
Titov Konstantin Alekseevich: biography, family, photo

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Titov Konstantin Alekseevich: biography, family, photo
Titov Konstantin Alekseevich: biography, family, photo

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The busy social life that Konstantin Alekseevich Titov lived is an example of political longevity and “unsinkability”. He was the governor, party leader, presidential candidate, member of the Federation Council. Such a biography would be enough for a few people. And today Titov continues to work, engage in business and social activities.


Childhood and family

Konstantin Titov was born in Moscow on October 30, 1944. The head of the Titov family, Alexei Sergeyevich, worked in one of the major departments of the national economy. Almost immediately after the birth of a son, the family moves to the small town of Kalach-on-Don near Volgograd. Konstantin's father worked in the management of forced labor camps and supervised the construction work of the Volga-Don connecting channel with the involvement of prisoners. In 1952, the Titovs again moved to the city of Vytegra, here the head of the family commands the construction of the Volga-Baltic waterway. And in 1953 they settled in Stavropol-on-Volga (now Togliatti), where the father receives an appointment to the post of head of the logistics department of Kuybyshevgidrostroy at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The family lived in relative prosperity and well-being, Kostya did not feel the need, which many military and post-war children remember.



In Togliatti, Konstantin Titov graduated from high school, where he studied very well. After graduating from school, in 1962 he entered the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute in the evening department and at the same time worked as a milling machine operator at the aviation plant in Kuibyshev (today Samara). In 1968, Titov received a diploma of higher education and was assigned to work at the same aircraft factory in distribution. In 1975, he entered the graduate school of the Planning Institute in Kuibyshev, and after a few years he defended his thesis at the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics.

The beginning of adulthood

After graduation, Titov Konstantin Alekseevich worked for several years as a flight mechanic at the flight test station of the aircraft factory in Kuibyshev. There he is actively engaged in social and Komsomol work. And in 1970 he became the released secretary of the Komsomol organization. He goes to the Gorky Komsomol, where he recommends himself well. In 1973, he becomes secretary of the Komsomol organization of the planning institute, where he studies in full-time postgraduate study.

Scientist career

Konstantin Alekseevich Titov chose a scientific career for himself and over the course of 15 years has gone from a junior research assistant to the head of a research laboratory, which was the base site of the USSR State Planning Committee for the Volga Region. Much later, in 2003, he defended his doctoral dissertation in economics on regional economic policy.


Years of perestroika

With the beginning of changes in the country, Titov Konstantin Alekseevich felt new opportunities. In 1988, he becomes deputy director of the Informatics research and production center, where he establishes contractual activities. He is also captured by turbulent political processes. In 1990, Titov was elected to the city council of people's deputies and became chairman of this democracy body.


In 1991, after the August coup, Titov Konstantin Alekseevich, whose biography was now long associated with politics, was appointed B.N. Yeltsin, the head of the administration of the Samara region. In 1996, he confirmed this status by winning the election of the governor of the Samara region. In total, he was the head of the region for 16 years. Over the years, he twice resigned and then returned, thanks to the election. In the 90s, the Samara region showed high economic growth, largely due to the ability of Titov to receive huge budgetary injections from the center. He enjoyed great authority in the region and did a lot for his stable development. In 2004, his powers expired, and by law he could not once again apply for the post of governor. Titov initiated amendments to the local law on the extension of the term of office of the head of administration, and in 2005 the president cancels the election of governors. Konstantin Alekseevich made great efforts to ensure that the president left him in this position. He worked until 2007, when he decided to resign.



Since the beginning of the 90s, Titov was fascinated by big politics, and for many years he actively participated in the public life of the country. Over the years of his activity, he has been a member of 8 parties. In 1999-2000, he headed the Union of Right Forces. Twice during his career, Titov was offered to become deputy prime minister of the Russian government, and both times he refused. In 2000, Konstantin Alekseevich Titov, whose photo was often seen on the pages of the political chronicle, ran for president of the Russian Federation. These were the years of very great fame and popularity of Titov. In 2004-2007, he was chairman of the Russian Party of Social Democracy. He also periodically adjoined various political movements. Since 2005, he became a member of the ruling United Russia party.

Council of the Federation

Since 1993, the governor of the Samara region was a member of the Federation Council. He was a member of the regional policy council. After the resignation of the post of governor, Titov Konstantin Alekseevich, for whom the Federation Council became the main place of work, became the deputy committee on social policy. Since 2008, he has been working on a commission on interaction between the Federation Council and the Accounts Chamber. In 2014, at the proposal of the Samara governor Merkushin Titov, Dmitry Azarov replaced the Federation Council in the Federation Council. Thus ended the great political career of Konstantin Alekseevich.



Throughout his life, Konstantin Titov did not stop to engage in various types of entrepreneurial activity. He owned shares in several enterprises in Samara and Tolyatti. In 2016, he, together with other shareholders, opens the Mergel company in Samara, which is engaged in the development of sand and gravel pits in the region.


During his life, Titov Konstantin Alekseevich received many honorary titles and various awards. He is an Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Basic Sciences. Titov - Knight of the Orders of Friendship, Sergius of Radonezh, “For Honor and Valor”, Prince Vladimir. Repeatedly Konstantin Alekseevich received various public awards for his social activity, has the Order of “Public Recognition”.
