
A component of jihad, ghazavat is a war against infidels

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A component of jihad, ghazavat is a war against infidels
A component of jihad, ghazavat is a war against infidels

Ghazawat is one of the components of jihad. The name is derived from the Arabic word "ghazv" - raid, invasion, sudden invasion, raid. In Islam, it acquired significance as a struggle for faith with infidels. This word existed before the advent of Islam and meant the struggle of the tribes for wells, pastures, and livestock, including raids on foreign territories. In Islam, it has acquired a religious connotation.



In the modern world, the word "jihad" is perceived by most people (they are often referred to as those who consider themselves Muslim) as a call for a brutal and bloody war. Although ghazawat is indeed a call for war and it is part of jihad, most modern Islamists insist that this is not the case. The word "jihad" is translated from Arabic as "effort." It is interpreted by Islam a little differently and means "zeal" in the knowledge of the Almighty.

Yes, indeed, jihad is a fierce struggle, but without bloodshed. This is the most difficult war with its vices, such as laziness, deceit, debauchery and, most importantly, zeal in spreading and strengthening Islam. The Gazavat military struggle is, as a component of jihad, the struggle for independence, against aggressors, criminals. The concept is used not only in a religious sense, but as an effort in any business: study, work.

The Qur'an instructs every Muslim to protect the faith and spend all his time and money on it as necessary. In case of danger, a ghazawat is declared - this is an armed confrontation against the enemies of the faith. And especially against those who encroached on its foundations.

A number of Islamists believe that jihad has two forms: large spiritual and small - this is ghazavat. Considering it in more detail, there are up to six components of spiritual jihad.


The Purpose of Ghazavat (Jihad)

A careful study of Islam, many scholars argue that it is, in essence, a peaceful religion, according to its canons, ghazavat is a defensive, defensive action. But in reality, the goal of the Muslim elite is different - the spread of Islam and the expansion of the power of influence of those in power who profess Islam. This is actually quite a tough and aggressive religion, using which the Muslim elite, despite their assurances, waging aggressive wars for power and the global Islamization of the world's population.

In Islam, there are certain norms and rules based on the Qur'an that state that you must not kill people who, while in the armed forces, do not take part in hostilities, do not touch children, women, elderly people, clergy, due to circumstances that cannot to be military. But, as we know, for most radical Islamists this is an empty phrase.



In the years 1820-1830. in the Caucasus (Dagestan, Chechnya) an imamate was formed - a military-theocratic state. At the head was an imam who expressed civil and spiritual authority. His law is Sharia, the official language is Arabic. In the imamate, the ghazawat was elevated to the rank of state policy, it was based on the struggle against tsarism, which justified its conduct from the point of view of the Islamic religion, but in addition there was a struggle of the national elite and the clergy for power. One of the founders of this kind of state in the Caucasus is considered to be Imam Shamil, who ruled the Caucasian imamat in the 30s of the XIX century.
