
The old woman lived in poverty, not even knowing that she owns real wealth

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The old woman lived in poverty, not even knowing that she owns real wealth
The old woman lived in poverty, not even knowing that she owns real wealth

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Video: Shoe Saleswoman Humiliates Poor Woman, Then Instantly Regrets Her Decision | Dhar Mann 2024, June

It's no secret that most of the pensioners in our country are forced to live, counting every penny. Small pensions, high prices for food and utilities, medicines and other attributes of a normal life. It often happens that the elderly do not have enough money even for food. Meanwhile, some retirees have real treasures and do not even suspect about it.


This story happened in Krasnoyarsk. In one of the apartment buildings lived a single grandmother - Valeria Petrovna. Lived - a big name, rather existed. All her small pension went to pay for utilities, a simple set of products and numerous medicines, because with old age came illnesses. The last 5-7 days before retirement were especially hard. The money was running out by this moment, and Valeria Petrovna was forced to eat once a day, boiling herself one potato a day.

New neighbor


So a pensioner would have lived until the end of her days, but everything changed in one moment. The neighboring apartment, which was empty for quite some time, was acquired by a man. Having started the repair, he went to the old woman to warn her that in the near future it might be noisy. Valeria Petrovna had nothing against and wished him a speedy completion of construction work.

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Upon completion of the repair, the man decided to thank the non-conflict grandmother next door, and went to visit her, taking a cake in the nearest pastry shop. Valeria Petrovna invited the guest to the kitchen and made tea. Looking at this procedure (the old woman poured the last crumbs out of the pack into the tea pot), and then the drink itself, reminiscent of straw in color, the man sadly sighed, correctly assessing his grandmother's financial situation.


During a tea party, the old woman unexpectedly opened up to herself with a guest, complaining of a difficult life. After a tea party, they went into the room where Valeria Petrovna showed the man the work of her late husband - he was a good, but, alas, unsuccessful artist.

Treasure in the sideboard


After seeing the pictures, the man froze near the sideboard. Behind the glass of old furniture was a real treasure - ancient porcelain figurines.

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The guest, who turned out to be an antique dealer, asked the old woman where she got such curious specimens from, but Valeria Petrovna herself didn’t know for sure - the figures had been in her family for a long time, having migrated to them after the death of her husband’s parents.


Upon learning about how much the figurines cost, my grandmother cried - for 20 porcelain figurines that had been collecting dust on shelves for so many years, one and a half million rubles could be saved.


The new neighbor helped Valeria Petrovna profitably sell antiques that were completely unnecessary to her, and today the old woman lives without denying herself food and other things that are simply necessary for a normal life.
