
Elf Owls: the smallest and cutest of the owl family

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Elf Owls: the smallest and cutest of the owl family
Elf Owls: the smallest and cutest of the owl family

Video: Meet the World's Smallest Owl 2024, June

Video: Meet the World's Smallest Owl 2024, June

Owls are adorable creatures. No wonder today many decide to keep this bird at home as a pet. I must say that here people are waiting for disappointment. Tales of Harry Potter is one thing, and a bird of prey that flies at night and eats raw mice is another. It is not suitable for home, but to watch an owl in natural conditions is very interesting.


Amazing desert people

North American deserts can strike the eye with ecological diversity. A huge number of unique animals live here. They feel great with significant temperature differences and almost complete absence of precipitation.

This is a place characterized by special, severe beauty where you can meet an amazing creature. It adapted not only its way of life, but also its size in order to feel good in the desert. An elven owl is not a fairytale, but a real bird.


How does she look

Petite and pretty, she is an ordinary inhabitant of the coastal areas of deserts. This is the smallest of all owls in the world. Of course, the elves have nothing to do with her. Just by that name I wanted to emphasize its feature. She can also be given the title of the lightest owl in the world, because their weight is about 40 g. Their size is tiny, the adult reaches 14 cm in length, and the wingspan does not exceed 27 cm. If you keep owls at home, then only elven ones. It’s not so difficult for them to get food, because they eat almost any insects.

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Annual migration

Specialists began to study this species of birds and discovered interesting facts about them. It turns out that during the year they migrate over considerable distances. This is due to the harsh features of the region. In spring and autumn, they are found in the arid deserts of northern Mexico. There they breed and grow their cubs. They inhabit mainly areas where there are many cacti, woody canyons. In winter, they migrate south, spending colder times in the warm coastal areas of Mexico.

Variety of species

And here nature has prepared a surprise for us. Although they are similar in many respects, the owls living here are divided into subspecies. It is possible that not all of them have been studied yet and soon the list will be replenished with new names. But so far, three subspecies of elven owls have been recognized:

  • Micrathene whitney idonea. Found only in southern Texas.
  • Micrathene whitney sanfordi. California resident.
  • Micrathene whitney Graysoni lives on Socorro Island.


general description

And now we will draw a portrait so that it is clear what this bird is. The first thing that distinguishes it is its size. It’s unusual to see owls of such tiny sizes. The back and wings are rusty brown. Orange-brown spots are scattered across them, which is a natural camouflage that allows you to merge with the desert landscape.


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The light spot turns almost white to the crown of the head. A line of contrasting stripes highlights the edge of each wing. The chest and stomach do not have a uniform color, it is rather a mixture of brown and orange stripes.


Round eyes and hooked nose

These are typical signs of all owls. But the elven species are surprising here. On the mask, white feathers are clearly visible, which draw eyebrows. The color of the head is dominated by orange shades. The nose is gray with a horny tip. The iris is mostly yellow.

Unlike most relatives, the elven owl does not have ear bundles. On a small, rounded head, in principle, there are no protruding elements. Their wings are framed as well as in all other representatives of this species. A special arrangement of feathers allows for a quiet flight.

Nest building

The smaller the creature, the greater the threat it poses to predators. And the female is most vulnerable during the hatching of eggs, as well as the feeding of the cubs. Toddlers themselves are a tasty prey. This is what prompted the owls to find an extraordinary option of protection, that is, learn to nest in the abandoned woodpecker nests.

Desert orders are not unique to owls. Woodpeckers here do not settle on oaks, but in the soft pulp of giant cacti. This is much easier than beating wood with your beak. At the same time, they expertly make their way inside. On the surface you can see only a small hole, and inside the cavity will be as the master considers it necessary.

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After the woodpecker leaves its nest, owls occupy an empty niche. Their beak is not well suited for the construction of a similar house, so they rent ready-made rooms.


Useful work

Woodpeckers hollow out the nesting cavity, which is known as the saguaro boot. They form inside the fleshy pulp of a cactus. The reason is simple, in response to woodpecker wounds, the plant begins to secrete a resinous liquid. It hardens in air and turns into a strong crust, which prevents further loss of moisture. The result is a reliable and convenient nest for the woodpecker, and then for the elven owl.

There are other fans to use the nests for their own purposes. Desert bees often make hives in them, filling them with sweet honey. Even when cacti die, the hard boot remains resistant to decomposition. Indigenous people used to use them as containers.


We were a little distracted. It is these reliable nests that the female elven owl chooses to lay 2-4 white eggs. The breeding season is in May - June. Males find empty nests and begin to sing. Some do not even leave the nests, so large cacti are announced with loud trills. The attracted females inspect the future house and, if it suits them, they accept the invitation.


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During courtship, the male will feed the partner, showing the seriousness of his intentions. After mating, the female lays eggs and begins to hatch. It lasts 21-24 days, and chicks hatch into the light. Within a few weeks, the mother does not leave the nest with the offspring. Father continues to bring them food.

When the young owls turn two weeks old, both parents leave the nest to hunt. The offspring grows up and requires more food. For about 40 days, the chicks will live under the auspices of their parents, after which they will begin to search for their own food.


Owl food

All birds of this family are exceptionally predatory. The tiny size of an elven owl does not allow it to hunt rodents, so the main diet is arthropods. Insects, spiders, even scorpions. Large night beetles are the food base.

Owls fly out to hunt at dusk and at dawn. They have excellent hearing, so they can find food in complete darkness.
