
"Save, I climbed into the apartment, and the owner returned." Strange 911 calls

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"Save, I climbed into the apartment, and the owner returned." Strange 911 calls
"Save, I climbed into the apartment, and the owner returned." Strange 911 calls

When someone dials 911, this is most often the threat to life, an emergency or crime, rather than minor everyday frustrations like a spoiled order in a restaurant. 911 operators have extremely hard work; they must quickly gather and prepare the information necessary to provide immediate assistance. It is important to know that calling 911 for an emergency is illegal and could result in a fine or imprisonment. However, there are no rules without exceptions: the following selection contains the most awkward 911 calls in the entire history of the rescue telephone line.

His foot is sticking out of a car window!


The woman called 911 because she saw a gentleman who was driving, putting his foot out the window. She continued to follow him in her car until he stopped. The dispatcher tried to explain to the woman that kicking out the window was not against the law. She hung up and again tried to call 911. Then the woman was warned that if she continued to call, she would receive a fine for abuse of emergency communications.

They stole my burger

The hungry man realized that he had seven burgers in his hands instead of eight ordered when he reached the car. The man returned to the restaurant to rectify the situation, but something went wrong and he did not come up with anything better than reporting 911 to operators.


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What will I get for growing cannabis?

One day, a 911 dispatcher received a call from a 21-year-old boy who asked what punishment was awaiting him for raising hemp. The dispatcher explained that this depends on the size of the production, to which the preemptive young man replied that it was just a seedling. Soon the police came to the guy and arrested him.

There are crocodiles sitting in the river!

The woman dialed 911 to report that alligators are found in the local river. After the dispatcher explained to her that this situation is typical of Florida, the American expressed concern, because her children are swimming and playing in this pond. The perplexed dispatcher asked why a woman allows her children to swim in the water teeming with alligators, which did not receive a sensible answer.

I asked them to cook Western!


The woman dialed 911 because her local Burger King had not prepared Western correctly. The dispatcher tried to explain to the lady that nothing criminal was happening, and suggested she calmly talk to the manager.

Chinese food was terrible

The woman called 911 because the delivered Chinese food did not meet her standards. Then she complained that she was trying to return the money, but the restaurant refused to do so. The dispatcher asked why she decided to contact the emergency service with such a problem, to which the woman replied: "What else should I do, go and beat them?"

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The cat holds the phone with its paws, so that the owner would be comfortable watching a movie: photo

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I can't open my beer


An elderly woman turned to the rescue service because she could not open a bottle of beer. The woman decided that an alcoholic drink would help her fall asleep. She asked the dispatcher if they could send a person to meet her downstairs and open the bottle. The responsive operator agreed to send help and informed the elderly lady that someone would come to her soon.

A seal flounders in the ocean

The woman dialed 911 when she spotted a seal near the shore, which was floundering in the water and behaving anxiously. She asked if anyone could come and help the animal. The dispatcher rejected the caller’s request with the words: “With all due respect, the seal is an aquatic mammal, and if it cannot survive in the ocean, then I’m afraid this is called natural selection.”

I was not served because I walked

Mr. Kimbell called 911 to say that the Taco Bell restaurant refused to accept his order when the man approached the distribution center on his own. “You have to drive by car, not go on foot, ” the man complained. Kimbell then told the dispatcher that he was still at the restaurant and had a brutal appetite, and asked if 911 employees were going to help him or just arrest him.

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My husband refuses to eat dinner


The 53-year-old woman called 911 to complain that her own husband was refusing to eat dinner prepared for him. Since this was not the first appeal of a citizen due to an emergency situation, this time the woman was arrested: before that, she called to inform that she could not find her clothes and that her dogs had run away.

I ordered two sandwiches but didn’t get what I paid for

911 operators were faced with yet another case of food frustration. The upset man complained that he had bought two sandwiches at the Subway fast food restaurant, but both had neither mustard nor mayonnaise.

I'm stoned

The young man called 911 because he was too drunk. He was afraid that he would cease to feel anything and would not be able to control himself. When the police arrived, they found a 22-year-old young man sleeping in an embryo position amid a mountain of chips and crackers.

I am 45 and I would like to meet that cop again

45-year-old Laura Dudash dialed 911 in the hope that in this way she could see the police officer who liked her, who had already left her house some time ago. The woman admitted that she did not have an emergency, but could not think of another way to contact the policeman. The most surprising thing is that this officer again came to the woman and arrested him for a false call.

My conditioner is messing up

A woman called 911 during a small hurricane in Florida. She began to tell the dispatcher that something was wrong with her air conditioner. The operator tried to explain that this could be due to a hurricane. Then the woman screamed in a panicky voice that she could not open the windows and she was running out of air, after which she hung up.