
Tornado. How is this phenomenon formed?

Tornado. How is this phenomenon formed?
Tornado. How is this phenomenon formed?

Video: How do tornadoes form? - James Spann 2024, July

Video: How do tornadoes form? - James Spann 2024, July

One of the most destructive natural phenomena is a tornado. How this vortex is formed, sweeping away everything in its path, has not yet been clarified. The main reason for its appearance is the collision of streams of warm and cold air. Usually a tornado forms during a thunderstorm, and is accompanied by rain or hail. There are times when a whirlwind is blocked off by a veil of rain, and this factor makes this phenomenon even more dangerous, as it makes the funnel invisible to the eyes, and people have less time to hide from the tornado. How this creates an incredible threat to life does not need to be explained for a long time.

When a tornado forms, the air temperature drops sharply. Just a few minutes is enough to make it tangible. Soon you can see the appearance of the culprit of the "triumph" - a tornado. How his “body” is formed at the same time is another interesting and frightening process. A kind of trunk begins to descend from heaven to earth, which when it reaches its surface turns into a deadly phenomenon. By the way, a tornado can have a wide variety of forms. This may be the shape of a column, cone, glass, barrel, or beech-like rope. In addition, a tornado can take the form of an hourglass or the so-called "devil horns" (these are vortices with several funnels), as well as many other shapes. However, most often such hurricanes observed are in the form of a rotating trunk, pipe or funnel.


The speed of rotation of the air masses inside the funnel can reach 450 kilometers per hour. In addition, a tornado “sucks” into itself everything that occurs in its path. It is also dangerous that the air that is inside the funnel drops. And being outside, on the contrary, rises. This creates an area of ​​very thin air, due to which objects filled with gas, and sometimes residential buildings, can simply explode.

The places where tornadoes appear (how this phenomenon is formed is already known) can be different. But it was especially “lucky” to observe such vortices of the North American continent. The central US states are most affected by the tornado attack; Eastern states in this sense live easier. For example, Florida has gained fame as the "edge of the waterspouts." Whirlwinds come here from the sea almost every day.

Incredible strength and power was also possessed by a tornado in Oklahoma, which "walked" through the state on May 20, 2013. The diameter of the vortex of this vortex was three kilometers, and the wind speed inside it reached 320 kilometers per hour. This tornado destroyed two schools in which classes were going on at that time, as well as a hospital.


The number of victims was simply huge, and the material damage inflicted amounted to three billion dollars. This 2013 tornado, on a power rating scale, received a maximum hazard level of EF-5.

It should be noted that very often the so-called "tornado hunters" become victims of these dangerous phenomena. These are desperate and courageous (or stupid?) People who remove tornadoes as close as possible. There were times when these daredevils managed to photograph even the epicenter of the vortex. However, whether these pictures and videos are worth putting their lives in such danger - this question everyone decides for himself.