
The average depth of the Bering Sea

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The average depth of the Bering Sea
The average depth of the Bering Sea

Video: Depth Comparison 3D 4K 60FPS 2024, July

Video: Depth Comparison 3D 4K 60FPS 2024, July

Our planet is a beautiful blue ball on which there are many natural and artificial reservoirs. They support the life of all living things on earth, giving shelter to many fish, shellfish and other organisms.

One of the natural reservoirs of our planet is the Bering Sea, the depth, bottom topography and fauna of which are of great interest to many natural scientists, tourists and naturalists around the world. These indicators will be discussed in this article.


Between two continents

What is the average depth of the Bering Sea? Before answering this question, let's find out where the pond is located.

The Bering Sea, which belongs to the Pacific Basin, is a conditional border between two continents - Asia and North America. On the northwest side, the reservoir is washed by the coast of Kamchatka and Chukotka, while the northeastern side is the coast of Western Alaska.

From the south, the sea is closed by a series of islands (Aleutian and Commander), and from the north it connects with the Strait of the same name to the Arctic Ocean.

Here are the islands located along the border of the Bering Sea (about the depth of which we will talk a little lower):

  1. On the part of the United States of America (more precisely, the Alaska Peninsula), territories such as Kruzenshtern Island, Nunivak, Pribylov Islands, Aleutian Islands, King Island, St. Matthew Island, and others appear.

  2. From the Russian Federation, the Bering Sea washes only three island territories. This is the island of Ratmanov (from the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug), as well as the Komandorski Islands and Karaginsky Island (the latter are part of the Kamchatka Territory).

A bit about geographical discoveries

What is the story of the discovery of the Bering Sea, the depth and remoteness of which at all times led many sailors in an indescribable thrill?

It is known that the pond received its name in honor of the first researcher who went on an expedition to Kamchatka in the distant 1730s. This person was a Dane by nationality, a Russian vocation officer - Vitus Ianassen Bering. By order of Emperor Peter I, the captain of the fleet was instructed to study in detail the northern places and determine the border between the two continents.

The first expedition was devoted to the inspection and development of the eastern coast of Kamchatka and the southern coast of the Chukotka Peninsula, as well as the study of the strait that serves as the border between America and Eurasia. Bering is considered the first representative of Europe to plow these places.

After his return to St. Petersburg, a brave navigator petitioned for the equipment of the second expedition, which took place quite soon and became the largest in history. Six thousand people, led by the fearless Bering, scrupulously explored the water body up to Japan. Alaska, the Aleutian archipelago and many other uncharted lands were discovered.

The captain himself reached the American coast and carefully examined the Kayak islet, having studied its fauna and flora.


The conditions of the Far North adversely affected the journey of a large expedition. Sailors and explorers faced incredible cold and snow drifts, several times underwent a storm and storms.

Unfortunately, returning to Russia, Bering died during a forced winter on one of the islands.

Statistical Facts

What is the depth of the Bering Sea? This reservoir is considered the largest and deepest in the Russian Federation and one of the largest in the world. Why can I say that?

The fact is that the total area of ​​the sea is 2.315 million square meters. km This is due to the fact that the length of the reservoir from north to south covers one thousand six hundred kilometers, and from east to west - two thousand four hundred kilometers. Scientists even calculated the volume of sea water. It reaches 3, 795, 000 cubic kilometers. It is not surprising that the average depth of the Bering Sea impresses with its impressive numbers and meanings.

Briefly about the main thing

The average and maximum depth of the Bering Sea reaches one thousand six hundred meters and four thousand fifty one meters, respectively. As you can see, the difference between the indicators is very large. This is due to the fact that a large half of the body of water is occupied by an area with depth indicators of less than five hundred meters. According to some scientists, this indicator is the minimum depth of the Bering Sea. That is why it is considered a marginal body of water of the continental-oceanic type.

