
The capital of Alaska - Anchorage or Juneau?

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The capital of Alaska - Anchorage or Juneau?
The capital of Alaska - Anchorage or Juneau?

Video: Why is JUNEAU the capital of Alaska | Not Anchorage? 2024, July

Video: Why is JUNEAU the capital of Alaska | Not Anchorage? 2024, July

Alaska is the northernmost state of the United States. Not many cities are located on its territory, and there are no large megacities at all.


Like any state of America, Alaska has a capital. But which city is the capital of Alaska? The answer to this question is contained in the text of the article.

State territory

Alaska occupies a vast territory, which includes the Alaska Peninsula, a narrow strip in the northwest of the continent, the Aleutian Islands and the Alexander Archipelago. Alaska is an exclave separated from the USA by Canada. The state is washed by two oceans: the Arctic Ocean from the north and the Pacific from the west and south. The Bering Strait in the west separates Alaska from the Russian Federation. The state relief is special. A narrow strip of the Alaskan ridge stretches along the coastline, which is part of the world's greatest mountain range - the Cordillera. The ridge is known not only for beautiful landscapes and huge glaciers, but also for the location on it of the highest peak in all of North America - Mount Denali.


The height of this mountain, also known as McKinley, is 6, 190 m. After the intracontinental plateau, the Brooks mountain range in the north of the state follows. The climate, depending on the region, is different: from the temperate sea on the Pacific coast to the continental Arctic in the depths of the peninsula. The Aleutian Islands are also mountainous. There are active volcanoes on the peninsula: Kathmay, Augustine, Cleveland, Pavlova Volcano. Volcano Redout erupted recently, in 2009. The nature of Alaska is incredibly beautiful, despite the permafrost, which covers a large territory of the state.

Alaska's capital: history

During the development of the territory by Russian discoverers at the turn of the XVII-XIX centuries, the center of Alaska was the city of Novo-Arkhangelsk (now Sitka). Then it was the center of the fur and whaling industry. After the sale of this territory to America, the same capital of Alaska remained - Sitka. However, by the end of the XIX century, when the city ceased to be promising, the city of Juneau became the capital. Gold reserves were found here, then oil. Nowadays, the capital of Alaska is Juneau.


Alaska's capital: controversial issues

The capital is usually the largest city, with primacy in area and population. However, in Alaska this principle does not apply. The capital of Alaska is far from the largest city: its population is about 35 thousand people. This peculiarity gives reason to believe that the state capital should be the city of Anchorage - the largest city in Alaska. In terms of population, he surpasses Juneau almost ten times. The infrastructure of the city is much better developed than in the capital. So the question is, is Alaska's capital Anchorage or Juneau? The question of transferring the capital from Juneau was repeatedly raised by the inhabitants of Anchorage, but, according to a survey, the population of other cities is against the transfer. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Juneau is located closer to the continental states.