkina is 32 years old.


As a child, for 13 years Snezhana was seriously engaged in ballroom dancing. However, in the 10th grade, a turning point occurred in her life, after which the girl decided instead of ballroom dancing to do modern, or rather, the upper break. The growth of Snezhana Babkina is 165 cm.

In 2002, Snezhana left for Kiev with the aim of entering the capital's university. After 5 years, in 2007, the girl completed her studies in the Russian acting course at the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television. After that, she played roles in the Free Theater and in the New Drama Theater in Pechersk (Kiev). After some time, she returned to Kharkov.

Acquaintance of Snezhana and Sergey

In early August 2007, when Snezhana came to work in the Kharkov Theater 19, she immediately met her future husband. The girl stood in the lobby of the theater. When the telephone rang at the duty officer, they called Babkin, he rushed to the receiver and nearly knocked down the young actress standing in his way. This was the acquaintance, followed by several months of rehearsing various roles together.

When it was November 7th, Sergei’s birthday, the young man asked Snezhana not to leave after the performance in order to celebrate the holiday among his colleagues. During the party, the future godfather of the Babkins included some kind of music. Sergey invited Snezhana to a slow dance. During movements in the rhythm of music, young people felt a spark run between them.


After that, for almost two weeks, Snezhana had the same dream in which a man in a hood approached her. He held out her hands and called with him. In a dream, the girl agreed and rode with him. In one of the last dreams, the face of a man became visible - it turned out to be Sergey.

In early December, young people began an affair. At that time, Snezhana already had a child, but Sergei immediately began to treat him as his own son.

Popular spouse

Sergey Babkin was born on November 7, 1978 in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine), in the family of a military man. His dad is a retired lieutenant colonel, and his mother is a kindergarten teacher. Sergei also has an older brother, whose activities are related to the armed forces.

From childhood, Babkin was fond of creative activities and music. In preschool years he was engaged in ballroom dancing, a little later he attended a school of fine art and was engaged in figure skating.

Sergey studied at the Kharkov Lyceum of Arts and at a music school in the flute class, while being fond of the theater. In school years, Babkin took an active part in amateur performances, played in KVN and went to drama club.


At 22, he graduated from the State University of the Arts, received the specialty "actor of the drama and cinema theater." When the young man was in his last year at the institute, he decided to try his luck in the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. However, he failed to enter local theaters, after which Sergei had to return to his homeland, to Kharkov.

Creative activity of Snezhana

It is known that until 2013 the young actress was involved in three productions of Theater 19. Namely, in the play "ChMO", "Our Hamlet" and "(The most) easy way to quit smoking." Then Sergey Babkin stopped playing in Theater 19, and Snezhana left after him.

Young people went to see the production of the “Rat” at the “Beautiful Flowers” ​​Theater, which was going on at the Actor’s House. After watching the play, the Babkins expressed a desire to work in the troupe of the theater. After several months, the theater management considered the request of a young family - Snezhana and Sergei began to play in the theater's productions.

The newly formed Theater "Beautiful Flowers" is known for working in the unique wordless genre of funk futurism. Its actors use plastic and flight of thoughts instead of words. In addition to the productions shown in their native state, actors of the modern theater participated in theater festivals in Costa Rica, Poland, Germany and Azerbaijan. Today Sergey and Snezhana play in the productions of Fat and Dracula.


Babkin's love story

After meeting Sergey and Snezhana, about 10 years have passed. Back in 2007, during a game on the same stage, young people began a romantic relationship. It is known that a year later, in May 2008, a wedding ceremony took place between the young actors of the theater, and a year later (in March 2009) they officially legalized their relationship.

In 2010, a girl who was named Veselina was born to a star couple. The girl received the name by a fluke. As it turned out, after one of the performances, her fan approached Snezhana and started a conversation with her, at the end of which the young actress found Sergey and said that she knew what name to choose for their future heiress.

It is also known that the lead singer of the 5'nizza musical group - Sergei - has a son, Ilya, from his first marriage, who is currently 12 years old (the boy lives with his mother in Canada), and Snezhana Babkina from the previous relationship has an 11-year-old son Arthur. Arthur and Veselina Snezhana is raising together with Sergei.

Wedding of Snezhana and Sergey

The official marriage of the couple was fundamentally different from the usual classic weddings. Snezhana and Sergey Babkina preferred denim items to a white dress and an official suit. In the bride’s hands was a modest bouquet of flowers, and on the head of the soloist of the musical group “5'nizza” - a dandy hat.


Preparation for the festive event, according to Babkin, in total took a matter of hours. When the young people came to the registry office, they were recorded on the 27th. A little later, the bride and groom realized that March 27 is also the International Theater Day. The newlyweds considered this a great sign for two, since both Snezhana and Sergey have a theatrical education and are actors in demand in their city.

Playing a movie

In addition to participating in performances, Snezhana Babkina also manifests herself as a movie actress. So, in 2008, the girl starred in a short film called "The Draw", where she played herself, and after 6 years, in 2014, she starred with her husband in the film "Alexander Dovzhenko. Odessa dawn. " In the picture, Babkin played the young main character, Snezhana played the role of his wife - Julia Solntseva.