
Convinced vegetarians should not eat avocados and kiwis: on migratory beekeeping, exploitation of bees and their suffering

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Convinced vegetarians should not eat avocados and kiwis: on migratory beekeeping, exploitation of bees and their suffering
Convinced vegetarians should not eat avocados and kiwis: on migratory beekeeping, exploitation of bees and their suffering

One video that quickly spread across the Internet contained an excerpt from a comedy American quiz. The video asks which of the following foods is suitable for vegetarians: avocado, almonds, melon, kiwi and oil squash. The answer surprised everyone - none of the above. Let's find out what this statement is related to.


The cultivation of these products, at least in some parts of the world, often depends on migratory beekeeping. In places like California, there are not enough local bees or other similar insects to pollinate huge almond orchards.

Bee hives are transported by truck between farms - from almond orchards in one part of the USA to avocado orchards in another, and then delivered to sunflower fields in the summer.

Vegetarians shun animal products. Therefore, vegans also refuse from honey due to the exploitation of bees. Accordingly, they should also avoid vegetables, such as avocados, which are associated with the exploitation of bees in their production.

Avocado Protection

The revelation that avocados may not be "vegetarian" may seem absurd in terms of ethical standards. Some people may point this out and claim that all those vegetarians who still consume avocados (almonds and the like) are hypocrites.

On the other hand, this kind of news can cause some people to be upset about the inability to live a truly vegetarian diet, and therefore may give up.

Due to the fact that the exploitation of bees occurs only in certain countries, vegans do not refuse avocados. For example, in the UK this practice is rare.

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Squash, most likely, you can eat without remorse (although no one can guarantee that the bee transported in the hive did not pollinate the crop). But avocados and almonds (including milk from it) from California can be a problem.


Are the fears justified?

Many worry about the moral state of bees. They may die due to exploitation. Transportation of bees negatively affects health and their life expectancy.

Some vegetarians wonder if the torture of animals that are allowed to be considered meat can be considered similar to the torment of bees.

That, eat you melons, avocados, almonds, only your decision. If you think that transportation is harmful to bees, then you can avoid these products. If not, then consume.

The point of view of vegetarians

Some vegetarians do not eat meat and other foods, so as not to lead an immoral lifestyle. This may be due to the fact that then they achieve their desires (satisfy hunger) using another creature.

But when viewed from a moral point of view, the exploitation of bees is clearly reflected in them badly. Therefore, it is erroneous from this position to eat the described foods, but to avoid meat.

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Some other vegetarians do not consume animal products, because although to minimize the killing of animals. This can also be compared with the sphere of beekeeping. Yes, the suffering of one bee is really not comparable with the killing of a cow, but one not only pollinates plants … In California alone, there are about 31 billion bees in specialized fields.

That is, that vegan that continues to use almonds and avocados does not follow its principle.

Please note that bee migration negatively affects the environment. Honey bees become infected by infecting other individuals. From this point of view - the bees are still exploited and they are suffering.

Diet choice

Therefore, if you decide to stick to vegetarianism, then stick to one position. Draw a clear line and decide why you eat it, but don’t eat something else.

Also understand that when choosing a diet, you need to balance the amount of energy spent and received. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of dishes.

If you can not do without avocados or almonds, but you feel guilty, then it’s better to abandon the vegan diet in general. Find some kind of balance so that your nervous system is not in constant stress, this will affect your health.