Location of the most important points

Where is the average and maximum depth of the Bering Sea? As mentioned above, the average indicators of the reservoir cover about half of its entire area. As for the maximum indicators (or max. Depth of the Bering Sea), they are recorded in the southern part of the reservoir. Here is the specific coordinate: fifty-four degrees north latitude and one hundred seventy-one degrees west longitude. This part of the sea is called deep sea. It was divided by the underwater ridges of Bowers and Shirshov into three basins, the names of which are Aleutian, Commander and Bowers.


However, this also applies to the maximum depth of the Bering Sea. The minimum depth is recorded in its northeastern region. Its length, according to the calculations of many researchers, reaches about seven hundred kilometers.

Bottom and its characteristic

Scientists have long determined that the structure of the seabed is very interconnected with its depth. The bottom relief of the Bering Sea has clear divisions:

  1. Shelf. This zone, located on the northern and eastern side of the sea, is characterized by depths of up to two hundred meters and occupies more than forty percent of the entire reservoir. It is a gently sloping plain with several islands, hollows and low elevations.

  2. Island sandbank. This area is located off the coast of Kamchatka and the Commander-Aleutian island ridge. The surface topography is very complex and may undergo some changes due to the proximity of volcanic and seismic manifestations.

  3. Mainland slope. It is located between Cape Navarin and Unimak Island and is characterized by depth indicators from two hundred to three thousand meters. This area also has a complex sloping terrain, the angle of which varies from one to three degrees to twenty degrees and above. There are beautiful underwater valleys and canyons with steep steep slopes.

  4. Deep sea basin. This zone is located in the center and in the southwest of the reservoir. It is characterized by small underwater ridges. Due to the complexity of its relief, a deep-sea basin provides constant water exchange between different parts of the sea.

Temperature mode

What about the temperature of air and water? In the summer over the water area it is pretty cool (about seven to ten degrees Celsius). In winter, the temperature can range from minus one to minus thirty.


The average temperature of water masses in many cases depends on the depth of the Bering Sea. The maximum depth has a temperature of one to three degrees Celsius (with a positive mark), while at the minimum depth warmer indicators are observed (from seven to ten degrees). At medium depths, the temperature regime varies between two or four degrees Celsius.

Salinity Information

The same principle applies to salinity: the greater the depth, the higher the performance.

At minimum depths, the salinity of the water varies between twenty-two to thirty-two ppm. The middle zone is characterized by marks thirty-three to thirty-four ppm, while the salinity of deep-sea waters almost reaches thirty-five ppm.

Water freezing

It is interesting that the surface of the Bering Sea is annually covered with ice in this ratio: half of the reservoir freezes over five months, while its northern part can be exposed to glaciers for seven months or longer.


It is noteworthy that Lawrence Bay, located on the eastern shore of the Bering Sea, can not be cleared of ice masses year-round, while the waters of the Bering Strait almost never undergo severe freezing.

Rich wildlife

Despite the low temperatures and deep waters, the reservoir between America and Eurasia is actively inhabited. Here you can find four hundred and two species of fish, four species of crab, four species of shrimp, two species of mollusks, as well as a large number of mammals, especially pinnipeds.


Let's talk in more detail about the living creatures that inhabit the cold and deep waters of the Bering Sea.


In the pond most often there are different varieties of gobies. The goby family belongs to the bottom fish that live on the coast.

The body of an adult individual, slightly flattened behind, can reach forty centimeters in length. On it are located dorsal fins (usually in the amount of two pieces) and a suction cup on the belly, with which the fish is attached to the stones. Bull spawning occurs in March-August.

Among salmon in the Bering Sea, whitefish and nelma, as well as Pacific salmon, which are valuable commercial fish, are especially distinguished.

This family is diverse for its many species and representatives. The body length of salmonids can vary from three centimeters to two meters, and the weight of adults and large individuals can reach seven to ten kilograms.

The body of the fish is elongated, compressed on the sides. It has multi-beam abdominal and pectoral fins. There are two pectoral fins (one ordinary, and the second is a leathery outgrowth of adipose tissue - a characteristic sign of all salmon-like).

Spawning of this fish species occurs only in fresh waters.