
The cleaning lady made a secret room at school. Not every child can get there

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The cleaning lady made a secret room at school. Not every child can get there
The cleaning lady made a secret room at school. Not every child can get there

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Once in 2014, Caroline went to work in the morning shift. There was still a lot of time before the start of classes, so she thought that the building would be quiet and empty. The woman was genuinely surprised that another school staff member approached her and asked her to look after a group of students who had already come to school. “No child will just come to such an early age, ” the cleaning lady thought and decided to learn more about the children.

Heartbreaking Truth


Caroline tried to talk with the students and find out why they came so early. But most of them did not seem to want to answer her questions. This did not stop Caroline. She continued to chat with a pair of brothers and sisters, who clearly looked as if they wanted to say something, but were ashamed. Thanks to Caroline's caring and friendly behavior, in the end the children admitted that they are homeless. Schoolchildren lived in a car and did not eat normally for several days. Caroline wanted to help the guys.

Serious problem

On that day, Caroline managed to get some food for the children whom she was entrusted with caring for. But after talking with other students, the woman found out that these students are far from the only ones who need help.

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“Some of them sleep in cars, some in hotels. But they want to learn! ”Says Caroline.

And this problem goes far beyond the school and even the city.

No child deserves to be homeless

It turns out teenage homelessness is a big problem throughout Georgia. According to a 2017 report by the State Department of Communities, about 23 percent of the homeless are under the age of 18. The lack of permanent housing seriously affects the health of young people, their mental well-being and academic performance.

And for Caroline, the problem was also personal …

Touched by tragedy


A few years ago, Caroline's son was killed during the invasion of the house. So when she found out about all these homeless and hungry teens at her school, she again felt maternal pain. The woman knew that these children were extremely vulnerable to the dangers of crime and violence. She wanted to do something to prevent it.

“I don't want these boys to start killing and stealing in the future, ” Caroline said. But how could she do this?

Woman begins to act

Caroline thought she could bring basic necessities from home and help her students. But she soon realized that this was not enough. The number of children in need was very large.

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The woman knew that she needed some kind of separate place where she could store those things that she brought herself, and which other school staff wanted to share. Fortunately, she found him.

“Care cabinet”


Caroline remembered that they had a closet in the school where cleaners are stored. It was not completely filled, there was enough free space there. Adults gradually began to bring things that homeless students might need: clothes, shoes, canned goods, and personal hygiene items. Everything that could at least make their life a little easier. The woman called it the “Care Cabinet”.

Despite the fact that many school employees joined the charity gesture, Caroline made most of the contribution from her own pocket. But for her it did not matter.

Helping dozens of needy children


According to estimates, for almost 4 years of existence of the “Care Cabinet”, Caroline helped around 20-30 schoolchildren annually. She also knows that these are not all children who need support.


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“Many children are silent about their problems. I ask teachers to pay more attention to students. If someone walks with his head bowed or in the same clothes every day, I should know about them. ”

It is worth noting that the woman's efforts did not go unnoticed.

Grateful teens


Most Tucker High School children know who Caroline is and what she does. Those whom she helped gave her charming nicknames, for example, Aunt Caroline. “She is a caretaker, she is a giver, she has everything we need, ” said one of the students.

Soon, rumors of Caroline's kindness and her "secret chamber" spread far beyond the school.

Public recognition

In December 2017, 11Alive from Atlanta filmed a story about Caroline and posted the video on his Facebook page. It has been viewed 1.6 million times! Naturally, people were delighted with the compassion shown by this woman who did everything possible to help needy children.

Unexpected help


La Detra White is a local writer and entrepreneur. Having learned the story of Caroline, she wanted to make the woman a Christmas surprise. Together with a small group of people, she came to visit Caroline and gave her some money, as well as items for the “wardrobe for care” in the amount of $ 1, 300. Needless to say, how happy was the heroine of our article?

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“I'll pay my eyelashes now, ” she joked.

“Care cabinet” is booming

Caroline's story continued to spread throughout the country and ultimately, thanks to Steve Harvey, became nationwide news.

Harvey's team interviewed a pair of Tucker high school students who were thrilled with Caroline's kindness. They also took off the woman herself, who went to the store for the $ 5, 000 shopping that she gave. And this was not the biggest surprise in Caroline's life.

A true reward for kindness


Knowing how much Caroline did for others, Harvey decided that she deserved much more than the usual "thank you." Therefore, he gave the woman another shopping worth $ 15, 000 at Sam's Club. But this time she had to buy things for herself.

Caroline could not hold back the tears from such an unexpected surprise. She always believed that the biggest reward was the opportunity to help disadvantaged children.

“They can come to me and ask for anything. If this is something I have, I will definitely give it to them, ”Caroline said during a conversation with Harley.