
Public Relations - an effective tool in the process of the enterprise

Public Relations - an effective tool in the process of the enterprise
Public Relations - an effective tool in the process of the enterprise

Video: Lecture 007 Public Relation,tools and techniques of public relation 2024, June

Video: Lecture 007 Public Relation,tools and techniques of public relation 2024, June

Communication with the public, as you know, is a form of establishing a connection between the organization’s philosophy and its practical activities and the interests of the target audience, and also serves as a criterion for assessing the opinion of society. Proper organization of public relations contributes to the development and implementation of plans to ensure understanding, awareness, perception, activity and support of this very public.


In practice, various tactical and strategic means of establishing contacts with some internal and external target audiences constitute public relations. Such interaction creates all conditions for the delivery of a message informing the audience and forming certain knowledge with it.

Public relations is a way of creating or changing opinions, actions and relationships that are important for achieving marketing goals. In our modern information period, when making decisions on the purchase of a product or service, consumers often need to have a certain amount of detailed information that can be obtained through appropriate channels.


The effectiveness of communication with the public is evidenced by its tools, which can include: news on television, websites, sociological studies of various kinds, popularizing announcements and newsletters, as well as industry symposia, lecture cycles and public actions.

The decision to include this issue in the structure of the marketing complex is taken by the committee of public relations, dealing with issues of interaction with the consumer, improving the brand image, as well as improving the degree of trust in it, which begins with awareness and ends with an increase in loyalty and a change in consumer opinion. To ensure the fulfillment of these functions, it is necessary to ensure the establishment of communications with various external and internal audiences. Secondly, the committee is exploring the possibility of increasing the consumer value of a particular product or service using information methods. When faced with various threats (both current and potential) or a critical situation arises that can be overcome to protect a particular brand, the public relations committee does its job. And fourthly, public relations is necessary when influencing decisions and activities of legislative bodies, which can have a significant impact on business.


The use of public relations as a link between the organization and some audiences that can have a beneficial effect on its activities is quite effective in modern business conditions. It is in this role that public relations often performs certain functions.